<<display Fire>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[The Callow stumbles backwards a few steps before tumbling to the ground...|IntroSentryVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display IntroSentryAttack>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroSentryFight]]<<endif>>
You equip the Keteriya.\n[[Melee + 187|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $keteriya = 2>><<set $mainhand = 1>><<set $melee = $melee + 187>>\n<<endsilently>>
You equip the Carbine.\n[[Ranged + 299|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $carbine = 2>><<set $mainhand = 2>><<set $ranged = $ranged + 299>>\n<<if $buckler eq 2>><<set $buckler = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 18>><<endif>>\n<<if $targe eq 2>><<set $targe = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 27>><<endif>>\n<<if $heater eq 2>><<set $heater = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 36>><<endif>>\n<<if $parma eq 2>><<set $parma = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 45>><<endif>>\n<<set $twohanded = 1>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<display IntroSentryAttack>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<display Fire>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[The Callow stumbles backwards a few steps before tumbling to the ground...|IntroSentryVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroSentryFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<display IntroDraperAttack>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<display Fire>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[The Ice Drapercoils back on itself, flailing madly...|IntroDraperVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroDraperFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<display Fire>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[The Ice Drapercoils back on itself, flailing madly...|IntroDraperVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display IntroDraperAttack>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroDraperFight]]<<endif>>
Mana <<print $manacurrent>> / <<print $manamax>>\n\n<<if $heal gte 1 and $manacurrent lte ($healmana - 1)>><<print $healmana>>: Heal<<else>><<if $heal gte 1 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<print $healmana>>: [[Heal|IntroLuisonHeal1]]<<else>><<if $heal gte 1>><<print $healmana>>: [[Heal|IntroLuisonHeal2]]<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $fire gte 1 and $manacurrent lte ($firemana - 1)>><<print $firemana>>: Fire<<else>><<if $fire gte 1 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<print $firemana>>: [[Fire|IntroLuisonFire1]]<<else>><<if $fire gte 1>><<print $firemana>>: [[Fire|IntroLuisonFire2]]<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $ice gte 1 and $manacurrent lte ($icemana - 1)>><<print $icemana>>: Ice<<else>><<if $ice gte 1 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<print $icemana>>: [[Ice|IntroLuisonIce1]]<<else>><<if $ice gte 1>><<print $icemana>>: [[Ice|IntroLuisonIce2]]<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $melee gte 1 and $channel gte 1 and $manacurrent lte ($channelmana - 1)>><<print $channelmana>>: Channel<<endif>><<if $melee gte 1 and $channel gte 1 and $manacurrent gte 15 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<print $channelmana>>: [[Channel|IntroLuisonChannel1]]<<endif>><<if $melee gte 1 and $channel gte 1 and $manacurrent gte 15 and $dexterity lte $foedexterity - 1>><<print $channelmana>>: [[Channel|IntroLuisonChannel2]]<<endif>>\n<<if $barrieractive eq 0 and $barrier gte 1 and $manacurrent lte ($barriermana - 1)>><<print $barriermana>>: Barrier<<endif>><<if $barrieractive eq 0 and $barrier gte 1 and $manacurrent gte 15 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<print $barriermana>>: [[Barrier|IntroLuisonBarrier1]]<<endif>><<if $barrieractive eq 0 and $barrier gte 1 and $manacurrent gte 15 and $dexterity lte $foedexterity - 1>><<print $barriermana>>: [[Barrier|IntroLuisonBarrier2]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Back|IntroLuisonFight]]
You pour a vial of Kamrusepa over your wounds, watching them heal before your eyes.\n\n[[Items]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $medicinerandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*30))+1>>\n<<set $healthcurrent = $healthcurrent + $medicinerandom + 235>>\n<<if $healthmax lte $healthcurrent>><<set $healthcurrent = $healthmax>><<endif>>\n<<set $kamrusepa = $kamrusepa - 1>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<if $foeescape lte 29>><<set $healthcurrent = $healthcurrent - $foeattack>>You attempt to run but are unable to escape.\n\n<<display IntroLuisonAttack>> <<display IntroLuisonDamage>><<if $foeescape gte 30>>You run as fast as you can, stopping only when you can no longer hear the foe behind you.<<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $grapple eq 0 and $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foeescape lte 29>>[[Fight|IntroLuisonFight]]<<endif>><<if $foeescape gte 30>>[[IntroGropers]]<<endif>>\n<<silently>>\n<<if $grapple eq 0 and $foeescape gte 30>><<set $foename = "none">><<set $poison = 0>><<set $lust = 0>><<endif>>\n<<if $grapple eq 0 and $foeescape gte 30 and $barrieractive eq 1>><<set $defense = $defense - $barrier>><<set $barrieractive = 0>><<endif>>\n<<if $grapple eq 0 and $foeescape gte 30 and $barrierative eq 1 and $buckler eq 2 or $foeescape gte 30 and $barrierative eq 1 and $targe eq 2 or $foeescape gte 30 and $barrierative eq 1 and $heater eq 2 or $foeescape gte 30 and $barrierative eq 1 and $parma eq 2>><<set $barrier = $barrier - 10>><<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n
<<if $foerandom gte 2 and $grapplerandom gte 2>><<set $grapple = 1>>You dodge an attack by one of the <<print $foename>>, only to fall into the clutches of the other!\n\n[[Struggle|IntroGropersStruggle]]<<endif>><<if $foerandom eq 2 and $grapplerandom eq 1>>One of the <<print $foename>> attempts to grab you, but you slip out of his grasp.<<endif>>
<<display Fire>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[The Luison howls mournfully as it falls to its side dead...|IntroLuisonVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display IntroLuisonAttack>> <<display IntroLuisonDamage>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroLuisonFight]]<<endif>>
<<set $introthake = 0>><<if $foeescape lte 29>><<set $healthcurrent = $healthcurrent - $foeattack>>You attempt to run but are unable to escape.\n\n<<display IntroThakeAttack>><<endif>><<if $foeescape gte 30>>You hurry inside of the cave entrance where the <<print $foename>> can't reach you.<<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $grapple eq 0 and $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foeescape lte 29>>[[Fight|IntroThakeFight]]<<endif>><<if $foeescape gte 30>>[[Hide|IntroEntrance]]<<endif>>\n<<silently>>\n<<if $grapple eq 0 and $foeescape gte 30>><<set $poison = 0>><<set $lust = 0>><<endif>>\n<<if $grapple eq 0 and $foeescape gte 30 and $barrieractive eq 1>><<set $defense = $defense - $barrier>><<set $barrieractive = 0>><<endif>>\n<<if $grapple eq 0 and $foeescape gte 30 and $barrierative eq 1 and $buckler eq 2 or $foeescape gte 30 and $barrierative eq 1 and $targe eq 2 or $foeescape gte 30 and $barrierative eq 1 and $heater eq 2 or $foeescape gte 30 and $barrierative eq 1 and $parma eq 2>><<set $barrier = $barrier - 10>><<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n
<<print $foename>>: <<if $foehealthcurrent gte 150>>unhurt<<else>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 100>>injured<<else>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 50>>wounded<<else>>critical<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\nChallenge: <<if $foelevel gte $level + 6>>impossible<<endif>><<if $foelevel eq $level + 4 or $foelevel eq $level + 5>>difficult<<endif>><<if $foelevel eq $level + 2 or $foelevel eq $level + 3>>tough<<endif>><<if $foelevel eq $level - 1 or $foelevel eq $level or $foelevel eq $level + 1 >>equal<<endif>><<if $foelevel eq $level - 2 or $foelevel eq $level - 3>>simple<<endif>><<if $foelevel eq $level - 4 or $foelevel eq $level - 5>>weak<<endif>><<if $foelevel lte $level - 6>>pathetic<<endif>>\n<<if $healthmax lte $healthcurrent>><<set $healthcurrent = $healthmax>><<endif>>\nThe <<print $foename>> circles you, looking for any opening.\n\nHealth: <<print $healthcurrent>> / <<print $healthmax>> <<if $poison eq 1>>(poisoned)<<else>><<endif>><<endif>> <<if $lust eq 3 or $lust eq 4 or $lust eq 5>>(aroused)<<endif>><<if $lust eq 6 or $lust eq 7 or $lust eq 8>>(horny)<<endif>><<if $lust eq 9>>(close to orgasm)<<endif>>\nMana <<if $manacurrent eq 0>>0<<else>><<print $manacurrent>><<endif>><<endif>> / <<print $manamax>>\nAmmunition <<if $ammunitioncurrent eq 0>>0<<else>><<print $ammunitioncurrent>><<endif>><<endif>> / <<print $ammunitionmax>>\n<<if $melee gte 1 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<set $combatattack = 1>>[[Attack|FoeAttack1]]<<else>><<if $melee gte 1>><<set $combatattack = 1>>[[Attack|FoeAttack2]]<<endif>><<endif>> <<if $ranged gte 1 and $ammunitioncurrent lte 0>>Shoot<<endif>><<if $ammunitioncurrent gte 1 and $ranged gte 1 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>>[[Shoot|FoeShoot1]]<<else>><<if $ammunitioncurrent gte 1 and $ranged gte 1>>[[Shoot|FoeShoot2]]<<endif>><<endif>> [[Magic|FoeMagic]]\n[[Items|FoeItems]] [[Escape|FoeEscape]] [[Submit|FoeDefeat]]\n<<if $companion eq "none">><<else>><<print $companion>>: Scatter Shot/Poisen Bolt<<endif>>\n<<silently>>\n\n<<if $barrier gte 10 and $buckler eq 2 or $barrier gte 10 and $targe eq 2 or $barrier gte 10 and $heater eq 2 or $barrier gte 10 and $parma eq 2>><<set $barrier = $barrier + 10>><<endif>>\n\n<<set $attack = ($weaponskill*10) + $melee - $foedefense>>\n<<if $attack lte 0>><<set $attack = 1>><<endif>>\n<<set $attackrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $attack = $attack + $attackrandom>>\n\n<<set $shoot = ($marksmanship*10) + $ranged - $foedefense>>\n<<if $shoot lte 0>><<set $shoot = 1>><<endif>>\n<<set $shootrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $shoot = $shoot + $shootrandom>>\n\n<<set $firedamage = ($knowledge*10) + $fire - $foedefense>>\n<<if $foeelement eq "ice">><<set $firedamage = $firedamage*2>><<endif>>\n<<if $foeelement eq "fire">><<set $firedamage = $firedamage/4>><<endif>>\n<<if $firedamage lte 0>><<set $firedamage = 1>><<endif>>\n<<set $firerandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $firedamage = $firedamage + $firerandom>>\n\n<<set $icedamage = ($knowledge*10) + $ice - $foedefense>>\n<<if $foeelement eq "fire">><<set $icedamage = $icedamage*2>><<endif>>\n<<if $foeelement eq "ice">><<set $icedamage = $icedamage/4>><<endif>>\n<<if $icedamage lte 0>><<set $icedamage = 1>><<endif>>\n<<set $icerandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $icedamage = $icedamage + $icerandom>>\n\n<<set $foeattack = $foeattackbase - $defense>>\n<<if $foeattack lte 0>><<set $foeattack = 1>><<endif>>\n<<set $foeattackrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $foeattack = $foeattack + $foeattackrandom>>\n\n<<set $healrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*20))+1>>\n<<set $channelrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $medicinerandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*30))+1>>\n\n<<set $foerandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*3))+1>>\n<<set $foeescaperandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*30))+1>>\n<<set $foeescape = $foeescaperandom + $dexterity>>\n\n<<set $poisonchance = (Math.floor(Math.random()*2))+1>>\n<<set $poisonrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $poisondamage = 15>>\n\n<<set $grapple = 0>>\n<<set $grapplerandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*3))+1>>\n\n<<endsilently>>
You remove the Segmentata.\n[[Defense - 46|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $segmentata = 1>><<set $armour = 0>><<set $block = $block - 46>>\n<<endsilently>>
You equip the Buckler\n[[Defense + 18|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $buckler = 2>><<set $offhand = 1>><<set $block = $block + 18>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<set $healthcurrent = $healthcurrent + $medicinerandom + 235>><<if $healthmax lte $healthcurrent>><<set $healthcurrent = $healthmax>><<endif>><<set $kamrusepa = $kamrusepa - 1>>You pour a vial of Kamrusepa over your wounds, watching them heal before your eyes.\n\n<<display IntroLuisonAttack>> <<display IntroLuisonDamage>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroLuisonFight]]<<endif>>
<<print $foename>>: <<if $foehealthcurrent gte 113>>unhurt<<else>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 75>>injured<<else>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 38>>wounded<<else>>critical<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\nChallenge: <<if $foelevel gte $level + 6>>impossible<<endif>><<if $foelevel eq $level + 4 or $foelevel eq $level + 5>>difficult<<endif>><<if $foelevel eq $level + 2 or $foelevel eq $level + 3>>tough<<endif>><<if $foelevel eq $level - 1 or $foelevel eq $level or $foelevel eq $level + 1 >>equal<<endif>><<if $foelevel eq $level - 2 or $foelevel eq $level - 3>>simple<<endif>><<if $foelevel eq $level - 4 or $foelevel eq $level - 5>>weak<<endif>><<if $foelevel lte $level - 6>>pathetic<<endif>>\n<<if $healthmax lte $healthcurrent>><<set $healthcurrent = $healthmax>><<endif>>\nCircling overhead and diving into attack, the <<print $foename>> is beyond the reach of melee weapons.\n\nHealth: <<print $healthcurrent>> / <<print $healthmax>> <<if $poison eq 1>>(poisoned)<<else>><<endif>><<endif>> <<if $lust eq 3 or $lust eq 4 or $lust eq 5>>(aroused)<<endif>><<if $lust eq 6 or $lust eq 7 or $lust eq 8>>(horny)<<endif>><<if $lust eq 9>>(close to orgasm)<<endif>>\nMana <<if $manacurrent eq 0>>0<<else>><<print $manacurrent>><<endif>><<endif>> / <<print $manamax>>\nAmmunition: <<if $ammunitioncurrent eq 0>>0<<else>><<print $ammunitioncurrent>><<endif>><<endif>> / <<print $ammunitionmax>>\n<<if $melee gte 1>>Attack<<endif>> <<if $ranged gte 1 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>>[[Shoot|IntroThakeShoot1]]<<else>><<if $ranged gte 1>>[[Shoot|IntroThakeShoot2]]<<endif>><<endif>> [[Magic|IntroThakeMagic]]\n[[Items|IntroThakeItems]] [[Escape|IntroThakeEscape]] [[Submit|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]\n<<if $companion eq "none">><<else>><<print $companion>>: Scatter Shot/Poisen Bolt<<endif>>\n<<silently>>\n\n<<if $barrier gte 10 and $buckler eq 2 or $barrier gte 10 and $targe eq 2 or $barrier gte 10 and $heater eq 2 or $barrier gte 10 and $parma eq 2>><<set $barrier = $barrier + 10>><<endif>>\n\n<<set $attack = ($weaponskill*10) + $melee - $foedefense>>\n<<if $attack lte 0>><<set $attack = 1>><<endif>>\n<<set $attackrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $attack = $attack + $attackrandom>>\n\n<<set $shoot = ($marksmanship*10) + $ranged - $foedefense>>\n<<if $shoot lte 0>><<set $shoot = 1>><<endif>>\n<<set $shootrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $shoot = $shoot + $shootrandom>>\n\n<<set $firedamage = ($knowledge*10) + $fire - $foedefense>>\n<<if $foeelement eq "ice">><<set $firedamage = $firedamage*2>><<endif>>\n<<if $foeelement eq "fire">><<set $firedamage = $firedamage/4>><<endif>>\n<<if $firedamage lte 0>><<set $firedamage = 1>><<endif>>\n<<set $firerandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $firedamage = $firedamage + $firerandom>>\n\n<<set $icedamage = ($knowledge*10) + $ice - $foedefense>>\n<<if $foeelement eq "fire">><<set $icedamage = $icedamage*2>><<endif>>\n<<if $foeelement eq "ice">><<set $icedamage = $icedamage/4>><<endif>>\n<<if $icedamage lte 0>><<set $icedamage = 1>><<endif>>\n<<set $icerandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $icedamage = $icedamage + $icerandom>>\n\n<<set $foeattack = $foeattackbase - $defense>>\n<<if $foeattack lte 0>><<set $foeattack = 1>><<endif>>\n<<set $foeattackrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $foeattack = $foeattack + $foeattackrandom>>\n\n<<set $healrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*20))+1>>\n<<set $channelrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $medicinerandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*30))+1>>\n\n<<set $foerandom = 1>>\n<<set $foeescaperandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*40))+1>>\n<<set $foeescape = $foeescaperandom + $dexterity>>\n\n<<set $poisonchance = (Math.floor(Math.random()*2))+1>>\n<<set $poisonrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $poisondamage = 15>>\n\n<<set $grapple = 0>>\n<<set $grapplerandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*3))+1>>\n\n<<endsilently>>
<<if $introlevel eq 0>><<set $experiencetotal = $experiencetotal + $experiencefoe>><<set $experiencelevel = $experiencelevel + $experiencefoe>><<set $introlevel = 1>><<endif>><<set $location = "IntroGropersVictory">><<if $introdraper eq 0>>With the <<print $foename>> defeated, you do your best to resemble your tattered clothing. You gain <<print $experiencefoe>> experience! You feel your experiences here have improved your abilities. You may check your experience and level up from the inventory screen. Looking around the chamber you see another passageway leading out. The Morgrin must be close by this point.\n\nYou hear a shuffling from behind the boxes where the Callows were waiting. Investigating, you find a barrel rocking back and forth. The body of the sixth and final Callow lies motionless beside it. You check the body for wounds and are surprised to find it chill to the touch, despite your having seen the creature alive only twenty minutes prior. It occurs to that the Callows may have misguidly attempted to tame an Ice Draper, releasing it in desperation to fight you only for it to turn on them. If one is trapped inside the barrel you could simply ignore it, however this might be a good oppotunity to focus your new found strength on dealing with the creature.<<endif>><<if $introdraper eq 1>>The chamber now lies silent after your encounters. It seems strange to you that the Morgrin has yet to make an appearance, he must surely be aware of your arrival by now.<<endif>>\n<<set $poison = 0>><<if $barrieractive eq 1>><<set $defense = $defense - $barrier>><<set $barrieractive = 0>><<endif>><<if $barrierative eq 1 and $buckler eq 2 or $barrierative eq 1 and $targe eq 2 or $barrierative eq 1 and $heater eq 2 or $barrierative eq 1 and $parma eq 2>><<set $barrier = $barrier - 10>><<endif>><<set $lust = 0>>\n[[Go after the Morgin...|IntroMorgrin]]\n<<if $level eq 1>>[[Level Up!|Inventory]]<<endif>><<if $level eq 2>>[[Inventory]]<<endif>>\n<<if $introdraper eq 0>>[[Open the barrel|IntroDraper]]<<endif>>
<<display IntroGropersAttack>> <<display IntroGropersGrapple>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<display Barrier>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[The two Callows slump against each other, beaten...|IntroGropersVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroGropersFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<display IntroLuisonAttack>> <<display IntroLuisonDamage>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<display Heal>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[The Luison howls mournfully as it falls to its side dead...|IntroLuisonVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroLuisonFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<set $foename = "Morgrin">>You enter the corridor and spy a curtain up ahead. Above the crackle of the torch fixed to the cave wall you hear a sawing sound. When it pauses every few seconds you are very conscious of how loud your breathing is. Approaching the heavy curtain cautiously you pull it aside, expecting to be attacked at any second.\n\nIts not what you expect. Paintings hang from the cave walls, portraits of Estorian nobility and pictures of old fashioned ships tossed upon violent waves. The Morgrin sits crossed legged on a table, seemingly unaware of your arrival. The figure is hunched over, you think he must be about seven feet tall. He's appears thin with gangly limbs, though you can see the sinewy muscle beneath the light purple skin. A block of wood sits in one enormous hand, you realise that the sawing sound is him whittling it with one long, sharp nail. He is completely naked.\n\n"Hello Paladin, I was not expecting one of your kind quite so soon. I suppose one member of the Etorian patrol must have survived, I appear to be getting sloppy." In one fluid movement the <<print $foename>> springs from the table to his feet. He catches your gaze and you feel yourself freezing momentarily. His face is a mostly human one, perhaps even attractive despite his head being totally hairless. But his mouth ruins any semblence of beauty. Starting at his ears and spreading out liplessly across his face like an open wound, a long black tongue flits out between rows of needlesharp teeth.\n\nYou find him totally repulsive. Murky golden eyes examine you as he smiles broadly. "I see you lack experience, this is not going to end well for you." You are acutely aware of his nudity as he approaches. Even flacid his cock hangs halfway down his thigh. He shakes his head, "I am going to make you lament ever coming here, Paladin."\n<<silently>>\n<<set $foelevel = 6>>\n<<set $foehealthmax = 1000>>\n<<set $foehealthcurrent = $foehealthmax>>\n<<set $foeattackbase = 230>>\n<<set $foedefense = 160>>\n<<set $foedexterity = 13>>\n<<set $foeelement = "none">>\n<<set $lust = $lustbase>>\n<<if $foelevel gte $level + 6>><<set $experiencefoe = 250>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level + 4 or $foelevel eq $level + 5>><<set $experiencefoe = 200>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level + 2 or $foelevel eq $level + 3>><<set $experiencefoe = 150>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level + 1 or $foelevel eq $level or $foelevel eq $level - 1>><<set $experiencefoe = 100>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level - 2 or $foelevel eq $level - 3>><<set $experiencefoe = 50>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level - 4 or $foelevel eq $level - 5>><<set $experiencefoe = 25>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel lte $level - 6>><<set $experiencefoe = 13>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n[[This is your final test...|IntroMorgrinFight]]
<<display Heal>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[The Luison howls mournfully as it falls to its side dead...|IntroLuisonVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display IntroLuisonAttack>> <<display IntroLuisonDamage>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroLuisonFight]]<<endif>>
You equip the Claymore.\n[[Melee + 221|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $claymore = 2>><<set $mainhand = 1>><<set $melee = $melee + 221>>\n<<endsilently>>
The <<print $foename>> crashes to the ground dead. You gain <<print $experiencefoe>> experience!\n<<silently>><<set $experiencetotal = $experiencetotal + $experiencefoe>><<set $experiencelevel = $experiencelevel + $experiencefoe>><<set $foename = "none">><<set $poison = 0>><<if $barrieractive eq 1>><<set $defense = $defense - $barrier>><<set $barrieractive = 0>><<endif>><<if $barrierative eq 1 and $buckler eq 2 or $barrierative eq 1 and $targe eq 2 or $barrierative eq 1 and $heater eq 2 or $barrierative eq 1 and $parma eq 2>><<set $barrier = $barrier - 10>><<endif>><<set $lust = 0>><<set $introthake = 1>><<endsilently>>\n[[Go back inside the cave.|IntroEntrance]]
<<display Heal>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[IntroMorgrinVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display FoeAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroMorgrinFight]]<<endif>>
<<display Fire>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[The two Callows slump against each other, beaten...|IntroGropersVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display IntroGropersAttack>> <<display IntroGropersGrapple>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroGropersFight]]<<endif>>
<<display IntroThakeAttack>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<display Fire>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[IntroThakeVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroThakeFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<display Channel>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[With a final cry of distress the Thake falls from the sky...|IntroThakeVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display IntroThakeAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroThakeFight]]<<endif>>
<<set $foename = "Trained Thake">>As soon as you emerge from the cave, the <<print $foename>> once more begins its attacks.\n\n[[Fight|IntroThakeFight]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $foelevel = 1>>\n<<set $foehealthmax = 150>>\n<<set $foehealthcurrent = $foehealthmax>>\n<<set $foeattackbase = 175>>\n<<set $foedefense = 150>>\n<<set $foedexterity = 11>>\n<<set $foeelement = "none">>\n<<set $lust = $lustbase>>\n<<if $foelevel gte $level + 6>><<set $experiencefoe = 30>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level + 4 or $foelevel eq $level + 5>><<set $experiencefoe = 24>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level + 2 or $foelevel eq $level + 3>><<set $experiencefoe = 18>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level + 1 or $foelevel eq $level or $foelevel eq $level - 1>><<set $experiencefoe = 12>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level - 2 or $foelevel eq $level - 3>><<set $experiencefoe = 6>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level - 4 or $foelevel eq $level - 5>><<set $experiencefoe = 3>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel lte $level - 2>><<set $experiencefoe = 10>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<display IntroSentryAttack>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<display Channel>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[The Callow stumbles backwards a few steps before tumbling to the ground...|IntroSentryVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroSentryFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
You have reached level <<print $level + 1>>!\n\n[[Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n\n<<if $level eq 1>><<set $experiencelevel = $experiencelevel - 100>><<endif>>\n<<if $level eq 2>><<set $experiencelevel = $experiencelevel - 200>><<endif>>\n<<if $level eq 3>><<set $experiencelevel = $experiencelevel - 300>><<endif>>\n<<if $level eq 4>><<set $experiencelevel = $experiencelevel - 400>><<endif>>\n<<if $level eq 5>><<set $experiencelevel = $experiencelevel - 500>><<endif>>\n<<if $level eq 6>><<set $experiencelevel = $experiencelevel - 600>><<endif>>\n<<if $level eq 7>><<set $experiencelevel = $experiencelevel - 700>><<endif>>\n<<if $level eq 8>><<set $experiencelevel = $experiencelevel - 800>><<endif>>\n<<if $level eq 9>><<set $experiencelevel = $experiencelevel - 900>><<endif>>\n<<if $level eq 10>><<set $experiencelevel = $experiencelevel - 1000>><<endif>>\n<<if $level eq 11>><<set $experiencelevel = $experiencelevel - 1100>><<endif>>\n<<if $level eq 12>><<set $experiencelevel = $experiencelevel - 1200>><<endif>>\n<<if $level eq 13>><<set $experiencelevel = $experiencelevel - 1300>><<endif>>\n<<if $level eq 14>><<set $experiencelevel = $experiencelevel - 1400>><<endif>>\n<<if $level eq 15>><<set $experiencelevel = $experiencelevel - 1500>><<endif>>\n<<if $level eq 16>><<set $experiencelevel = $experiencelevel - 1600>><<endif>>\n<<if $level eq 17>><<set $experiencelevel = $experiencelevel - 1700>><<endif>>\n<<if $level eq 18>><<set $experiencelevel = $experiencelevel - 1800>><<endif>>\n<<if $level eq 19>><<set $experiencelevel = $experiencelevel - 1900>><<endif>>\n<<set $level = $level + 1>>\n<<set $healthmax = $toughness*29 + $level*7>>\n<<set $healthcurrent = $healthmax>>\n<<set $manamax = $knowledge*5 + $level*3>>\n<<set $manacurrent = $manamax>>\n<<endsilently>>
You win! You gain <<print $experiencefoe>> experience!\n<<set $experiencetotal = $experiencetotal + $experiencefoe>><<set $experiencelevel = $experiencelevel + $experiencefoe>><<set $foename = "none">><<set $poison = 0>><<if $barrieractive eq 1>><<set $defense = $defense - $barrier>><<set $barrieractive = 0>><<endif>><<if $barrierative eq 1 and $buckler eq 2 or $barrierative eq 1 and $targe eq 2 or $barrierative eq 1 and $heater eq 2 or $barrierative eq 1 and $parma eq 2>><<set $barrier = $barrier - 10>><<endif>><<set $lust = 0>>\n\nIllustrious: What?! How the fuck did you beat him?! Its supposed to be impossible! Shit...uh...I don't have anything prepared. [[Uh, uh, here's the bad end!|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]
You unequip the Heater.\n[[Defense - 36|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $heater = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 36>>\n<<endsilently>>
Medicine\n-Kamrusepa: <<if $kamrusepa eq 0>>0<<else>><<if $kamrusepa gte 1>><<print $kamrusepa>> [[Use|IntroLuisonKamrusepa]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n-Angitia: <<if $angitia eq 0>>0<<else>><<if $angitia gte 1>><<print $angitia>> [[Use|IntroLuisonAngitia]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n\n[[Back|IntroLuisonFight]]
<<display Barrier>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[The two Callows slump against each other, beaten...|IntroCallowsVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display IntroCallowsAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroCallowsFight]]<<endif>>
<<display IntroCallowsAttack>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<display Barrier>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[The two Callows slump against each other, beaten...|IntroCallowsVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroCallowsFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<if $fire eq 0>><<set $learnfire = 1>><<set $fire = 80>>You learn Fire!<<endif>> <<if $fire gte 117>><<set $levelfire = 1>><<set $fire = $fire + 37>>Your Fire magic gets stronger!<<endif>>\n\n[[Back|LevelUp]]
You can hardly resist now as you find yourself consumed by your lust. The Callow in front of you finger fucks you hard, deep inside you now, laughing as you moan like a bitch in heat. You find your inability to breath turn you on and feel your orgasm mounting. Shifting his grip to hold your arms behind you with one arm, the other callow pulls down your panties so they hang around your ass. You feel a wet finger dig into your asshole and this finishes you off. Arching your back you cum hard, drench the Callows hand. Laughing uproarishly at your failing they throw you to the ground as your struggle for breath. The intense forced orgasm and the shame of your defeat are too much for you, and you feel yourself passing out.\n\n[[The cave goes black...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]
You remove the Full Plate.\n[[Defense - 96|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $fullplate = 1>><<set $armour = 0>><<set $block = $block - 96>>\n<<endsilently>>
You unequip the Naginata.\n[[Melee - 189|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $naginata = 1>><<set $mainhand = 0>><<set $melee = $melee - 189>>\n<<set $twohanded = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>
The <<print $foename>> lies immobile at your feet. You kick him to make sure he's not getting up. You gain <<print $experiencefoe>> experience!\n<<set $experiencetotal = $experiencetotal + $experiencefoe>><<set $experiencelevel = $experiencelevel + $experiencefoe>><<set $foename = "none">><<set $poison = 0>><<if $barrieractive eq 1>><<set $defense = $defense - $barrier>><<set $barrieractive = 0>><<endif>><<if $barrierative eq 1 and $buckler eq 2 or $barrierative eq 1 and $targe eq 2 or $barrierative eq 1 and $heater eq 2 or $barrierative eq 1 and $parma eq 2>><<set $barrier = $barrier - 10>><<endif>><<set $lust = 0>>\n[[Your celebration is cut short by a piercing cry from nearby.|IntroThakeFight]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $foename = "Trained Thake">>\n<<set $foelevel = 1>>\n<<set $foehealthmax = 100>>\n<<set $foehealthcurrent = $foehealthmax>>\n<<set $foeattackbase = 175>>\n<<set $foedefense = 150>>\n<<set $foedexterity = 11>>\n<<set $foeelement = "none">>\n<<set $lust = $lustbase>>\n<<if $foelevel gte $level + 6>><<set $experiencefoe = 30>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level + 4 or $foelevel eq $level + 5>><<set $experiencefoe = 24>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level + 2 or $foelevel eq $level + 3>><<set $experiencefoe = 18>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level + 1 or $foelevel eq $level or $foelevel eq $level - 1>><<set $experiencefoe = 12>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level - 2 or $foelevel eq $level - 3>><<set $experiencefoe = 6>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level - 4 or $foelevel eq $level - 5>><<set $experiencefoe = 3>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel lte $level - 2>><<set $experiencefoe = 2>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>
You can restart the level process from the inventory at any time.\n\n[[Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<if $levelweaponskill eq 1>><<set $weaponskill = $weaponskill - 1>><<endif>>\n<<if $levelmarksmanship eq 1>><<set $marksmanship = $marksmanship - 1>><<endif>>\n<<if $levelknowledge eq 1>><<set $knowledge = $knowledge - 1>><<endif>>\n<<if $leveltoughness eq 1>><<set $toughness = $toughness - 1>><<endif>>\n<<if $leveldexterity eq 1>><<set $dexterity = $dexterity - 1>><<endif>>\n<<if $learnheal eq 1>><<set $heal = $heal - 50>><<endif>>\n<<if $levelheal eq 1>><<set $heal = $heal - 50>><<endif>>\n<<if $learnfire eq 1>><<set $fire = $fire - 80>><<endif>>\n<<if $levelfire eq 1>><<set $fire = $fire - 37>><<endif>>\n<<if $learnice eq 1>><<set $ice = $ice - 80>><<endif>>\n<<if $levelice eq 1>><<set $ice = $ice - 37>><<endif>>\n<<if $learnchannel eq 1>><<set $channel = $channel - 1>><<endif>>\n<<if $levelchannel eq 1>><<set $channel = $channel - 1>><<endif>>\n<<if $learnbarrier eq 1>><<set $barrier = $barrier - 1>><<endif>>\n<<if $levelbarrier eq 1>><<set $barrier = $barrier - 1>><<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>
You unequip the Parma.\n[[Defense - 45|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $parma = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 45>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<display FoeAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|FoeDefeat]]<<else>><<display Heal>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[FoeVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|FoeFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<set $foename = "Ice Draper">>The Callows had a fixed a latch to the top of the wobbling barrel. You pull it and jump back as the <<print $foename>> bursts forth. Its larger than you expected, it must have been coiled tightly inside. Eight feet long, the creature lacks any discernable head or tail. Instead it has a sucker on each end which it uses to climb. It attaches itself to the wall with one end, whilst the other swings itself upwards and fixes itself higher up. It moves quickly in this fashion and is soon hanging down from the ceiling. Its skin has the appearance of a darker, less colourful rock type, evidently the creature is not native to this part of the red stone mountains. As it starts to move towards you, you can feel the cold eminating from it.\n<<silently>>\n<<set $foelevel = 3>>\n<<set $foehealthmax = 600>>\n<<set $foehealthcurrent = $foehealthmax>>\n<<set $foeattackbase = 220>>\n<<set $foedefense = 160>>\n<<set $foedexterity = 11>>\n<<set $foeelement = "ice">>\n<<set $lust = $lustbase>>\n<<if $foelevel gte $level + 6>><<set $experiencefoe = 100>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level + 4 or $foelevel eq $level + 5>><<set $experiencefoe = 80>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level + 2 or $foelevel eq $level + 3>><<set $experiencefoe = 60>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level + 1 or $foelevel eq $level or $foelevel eq $level - 1>><<set $experiencefoe = 40>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level - 2 or $foelevel eq $level - 3>><<set $experiencefoe = 20>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level - 4 or $foelevel eq $level - 5>><<set $experiencefoe = 10>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel lte $level - 6>><<set $experiencefoe = 5>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n[[Fight|IntroDraperFight]]
<<display $ice>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[The Ice Drapercoils back on itself, flailing madly...|IntroDraperVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display IntroDraperAttack>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroDraperFight]]<<endif>>
<<display Fire>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[IntroMorgrinVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display FoeAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroMorgrinFight]]<<endif>>
The Full Plate armour is much too big, evidently having been created for a man. Despite the suit's roominess that you are amazed by its high quality crafting, it must have cost a fortune to create. You start considering taking the armour to a smithy to reduce its size only to realise that its not as loose as you first thought. Your impulse that it might possess magical properties appears to have been correct as the suit slowly contracts. Within a few minutes it has shrunk to be perfectly form fitting. You flex your body in your new armour, impressed by the manoueverability it affords. Indeed, it might now be a little too tight as you feel a pinching around your breasts.\n\nYou cry out as the pinching becomes a stabbing pain. It suddenly occurs to you that armour might keep condensing, crushing you to death inside. You tug violently at the suit, desperate to remove it but finding it impossible. Without warning the suit then starts to rapidly fold away from your chest. <<if $appearance eq 8 or $appearance eq 9>><<else>>As it withdraws it tears your underlying clothes to pieces, the fragments falling in rags to the ground around you.<<endif>><<endif>> As your naked breasts are exposed you are shocked to see both your nipples are pierced by silver rings, with a weighty chain attached and hanging limply between them. At each end of the chain and lying a couple of inches below your nipples are two small metal spheres covered in tiny runes. Your chest aches from pain of your new piercings as you fiddle with them, unable to find any join so you might remove it. The thought of tearing them out of your flesh makes you sick to the stomach, so you resign yourself to the piercing for now.\n\nThe armour has continued to withdraw whilst you examined your reluctant new additions. Rather than folding out the retreating armour seems to vanish, in terms of volume it must have reduce by half since you first put it on. It stops once it reaches your shoulders and thighs, leaving your arms and legs still covered by armour but your torso and loins totally exposed. A gorgot fits closely around your neck and remains attached to armour on your arms, you find it impossible to remove. The armour encasing your legs stops half way up your thigh and seems to be equally unremoveable. <<if $appearance eq 8 or $appearance eq 9>><<else>>You attempt to cover yourself with the ruins of your outfit but blades simply appear out of your gauntlets to shred them.<<endif>><<endif>> Just your luck to stumble upon a set of cursed armour! You cover your naked pussy and tender breasts with your hands, trying to come up with a plan on how to deal with your luckless scenario.\n\n[[Inventory]]
<<display Fire>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[The two Callows slump against each other, beaten...|IntroCallowsVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display IntroCallowsAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroCallowsFight]]<<endif>>
<<display IntroCallowsAttack>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<display Fire>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[The two Callows slump against each other, beaten...|IntroCallowsVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroCallowsFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
Medicine\n-Kamrusepa: <<if $kamrusepa eq 0>>0<<else>><<if $kamrusepa gte 1>><<print $kamrusepa>> [[Use|IntroMorgrinKamrusepa]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n-Angitia: <<if $angitia eq 0>>0<<else>><<if $angitia gte 1>><<print $angitia>> [[Use|IntroMorgrinAngitia]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n\n[[Back|IntroMorgrinFight]]
<<display IntroCallowsAttack>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<if $grapple eq 0>><<display Attack>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[The two Callows slump against each other, beaten...|IntroCallowsVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroCallowsFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<set $healthcurrent = $healthcurrent + $medicinerandom + 235>><<if $healthmax lte $healthcurrent>><<set $healthcurrent = $healthmax>><<endif>><<set $kamrusepa = $kamrusepa - 1>>You pour a vial of Kamrusepa over your wounds, watching them heal before your eyes.\n\n<<display IntroThakeAttack>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroThakeFight]]<<endif>>
You affix the Bayonet.\n[[Melee + 127|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $bayonet = 2>><<set $melee = $melee + 127>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<display Attack>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[The two Callows slump against each other, beaten...|IntroCallowsVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display IntroCallowsAttack>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroCallowsFight]]<<endif>>
<<display IntroThakeAttack>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<display Barrier>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[With a final cry of distress the Thake falls from the sky...|IntroThakeVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroThakeFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<display IntroGropersAttack>> <<display IntroGropersGrapple>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<display Fire>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[The two Callows slump against each other, beaten...|IntroGropersVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroGropersFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<display Channel>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[The two Callows slump against each other, beaten...|IntroGropersVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display IntroGropersAttack>> <<display IntroGropersGrapple>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroGropersFight]]<<endif>>
<<display Barrier>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[With a final cry of distress the Thake falls from the sky...|IntroThakeVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display IntroThakeAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroThakeFight]]<<endif>>
You equip the Leather.\n[[Defense + 35|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $leather = 2>><<set $armour = 1>><<set $block = $block + 35>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<if $foeescape lte 29>><<set $healthcurrent = $healthcurrent - $foeattack>>You attempt to run but are unable to escape.\n\n<<display IntroDraperAttack>><<if $foeescape gte 30>>You run as fast as you can, stopping only when you can no longer hear the foe behind you.<<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $grapple eq 0 and $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foeescape lte 29>>[[Fight|IntroDraperFight]]<<endif>><<if $foeescape gte 30>>[[The Ice Drapercoils back on itself, flailing madly...|IntroGropersVictory]]<<endif>>\n<<silently>>\n<<if $grapple eq 0 and $foeescape gte 30>><<set $foename = "none">><<set $poison = 0>><<set $lust = 0>><<endif>>\n<<if $grapple eq 0 and $foeescape gte 30 and $barrieractive eq 1>><<set $defense = $defense - $barrier>><<set $barrieractive = 0>><<endif>>\n<<if $grapple eq 0 and $foeescape gte 30 and $barrierative eq 1 and $buckler eq 2 or $foeescape gte 30 and $barrierative eq 1 and $targe eq 2 or $foeescape gte 30 and $barrierative eq 1 and $heater eq 2 or $foeescape gte 30 and $barrierative eq 1 and $parma eq 2>><<set $barrier = $barrier - 10>><<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n
<<print $foename>>: <<if $foehealthcurrent gte 450>>unhurt<<else>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 300>>injured<<else>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 150>>wounded<<else>>critical<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\nChallenge: <<if $foelevel gte $level + 6>>impossible<<endif>><<if $foelevel eq $level + 4 or $foelevel eq $level + 5>>difficult<<endif>><<if $foelevel eq $level + 2 or $foelevel eq $level + 3>>tough<<endif>><<if $foelevel eq $level - 1 or $foelevel eq $level or $foelevel eq $level + 1 >>equal<<endif>><<if $foelevel eq $level - 2 or $foelevel eq $level - 3>>simple<<endif>><<if $foelevel eq $level - 4 or $foelevel eq $level - 5>>weak<<endif>><<if $foelevel lte $level - 6>>pathetic<<endif>>\n<<if $healthmax lte $healthcurrent>><<set $healthcurrent = $healthmax>><<endif>>\nThe <<print $foename>> slinks back and forth on the ceiling, its dark rocky texture at odds with the red stone cave.\n\nHealth: <<print $healthcurrent>> / <<print $healthmax>> <<if $poison eq 1>>(poisoned)<<else>><<endif>><<endif>> <<if $lust eq 3 or $lust eq 4 or $lust eq 5>>(aroused)<<endif>><<if $lust eq 6 or $lust eq 7 or $lust eq 8>>(horny)<<endif>><<if $lust eq 9>>(close to orgasm)<<endif>>\nMana <<if $manacurrent eq 0>>0<<else>><<print $manacurrent>><<endif>><<endif>> / <<print $manamax>>\nAmmunition <<if $ammunitioncurrent eq 0>>0<<else>><<print $ammunitioncurrent>><<endif>><<endif>> / <<print $ammunitionmax>>\n<<if $melee gte 1 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<set $combatattack = 1>>[[Attack|IntroDraperAttack1]]<<else>><<if $melee gte 1>><<set $combatattack = 1>>[[Attack|IntroDraperAttack2]]<<endif>><<endif>> <<if $ammunitioncurrent eq 0 and $ranged gte 1>>Shoot<<endif>><<if $ammunitioncurrent gte 1 and $ranged gte 1 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>>[[Shoot|IntroDraperShoot1]]<<else>><<if $ammunitioncurrent gte 1 and $ranged gte 1>>[[Shoot|IntroDraperShoot2]]<<endif>><<endif>> [[Magic|IntroDraperMagic]]\n[[Items|IntroDraperItems]] Escape [[Submit|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]\n<<if $companion eq "none">><<else>><<print $companion>>: Scatter Shot/Poisen Bolt<<endif>>\n<<silently>>\n\n<<if $barrier gte 10 and $buckler eq 2 or $barrier gte 10 and $targe eq 2 or $barrier gte 10 and $heater eq 2 or $barrier gte 10 and $parma eq 2>><<set $barrier = $barrier + 10>><<endif>>\n\n<<set $attack = ($weaponskill*10) + $melee - $foedefense>>\n<<if $attack lte 0>><<set $attack = 1>><<endif>>\n<<set $attackrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $attack = $attack + $attackrandom>>\n\n<<set $shoot = ($marksmanship*10) + $ranged - $foedefense>>\n<<if $shoot lte 0>><<set $shoot = 1>><<endif>>\n<<set $shootrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $shoot = $shoot + $shootrandom>>\n\n<<set $firedamage = ($knowledge*10) + $fire - $foedefense>>\n<<if $foeelement eq "ice">><<set $firedamage = $firedamage*2>><<endif>>\n<<if $foeelement eq "fire">><<set $firedamage = $firedamage/4>><<endif>>\n<<if $firedamage lte 0>><<set $firedamage = 1>><<endif>>\n<<set $firerandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $firedamage = $firedamage + $firerandom>>\n\n<<set $icedamage = ($knowledge*10) + $ice - $foedefense>>\n<<if $foeelement eq "fire">><<set $icedamage = $icedamage*2>><<endif>>\n<<if $foeelement eq "ice">><<set $icedamage = $icedamage/4>><<endif>>\n<<if $icedamage lte 0>><<set $icedamage = 1>><<endif>>\n<<set $icerandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $icedamage = $icedamage + $icerandom>>\n\n<<set $foeattack = $foeattackbase - $defense>>\n<<if $foeattack lte 0>><<set $foeattack = 1>><<endif>>\n<<set $foeattackrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $foeattack = $foeattack + $foeattackrandom>>\n\n<<set $healrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*20))+1>>\n<<set $channelrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $medicinerandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*30))+1>>\n\n<<set $foerandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*1))+1>>\n<<set $foeescaperandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*30))+1>>\n<<set $foeescape = $foeescaperandom + $dexterity>>\n\n<<set $poisonchance = (Math.floor(Math.random()*1))+1>>\n<<set $poisonrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $poisondamage = 15>>\n\n<<set $grapple = 0>>\n<<set $grapplerandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*3))+1>>\n\n<<endsilently>>
<<display Barrier>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[The Luison howls mournfully as it falls to its side dead...|IntroLuisonVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display IntroLuisonAttack>> <<display IntroLuisonDamage>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroLuisonFight]]<<endif>>
<<display IntroLuisonAttack>> <<display IntroLuisonDamage>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<display Barrier>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[The Luison howls mournfully as it falls to its side dead...|IntroLuisonVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroLuisonFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<display Barrier>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[The two Callows slump against each other, beaten...|IntroGropersVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display IntroGropersAttack>> <<display IntroGropersGrapple>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroGropersFight]]<<endif>>
You win! You gain <<print $experiencefoe>> experience!\n<<set $experiencetotal = $experiencetotal + $experiencefoe>><<set $experiencelevel = $experiencelevel + $experiencefoe>><<set $foename = "none">><<set $poison = 0>><<if $barrieractive eq 1>><<set $defense = $defense - $barrier>><<set $barrieractive = 0>><<endif>><<if $barrierative eq 1 and $buckler eq 2 or $barrierative eq 1 and $targe eq 2 or $barrierative eq 1 and $heater eq 2 or $barrierative eq 1 and $parma eq 2>><<set $barrier = $barrier - 10>><<endif>><<set $lust = 0>>\n\n[[Inventory]]\n\n[[Location]]
<<display Channel>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[The Callow stumbles backwards a few steps before tumbling to the ground...|IntroSentryVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display IntroSentryAttack>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroSentryFight]]<<endif>>
You unequip the Blunderbuss.\n[[Ranged - 253|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $blunderbuss = 1>><<set $mainhand = 0>><<set $ranged = $ranged - 253>>\n<<if $bayonet eq 2>><<set $bayonet = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $melee = $melee - 127>><<endif>>\n<<set $twohanded = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>
Mana <<print $manacurrent>> / <<print $manamax>>\n\n<<if $heal gte 1 and $manacurrent lte ($healmana - 1)>><<print $healmana>>: Heal<<else>><<if $heal gte 1 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<print $healmana>>: [[Heal|IntroThakeHeal1]]<<else>><<if $heal gte 1>><<print $healmana>>: [[Heal|IntroThakeHeal2]]<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $fire gte 1 and $manacurrent lte ($firemana - 1)>><<print $firemana>>: Fire<<else>><<if $fire gte 1 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<print $firemana>>: [[Fire|IntroThakeFire1]]<<else>><<if $fire gte 1>><<print $firemana>>: [[Fire|IntroThakeFire2]]<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $ice gte 1 and $manacurrent lte ($icemana - 1)>><<print $icemana>>: Ice<<else>><<if $ice gte 1 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<print $icemana>>: [[Ice|IntroThakeIce1]]<<else>><<if $ice gte 1>><<print $icemana>>: [[Ice|IntroThakeIce2]]<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $melee gte 1 and $channel gte 1 and $manacurrent lte ($channelmana - 1)>><<print $channelmana>>: Channel<<endif>><<if $melee gte 1 and $channel gte 1 and $manacurrent gte 15 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<print $channelmana>>: [[Channel|IntroThakeChannel1]]<<endif>><<if $melee gte 1 and $channel gte 1 and $manacurrent gte 15 and $dexterity lte $foedexterity - 1>><<print $channelmana>>: [[Channel|IntroThakeChannel2]]<<endif>>\n<<if $barrieractive eq 0 and $barrier gte 1 and $manacurrent lte ($barriermana - 1)>><<print $barriermana>>: Barrier<<endif>><<if $barrieractive eq 0 and $barrier gte 1 and $manacurrent gte 15 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<print $barriermana>>: [[Barrier|IntroThakeBarrier1]]<<endif>><<if $barrieractive eq 0 and $barrier gte 1 and $manacurrent gte 15 and $dexterity lte $foedexterity - 1>><<print $barriermana>>: [[Barrier|IntroThakeBarrier2]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Back|IntroThakeFight]]
<<set $foename = "Tame Luison">>The red stone corridor begans to widen, opening up into a dark chamber. A foul stench fills the air, almost causing you to wretch. Covering your mouth with your hand you look about you. The room is unlit but seems to be mostly deserted, though something strikes you as odd. After a moment it occurs to you that its strange that the Callows had their sleeping blankets in the corridor behind you. If they cleaned out the piles of animal bones this chamber would be far better suited for sleeping. Unless...\n\nYou dive to the side just in time to avoid the dark shape hurtling towards you. Spinning around you immediately recognise a Luison. The long haired beast slinks low to the ground, its dark grey fur matted and filthy. Its foul stench is no detriment to its acute sense of smell and the creatures are a favoured tracker for the Callows.\n<<silently>>\n<<set $foelevel = 2>>\n<<set $foehealthmax = 360>>\n<<set $foehealthcurrent = $foehealthmax>>\n<<set $foeattackbase = 180>>\n<<set $foedefense = 120>>\n<<set $foedexterity = 11>>\n<<set $foeelement = "none">>\n<<set $lust = $lustbase>>\n<<if $foelevel gte $level + 6>><<set $experiencefoe = 50>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level + 4 or $foelevel eq $level + 5>><<set $experiencefoe = 40>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level + 2 or $foelevel eq $level + 3>><<set $experiencefoe = 30>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level + 1 or $foelevel eq $level or $foelevel eq $level - 1>><<set $experiencefoe = 20>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level - 2 or $foelevel eq $level - 3>><<set $experiencefoe = 10>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level - 4 or $foelevel eq $level - 5>><<set $experiencefoe = 5>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel lte $level - 6>><<set $experiencefoe 3>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n[[Mindful of it poisonous jaws, you prepare to fight...|IntroLuisonFight]]
<<display Channel>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[The Luison howls mournfully as it falls to its side dead...|IntroLuisonVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display IntroLuisonAttack>> <<display IntroLuisonDamage>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroLuisonFight]]<<endif>>
[[Inventory]]\n\nArmour: <<if $armour eq 0>>You are unarmoured.<<else>><<if $leather eq 2>>Leather [[Remove|LeatherRemove]] Defense + 35<<else>><<if $segmentata eq 2>>Segmentata [[Remove|SegmentataRemove]] Defense + 46<<else>><<if $haubergeon eq 2>>Haubergeon [[Remove|HaubergeonRemove]] Defense + 56<<else>><<if $chainmail eq 2>>Chainmail [[Remove|ChainmailRemove]] Defense + 67<<else>><<if $breastplate eq 2>>Breastplate [[Remove|BreastplateRemove]] Defense + 77<<else>><<if $tanko eq 2>>Tanko [[Remove|TankoRemove]] Defense + 88<<else>><<if $xantri eq 2>>Xantri's Cursed Full Plate, Defense + 96<<else>>\n<<if $fullplate eq 2>>Full Plate [[Remove|FullplateRemove]] Defense + 96<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\nArmour:\n<<if $leather eq 1>>\n<<if $leather eq 1>>-Leather [[Equip|LeatherEquip]] Defense + 35<<else>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $segmentata eq 1>>-Segmentata [[Equip|SegmentataEquip]] Defense + 46<<else>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $haubergeon eq 1>>-Haubergeon [[Equip|HaubergeonEquip]] Defense + 56<<else>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $chainmail eq 1>>-Chainmail [[Equip|ChainmailEquip]] Defense + 67<<else>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $breastplate eq 1>>-Breastplate [[Equip|BreastplateEquip]] Defense + 77<<else>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $tanko eq 1>>-Tanko [[Equip|TankoEquip]] Defense + 88<<else>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $fullplatex eq 1>>-Full Plate [[Equip|FullplatexEquip]] Defense + 96<<else>><<endif>><<endif>><<if $fullplate eq 1>>-Full Plate [[Equip|FullplateEquip]] Defense + 96<<else>><<endif>><<endif>>
<<display IntroLuisonAttack>> <<display IntroLuisonDamage>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>You drink a vial of bitter Angitia nectar, cancelling the affects of any poison you may have in your body.\n\n[[Fight|IntroLuisonFight]]<<set $poison = 0>><<set $angitia = $angitia - 1>><<endif>><<endif>>
<<if $foeescape lte 29>><<set $healthcurrent = $healthcurrent - $foeattack>>You attempt to run but are unable to escape.\n\n<<display IntroSentryAttack>><<if $foeescape gte 30>>You run as fast as you can, stopping only when you can no longer hear the foe behind you.<<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $grapple eq 0 and $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foeescape lte 29>>[[Fight|IntroCallowsFight]]<<endif>><<if $foeescape gte 30>>[[IntroLuison]]<<endif>>\n<<silently>>\n<<if $grapple eq 0 and $foeescape gte 30>><<set $foename = "none">><<set $poison = 0>><<set $lust = 0>><<endif>>\n<<if $grapple eq 0 and $foeescape gte 30 and $barrieractive eq 1>><<set $defense = $defense - $barrier>><<set $barrieractive = 0>><<endif>>\n<<if $grapple eq 0 and $foeescape gte 30 and $barrierative eq 1 and $buckler eq 2 or $foeescape gte 30 and $barrierative eq 1 and $targe eq 2 or $foeescape gte 30 and $barrierative eq 1 and $heater eq 2 or $foeescape gte 30 and $barrierative eq 1 and $parma eq 2>><<set $barrier = $barrier - 10>><<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n
<<set $healthcurrent = $healthcurrent + $medicinerandom + 235>><<if $healthmax lte $healthcurrent>><<set $healthcurrent = $healthmax>><<endif>><<set $kamrusepa = $kamrusepa - 1>>You pour a vial of Kamrusepa over your wounds, watching them heal before your eyes.\n\n<<display IntroDraperAttack>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroDraperFight]]<<endif>>
<<if $foeescape lte 29>><<set $healthcurrent = $healthcurrent - $foeattack>>You attempt to run but are unable to escape.\n\n<<display IntroGropersAttack>> <<display IntroGropersGrapple>><<if $foeescape gte 30>>You run as fast as you can, stopping only when you can no longer hear the foe behind you.<<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $grapple eq 0 and $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foeescape lte 29>>[[Fight|IntroGropersFight]]<<endif>><<if $foeescape gte 30>>[[IntroGropersVictory]]<<endif>>\n<<silently>>\n<<if $grapple eq 0 and $foeescape gte 30>><<set $foename = "none">><<set $poison = 0>><<set $lust = 0>><<endif>>\n<<if $grapple eq 0 and $foeescape gte 30 and $barrieractive eq 1>><<set $defense = $defense - $barrier>><<set $barrieractive = 0>><<endif>>\n<<if $grapple eq 0 and $foeescape gte 30 and $barrierative eq 1 and $buckler eq 2 or $foeescape gte 30 and $barrierative eq 1 and $targe eq 2 or $foeescape gte 30 and $barrierative eq 1 and $heater eq 2 or $foeescape gte 30 and $barrierative eq 1 and $parma eq 2>><<set $barrier = $barrier - 10>><<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n
You equip the Tanko.\n[[Defense + 88|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $tanko = 2>><<set $armour = 1>><<set $block = $block + 88>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<display IntroDraperAttack>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<display Channel>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[The Ice Drapercoils back on itself, flailing madly...|IntroDraperVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroDraperFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<display Channel>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[The Ice Drapercoils back on itself, flailing madly...|IntroDraperVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display IntroDraperAttack>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroDraperFight]]<<endif>>
<<if $maternity lte 8>><<set $copperiud = 2>><<set $pregnancy = "iud">>It takes you some time to insert the Copper IUD. The process is awkward and uncomfortable, but once done you feel relieved knowing that you won't get pregnant.\n\n[[Items]]<<else>>You're too late. After a while of fiddling with the Copper IUD you realise that you are already pregnant and that it won't work.\n\n[[Items]]<<endif>>\n<<silently>>\n<<set $time = $time + 1>><<set $fatigue = $fatigue + 1>>\n<<if $time gte "25">><<set $day = $day + 1>><<set $time = $time - 24>><<endif>>\n<<if $pregnancy eq "none" or $pregnancy eq "iud">><<set $maternity = 0>><<else>><<set $maternity = $maternity + 1>><<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>
You equip the Shamhir.\n[[Melee + 85|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $shamshir = 2>><<set $mainhand = 1>><<set $melee = $melee + 85>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<display FoeAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<display Heal>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[IntroMorgrinVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroMorgrinFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
You remove the Haubergeon.\n[[Defense - 56|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $haubergeon = 1>><<set $armour = 0>><<set $block = $block - 56>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<display Fire>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[With a final cry of distress the Thake falls from the sky...|IntroThakeVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display IntroThakeAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroThakeFight]]<<endif>>
<<set $healthcurrent = $healthcurrent + $medicinerandom + 235>><<if $healthmax lte $healthcurrent>><<set $healthcurrent = $healthmax>><<endif>><<set $kamrusepa = $kamrusepa - 1>>You pour a vial of Kamrusepa over your wounds, watching them heal before your eyes.\n\n<<display FoeAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroMorgrinFight]]<<endif>>
You consume a vial of Beiwe, hoping that it will end any unwanted pregnancy if it hasn't already developed too far.\n\n[[Items]]\n<<silently>>\n<<if $maternity lte 24 and $copperiud eq "1">><<set $pregnancy = "IUD">><<set $maternity = 0>><<endif>>\n<<if $maternity lte 24 and $copperiud eq "0">><<set $pregnancy = "none">><<set $maternity = 0>><<endif>>\n<<set $beiwe = $beiwe - 1>>\n<<endsilently>>
[[Inventory]]\n\nOff Hand: <<if $partisan eq 2>>Partisan [[Remove|PartisanRemove]] Melee + 105<<else>><<if $lucerne eq 2>>Lucerne [[Remove|LucerneRemove]] Melee + 147<<else>><<if $naginata eq 2>>Naginata [[Remove|NaginataRemove]] Melee + 189<<else>><<if $guisarme eq 2>>Guisarme [[Remove|GuisarmeRemove]] Melee + 231<<else>><<if $schlachtschwert eq 2>>Schlachtschwert [[Remove|SchlachtschwertRemove]] Melee + 273<<else>><<if $musket eq 2>>Musket [[Remove|MusketRemove]] Ranged + 115<<else>><<if $arquebus eq 2>>Arquebus [[Remove|ArquebusRemove]] Ranged + 161<<else>><<if $flintlock eq 2>>Flintlock [[Remove|FlintlockRemove]] Ranged + 207<<else>><<if $blunderbuss eq 2>>Blunderbuss [[Remove|BlunderbussRemove]] Ranged + 253<<else>><<if $carbine eq 2>>Carbine [[Remove|CarbineRemove]] Ranged + 299<<else>><<if $offhand eq 0>>You are unarmed.<<else>><<if $buckler eq 2>>Buckler [[Remove|BucklerRemove]] Defense + 18<<else>><<if $targe eq 2>>Targe [[Remove|TargeRemove]] Defense + 27<<else>><<if $heater eq 2>>Heater [[Remove|HeaterRemove]] Defense + 36<<else>><<if $parma eq 2>>Parma [[Remove|ParmaRemove]] Defense + 45<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>> <<if $bayonet eq 2>>/ Bayonet, Attack + 3<<else>><<if $musket eq 2 or $arquebus eq 2 or $flintlock eq 2 or $blunderbuss eq 2 or $carbine eq 2>>[[Affix Bayonet|BayonetAffix]]<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\nShields:\n<<if $buckler eq 1 and $twohanded eq 1>>-Buckler, Defense + 18<<endif>>\n<<if $targe eq 1 and $twohanded eq 1>>-Targe, Defense + 27<<endif>>\n<<if $heater eq 1 and $twohanded eq 1>>-Heater, Defense + 36<<endif>>\n<<if $parma eq 1 and $twohanded eq 1>>-Parma, Defense + 45<<endif>>\n<<if $buckler eq 1 and $targe eq 1 and $twohanded eq 1>>-Buckler, Defense + 18\n-Targe, Defense + 27<<endif>>\n<<if $buckler eq 1 and $heater eq 1 and $twohanded eq 1>>-Buckler, Defense + 18\n-Heater, Defense + 36<<endif>>\n<<if $buckler eq 1 and $parma eq 1 and $twohanded eq 1>>-Buckler, Defense + 18\n-Parma, Defense + 45<<endif>>\n<<if $targe eq 1 and $heater eq 1 and $twohanded eq 1>>-Targe, Defense + 27\n-Heater, Defense + 36<<endif>>\n<<if $targe eq 1 and $parma eq 1 and $twohanded eq 1>>-Targe, Defense + 27\n-Parma, Defense + 45<<endif>>\n<<if $heater eq 1 and $parma and $twohanded eq 1>>-Heater, Defense + 36\n-Parma, Defense + 45<<endif>>\n<<if $buckler eq 1 and $targe eq 1 and $heater eq 1 and $twohanded eq 1>>-Buckler, Defense + 18\n-Targe, Defense + 27\n-Heater, Defense + 36<<endif>>\n<<if $buckler eq 1 and $targe eq 1 and $parma eq 1 and $twohanded eq 1>>-Buckler, Defense + 18\n-Targe, Defense + 27\n-Parma, Defense + 45<<endif>>\n<<if $buckler eq 1 and $heater eq 1 and $parma eq 1 and $twohanded eq 1>>-Buckler, Defense + 18\n-Heater, Defense + 36\n-Parma, Defense + 45<<endif>>\n<<if $targe eq 1 and $heater eq 1 and $parma eq 1 and $twohanded eq 1>>-Targe, Defense + 27\n-Heater, Defense + 36\n-Parma, Defense + 45<<endif>>\n<<if $buckler eq 1 and $targe eq 1 and $heater eq 1 and $parma eq 1 and $twohanded eq 1>>-Buckler, Defense + 18\n-Targe, Defense + 27\n-Heater, Defense + 36\n-Parma, Defense + 45<<endif>>\n\n<<if $buckler eq 1 and $twohanded eq 1>>-Buckler, Defense + 18<<endif>>\n<<if $targe eq 1 and $twohanded eq 1>>-Targe, Defense + 27<<endif>>\n<<if $heater eq 1 and $twohanded eq 1>>-Heater, Defense + 36<<endif>>\n<<if $parma eq 1 and $twohanded eq 1>>-Parma, Defense + 45<<endif>>\n<<if $buckler eq 1 and $twohanded eq 0>>-Buckler [[Equip|BucklerEquip]] Defense + 18<<endif>>\n<<if $targe eq 1 and $twohanded eq 1>>-Targe [[Equip|TargeEquip]] Defense + 27<<endif>>\n<<if $heater eq 1 and $twohanded eq 1>>-Heater [[Equip|HeaterEquip]] Defense + 36<<endif>>\n<<if $parma eq 1 and $twohanded eq 1>>-Parma [[Equip|ParmaEquip]] Defense + 45<<endif>>\n<<if $buckler eq 1 and $targe eq 1 and $twohanded eq 0>>-Buckler [[Equip|BucklerEquip]] Defense + 18\n-Targe [[Equip|TargeEquip]] Defense + 27<<endif>>\n<<if $buckler eq 1 and $heater eq 1 and $twohanded eq 0>>-Buckler [[Equip|BucklerEquip]] Defense + 18\n-Heater [[Equip|HeaterEquip]] Defense + 36<<endif>>\n<<if $buckler eq 1 and $parma eq 1 and $twohanded eq 0>>-Buckler [[Equip|BucklerEquip]] Defense + 18\n-Parma [[Equip|ParmaEquip]] Defense + 45<<endif>>\n<<if $targe eq 1 and $heater eq 1 and $twohanded eq 0>>-Targe [[Equip|TargeEquip]] Defense + 27\n-Heater [[Equip|HeaterEquip]] Defense + 36<<endif>>\n<<if $targe eq 1 and $parma eq 1 and $twohanded eq 0>>-Targe [[Equip|TargeEquip]] Defense + 27\n-Parma [[Equip|ParmaEquip]] Defense + 45<<endif>>\n<<if $heater eq 1 and $parma and $twohanded eq 0>>-Heater [[Equip|HeaterEquip]] Defense + 36\n-Parma [[Equip|ParmaEquip]] Defense + 45<<endif>>\n<<if $buckler eq 1 and $targe eq 1 and $heater eq 1 and $twohanded eq 0>>-Buckler [[Equip|BucklerEquip]] Defense + 18\n-Targe [[Equip|TargeEquip]] Defense + 27\n-Heater [[Equip|HeaterEquip]] Defense + 36<<endif>>\n<<if $buckler eq 1 and $targe eq 1 and $parma eq 1 and $twohanded eq 0>>-Buckler [[Equip|BucklerEquip]] Defense + 18\n-Targe [[Equip|TargeEquip]] Defense + 27\n-Parma [[Equip|ParmaEquip]] Defense + 45<<endif>>\n<<if $buckler eq 1 and $heater eq 1 and $parma eq 1 and $twohanded eq 0>>-Buckler [[Equip|BucklerEquip]] Defense + 18\n-Heater [[Equip|HeaterEquip]] Defense + 36\n-Parma [[Equip|ParmaEquip]] Defense + 45<<endif>>\n<<if $targe eq 1 and $heater eq 1 and $parma eq 1 and $twohanded eq 0>>-Targe [[Equip|TargeEquip]] Defense + 27\n-Heater [[Equip|HeaterEquip]] Defense + 36\n-Parma [[Equip|ParmaEquip]] Defense + 45<<endif>>\n<<if $buckler eq 1 and $targe eq 1 and $heater eq 1 and $parma eq 1 and $twohanded eq 0>>-Buckler [[Equip|BucklerEquip]] Defense + 18\n-Targe [[Equip|TargeEquip]] Defense + 27\n-Heater [[Equip|HeaterEquip]] Defense + 36\n-Parma [[Equip|ParmaEquip]] Defense + 45<<endif>>\n\n<<if $buckler eq 1 and $twohanded eq 1>>-Buckler, Defense + 18<<endif>><<if $buckler eq 1>>-Buckler [[Equip|BucklerEquip]] Defense + 18<<endif>>\n<<if $targe eq 1 and $twohanded eq 1>>-Targe, Defense + 27<<endif>><<if $targe eq 1>>-Targe [[Equip|TargeEquip]] Defense + 27<<endif>>\n<<if $heater eq 1 and $twohanded eq 1>>-Heater, Defense + 36<<endif>><<if $heater eq 1>>-Heater [[Equip|HeaterEquip]] Defense + 36<<endif>>\n<<if $parma eq 1 and $twohanded eq 1>>-Parma, Defense + 45<<endif>><<if $parma eq 1>>-Parma [[Equip|ParmaEquip]] Defense + 45<<endif>>
<<set $foehealthcurrent = $foehealthcurrent - $shoot>>You shoot, dealing <<print $shoot>> damage!<<set $ammunitioncurrent = $ammunitioncurrent - 1>>
Medicine\n-Kamrusepa: <<if $kamrusepa eq 0>>0<<else>><<if $kamrusepa gte 1>><<print $kamrusepa>> [[Use|IntroGropersKamrusepa]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n-Angitia: <<if $angitia eq 0>>0<<else>><<if $angitia gte 1>><<print $angitia>> [[Use|IntroGropersAngitia]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n\n[[Back|IntroGropersFight]]
He's so strong, you realise that you never could have beaten him. What was the Commander thinking, sending you here? You struggle to rise to your feet, to keep fighting, but you've nothing left.\n<<set $poison = 0>><<if $barrieractive eq 1>><<set $defense = $defense - $barrier>><<set $barrieractive = 0>><<endif>><<if $barrierative eq 1 and $buckler eq 2 or $barrierative eq 1 and $targe eq 2 or $barrierative eq 1 and $heater eq 2 or $barrierative eq 1 and $parma eq 2>><<set $barrier = $barrier - 10>><<endif>><<set $lust = 0>>\n[[The world grows black...|IntroTattoo]]
<<set $grapplechance = (Math.floor(Math.random()*2))+1>><<if $intrograpple eq 0>>One of the <<print $foename>> pins your arms behind your back whilst the other advances on you grinning.<<endif>> <<if $intrograpple eq 0 and $melee gte 1 or $intrograpple eq 0 and $ranged gte 1>>Your weapon falls from your hand, glattering to the ground.<<endif>> <<if $lust eq 0>>He tears open your coat as the buttons pop, then seizes your breasts with both hands. He gropes them roughly for a few moments, laughing as you cry out, before clutching the fabric of your dress and ripping it apart from top to bottom.<<endif>><<if $lust eq 1>>Grabbing your head he forcibly kisses you hard on the mouth. You attempt to bite him but he pulls and slaps you instead. "We're gonna have some fun with you first, whore, before the Morgrin has his turn". He pushes up your bra, exposing your breasts.<<endif>><<if $lust eq 2 or $lust eq 3 or $lust eq 4>>He clamps his mouth onto one of your nipples and begins to suck. He grips your other nipple in one hand, squeezing and twisting it hard. You yelp in protest which causes him to chuckle, biting and teasing your nipple instead.<<endif>><<if $lust eq 5 or $lust eq 6 or $lust eq 7>>He slips his hand down inside your now wet panties and begins to rub your clit, grabbing your boob with his other hand. You attempt to twist away from the assault to your pussy, starting to pant heavily. "You enjoying this yet, cunt?"<<endif>><<if $lust eq 8 or $lust eq 9 or $lust eq 10>>He forces two digits inside your pussy and begins to finger bang you mercilessly. You leak all over his hand, starting to moan from the pleasure. He places his other hand around your neck and begins to choke you.<<endif>> <<if $grapplechance gte 2 and $healthcurrent gte 1 and $lust lte 9>>Despite yourself, you find your treatment arousing.<<endif>><<if $grapplechance eq 1 and $healthcurrent gte 1>><<set $intrograpple = 0>>Pulling yourself free of his hold, you deftly retrieve your weapon.<<endif>>\n\n<<set $introclothing = $introclothing + 1>><<set $lust = $lust + 1>><<set $intrograpple = 1>><<if $grapplechance gte 2 and $healthcurrent gte 1 and $lust lte 9>>[[Struggle|IntroGropersStruggle]]<<endif>><<if $grapplechance eq 1 and $healthcurrent gte 1>>[[Fight|IntroGropersFight]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to continue fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $lust gte 10>>[["If you're such a slut, Paladin, why even bother fighting?"|IntroGropersLust]]<<endif>>
<<if $poison eq 1>><<set $healthcurrent = $healthcurrent - $poisondamage - $poisonrandom>>You take ongoing poison damage! Better drink an Angitia!<<endif>>
Level: <<print $level>> <<if $level eq 1 and $experiencetotal gte 100>>[[LEVEL UP|LevelUp]]<<endif>><<if $level eq 2 and $experiencetotal gte 300>>[[LEVEL UP|LevelUp]]<<endif>><<if $level eq 3 and $experiencetotal gte 600>>[[LEVEL UP|LevelUp]]<<endif>><<if $level eq 4 and $experiencetotal gte 1000>>[[LEVEL UP|LevelUp]]<<endif>><<if $level eq 5 and $experiencetotal gte 1500>>[[LEVEL UP|LevelUp]]<<endif>><<if $level eq 6 and $experiencetotal gte 2100>>[[LEVEL UP|LevelUp]]<<endif>><<if $level eq 7 and $experiencetotal gte 2800>>[[LEVEL UP|LevelUp]]<<endif>><<if $level eq 8 and $experiencetotal gte 3600>>[[LEVEL UP|LevelUp]]<<endif>><<if $level eq 9 and $experiencetotal gte 4500>>[[LEVEL UP|LevelUp]]<<endif>><<if $level eq 10 and $experiencetotal gte 5500>>[[LEVEL UP|LevelUp]]<<endif>><<if $level eq 11 and $experiencetotal gte 6600>>[[LEVEL UP|LevelUp]]<<endif>><<if $level eq 12 and $experiencetotal gte 7800>>[[LEVEL UP|LevelUp]]<<endif>><<if $level eq 13 and $experiencetotal gte 9100>>[[LEVEL UP|LevelUp]]<<endif>><<if $level eq 14 and $experiencetotal gte 10500>>[[LEVEL UP|LevelUp]]<<endif>><<if $level eq 15 and $experiencetotal gte 12000>>[[LEVEL UP|LevelUp]]<<endif>><<if $level eq 16 and $experiencetotal gte 13600>>[[LEVEL UP|LevelUp]]<<endif>><<if $level eq 17 and $experiencetotal gte 15300>>[[LEVEL UP|LevelUp]]<<endif>><<if $level eq 18 and $experiencetotal gte 17100>>[[LEVEL UP|LevelUp]]<<endif>><<if $level eq 19 and $experiencetotal gte 19000>>[[LEVEL UP|LevelUp]]<<endif>>\nExperience: <<if $level eq 20>>MAX<<else>><<if $experiencelevel eq 0>>0<<else>><<print $experiencelevel>><<endif>><<endif>> / <<if $level eq 1>>100<<endif>><<if $level eq 2>>200<<endif>><<if $level eq 3>>300<<endif>><<if $level eq 4>>400<<endif>><<if $level eq 5>>500<<endif>><<if $level eq 6>>600<<endif>><<if $level eq 7>>700<<endif>><<if $level eq 8>>800<<endif>><<if $level eq 9>>900<<endif>><<if $level eq 10>>1000<<endif>><<if $level eq 11>>1100<<endif>><<if $level eq 12>>1200<<endif>><<if $level eq 13>>1300<<endif>><<if $level eq 14>>1400<<endif>><<if $level eq 15>>1500<<endif>><<if $level eq 16>>1600<<endif>><<if $level eq 17>>1700<<endif>><<if $level eq 18>>1800<<endif>><<if $level eq 19>>1900<<endif>><<if $level eq 20>>MAX<<endif>>\nSovereigns: <<if $sovereigns eq 0>>0<<else>><<print $sovereigns>><<endif>>\nAmmunition: <<if $ammunitioncurrent eq 0>>0<<else>><<print $ammunitioncurrent>><<endif>> / <<print $ammunitioncurrent>>\n<<silently>>\n<<set $levelabilities = 0>>\n<<set $levelweaponskill = 0>>\n<<set $levelmarksmanship = 0>>\n<<set $levelknowledge = 0>>\n<<set $leveltoughness = 0>>\n<<set $leveldexterity = 0>>\n<<set $learnheal = 0>>\n<<set $levelheal = 0>>\n<<set $learnfire = 0>>\n<<set $levelfire = 0>>\n<<set $learnice = 0>>\n<<set $levelice = 0>>\n<<set $learnchannel = 0>>\n<<set $levelchannel = 0>>\n<<set $learnbarrier = 0>>\n<<set $levelbarrier = 0>>\n<<set $healthmax = $toughness*29 + $level*7>><<if $healthcurrrent gte $healthmax>><<set $healthcurrent = $healthmax>><<endif>><<<set $manamax = $knowledge*5 + $level*3>><<set $attack = ($weaponskill*10) + $melee>><<set $shoot = ($marksmanship*10) + $ranged>><<set $defense = ($toughness + $dexterity)*5 + $block>><<endsilently>>\nHealth: <<print $healthcurrent>> / <<print $healthmax>> <<if $manacurrent gte $healmana>>[[Heal|InventoryHeal]]<<endif>>\nMana: <<print $manacurrent>> / <<print $manamax>>\nAttack: <<if $melee gte 1>><<print $attack>><<else>>n/a<<endif>><<endif>>\nShoot: <<if $ranged gte 1>><<print $shoot>><<else>>n/a<<endif>><<endif>>\nDefense: <<print $defense>>\n\nWeaponskill: <<print $weaponskill>>\nMarksmanship: <<print $marksmanship>>\nKnowledge: <<print $knowledge>>\nToughness: <<print $toughness>>\nDexterity: <<print $dexterity>>\n\nMain Hand: <<if $mainhand eq 0>>You are unarmed. [[Equip|MainHand]]<<else>><<if $shamshir eq 2>>Shamshir [[Remove|ShamshirRemove]] Melee + 85<<else>><<if $ono eq 2>>Ono [[Remove|OnoRemove]] Melee + 119<<else>><<if $mortuary eq 2>>Mortuary [[Remove|MortuaryRemove]] Melee + 153<<else>><<if $keteriya eq 2>>Keteriya [[Remove|KeteriyaRemove]] Melee + 187<<else>><<if $claymore eq 2>>Claymore [[Remove|ClaymoreRemove]] Melee + 221<<else>><<if $partisan eq 2>>Partisan [[Remove|PartisanRemove]] Melee + 105<<else>><<if $lucerne eq 2>>Lucerne [[Remove|LucerneRemove]] Melee + 147<<else>><<if $naginata eq 2>>Naginata [[Remove|NaginataRemove]] Melee + 189<<else>><<if $guisarme eq 2>>Guisarme [[Remove|GuisarmeRemove]] Melee + 231<<else>><<if $schlachtschwert eq 2>>Schlachtschwert [[Remove|SchlachtschwertRemove]] Melee + 273<<else>><<if $pistol eq 2>>Pistol [[Remove|PistolRemove]] Ranged + 95<<else>><<if $dragon eq 2>>Dragon [[Remove|DragonRemove]] Ranged + 133<<else>><<if $pepperbox eq 2>>Pepperbox [[Remove|PepperboxRemove]] Ranged + 171<<else>><<if $harmonica eq 2>>Harmonica [[Remove|HarmonicaRemove]] Ranged + 209<<else>><<if $revolver eq 2>>Revolver [[Remove|RevolverRemove]] Ranged + 247<<else>><<if $musket eq 2>>Musket [[Remove|MusketRemove]] Ranged + 115<<else>><<if $arquebus eq 2>>Arquebus [[Remove|ArquebusRemove]] Ranged + 161<<else>><<if $flintlock eq 2>>Flintlock [[Remove|FlintlockRemove]] Ranged + 207<<else>><<if $blunderbuss eq 2>>Blunderbuss [[Remove|BlunderbussRemove]] Ranged + 253<<else>><<if $carbine eq 2>>Carbine [[Remove|CarbineRemove]] Ranged + 299<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>> <<if $bayonet eq 2>>/ Bayonet, Attack + 3<<else>><<if $bayonet eq 1 and $musket eq 2 or $bayonet eq 1 and $arquebus eq 2 or $bayonet eq 1 and $flintlock eq 2 or $bayonet eq 1 and $blunderbuss eq 2 or $bayonet eq 1 and $carbine eq 2>>[[Affix Bayonet|BayonetAffix]]<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\nOff Hand: <<if $partisan eq 2>>Partisan [[Remove|PartisanRemove]] Melee + 105<<else>><<if $lucerne eq 2>>Lucerne [[Remove|LucerneRemove]] Melee + 147<<else>><<if $naginata eq 2>>Naginata [[Remove|NaginataRemove]] Melee + 189<<else>><<if $guisarme eq 2>>Guisarme [[Remove|GuisarmeRemove]] Melee + 231<<else>><<if $schlachtschwert eq 2>>Schlachtschwert [[Remove|SchlachtschwertRemove]] Melee + 273<<else>><<if $musket eq 2>>Musket [[Remove|MusketRemove]] Ranged + 115<<else>><<if $arquebus eq 2>>Arquebus [[Remove|ArquebusRemove]] Ranged + 161<<else>><<if $flintlock eq 2>>Flintlock [[Remove|FlintlockRemove]] Ranged + 207<<else>><<if $blunderbuss eq 2>>Blunderbuss [[Remove|BlunderbussRemove]] Ranged + 253<<else>><<if $carbine eq 2>>Carbine [[Remove|CarbineRemove]] Ranged + 299<<else>><<if $offhand eq 0>>You are unarmed. [[Equip|OffHand]]<<else>><<if $buckler eq 2>>Buckler [[Remove|BucklerRemove]] Defense + 18<<else>><<if $targe eq 2>>Targe [[Remove|TargeRemove]] Defense + 27<<else>><<if $heater eq 2>>Heater [[Remove|HeaterRemove]] Defense + 36<<else>><<if $parma eq 2>>Parma [[Remove|ParmaRemove]] Defense + 45<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>> <<if $bayonet eq 2>>/ Bayonet, Attack + 3<<else>><<if $bayonet eq 1 and $musket eq 2 or $bayonet eq 1 and $arquebus eq 2 or $bayonet eq 1 and $flintlock eq 2 or $bayonet eq 1 and $blunderbuss eq 2 or $bayonet eq 1 and $carbine eq 2>>[[Affix Bayonet|BayonetAffix]]<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\nArmour: <<if $armour eq 0>>You are unarmoured. [[Equip|Armour]]<<else>><<if $leather eq 2>>Leather [[Remove|LeatherRemove]] Defense + 35<<else>><<if $segmentata eq 2>>Segmentata [[Remove|SegmentataRemove]] Defense + 46<<else>><<if $haubergeon eq 2>>Haubergeon [[Remove|HaubergeonRemove]] Defense + 56<<else>><<if $chainmail eq 2>>Chainmail [[Remove|ChainmailRemove]] Defense + 67<<else>><<if $breastplate eq 2>>Breastplate [[Remove|BreastplateRemove]] Defense + 77<<else>><<if $tanko eq 2>>Tanko [[Remove|TankoRemove]] Defense + 88<<else>><<if $xantri eq 2>>Xantri's Cursed Full Plate, Defense + 96<<else>>\n<<if $fullplate eq 2>>Full Plate [[Remove|FullplateRemove]] Defense + 96<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\nClothing: <<if $outfit eq "Paladin">>Paladin Attire [[Change|Clothing]]<<endif>><<if $clothed eq 0 and $underwear gte 1>>You are unclothed [[Wear something|Clothing]]<<endif>><<if $clothed eq 0 and $underwear eq 0>>You are naked [[Wear something|Clothing]]<<endif>>\nUnderwear: <<if $bra eq "Bra" and $panties eq "Panties">>Bra and Panties [[Change|Underwear]]<<endif>><<if $clothed eq 1 and $underwear eq 0>>You are going commando. [[Wear something|Underwear]]<<endif>><<if $clothed eq 0 and $underwear eq 0>>You are naked. [[Wear something|Underwear]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Items]]\n\n<<if $location eq "IntroEntrance">>[[Back|IntroEntrance]]<<endif>><<if $location eq "IntroCave">>[[Back|IntroLuison]]<<endif>><<if $location eq "IntroLuisonVictory">>[[Back|IntroLuisonVictory]]<<endif>><<if $location eq "IntroGropers">>[[Back|IntroGropers]]<<endif>><<if $location eq "IntroGropersVictory">>[[Back|IntroGropersVictory]]<<endif>>
<<display FoeAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|FoeDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>You drink a vial of bitter Angitia nectar, cancelling the affects of any poison you may have in your body.\n\n[[Fight|FoeFight]]<<set $poison = 0>><<set $angitia = $angitia - 1>><<endif>><<endif>>
You remove the Breastplate.\n[[Defense - 77|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $breastplate = 1>><<set $armour = 0>><<set $block = $block - 77>>\n<<endsilently>>
body\n{ background: #e46d58;\n color: #fdd6b6;\n font-family: Verdana Ref, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;\n font-size: 11pt;\n text-shadow: fdd6b6 0 0 0.1em, fdd6b6 0 0 1em;\nbackground-image: -webkit-gradient(\n linear,\n left top,\n left bottom,\n color-stop(0, #e46d58),\n color-stop(0.50, #e46d58)\n);\n background-repeat: no-repeat;\nbackground-image: -o-linear-gradient(bottom, #ae3422 0%, #e46d58 50%);\nbackground-image: -moz-linear-gradient(bottom, #ae3422 0%, #e46d58 50%);\nbackground-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(bottom, #ae3422 0%, #e46d58 50%);\nbackground-image: -ms-linear-gradient(bottom, #ae3422 0%, #e46d58 50%);\nbackground-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #ae3422 0%, #e46d58 50%);\n height: 6em;\n }\n\na.internalLink\n{ color: #bd3b39;}\n\na.internalLink:hover, a.externalLink:hover\n{ color: #a43435 !important;\ntext-shadow: #a43435 0 0 0.1em, #a43435 0 0 1em;\ntext-decoration:none;}\n\n#sidebar li#title\n{ color: #541b2c; \n text-shadow: #541b2c 0 0 0.1em, #ae3422 0 0 1em;}\n\nli#snapback\n{ color: #541b2c; \n text-shadow: #541b2c 0 0 0.1em, #ae3422 0 0 1em;}\n\nli#restart\n{ color: #541b2c; \n text-shadow: #541b2c 0 0 0.1em, #ae3422 0 0 1em;}\n\n#sidebar\n{ top:0;\n left:0;\n padding-top: 4.2em;\n padding-left: 4.2em;\n width: 16em;\n height: 100%;}\n\n#sidebar, #sidebar #title, #sidebar a\n{ color: #803c46\n text-shadow: #fdd6b6 0 0 0.1em, #fdd6b6 0 0 1em !important;}\n\n#sidebar #title:hover, #sidebar a.hover, #sidebar li:hover\n{ color:#541b2c !important;\n text-shadow: #fdd6b6 0 0 0.1em, #fdd6b6 0 0 1em !important;}\n\n#sidebar li { text-align: right;}\n\nli#share { visibility: hidden; }\n\nli#credits { visibility: hidden; }\n\nli#divide { visibility: hidden; }
<<set $healthcurrent = $healthcurrent + $medicinerandom + 235>><<if $healthmax lte $healthcurrent>><<set $healthcurrent = $healthmax>><<endif>><<set $kamrusepa = $kamrusepa - 1>>You pour a vial of Kamrusepa over your wounds, watching them heal before your eyes.\n\n<<display IntroGropersAttack>> <<display IntroGropersGrapple>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroGropersFight]]<<endif>>
<<set $attack = $attack + ($knowledge*$channel + $channelrandom)>><<if $twohanded eq 1>><<set $attack = $attack*1.1>><<endif>><<set $foehealthcurrent = $foehealthcurrent - $attack>><<set $manacurrent = $manacurrent - $channelmana>>You focus your magic into your weapon, deliverary a powerful blow for <<print $attack>> damage!
<<if $foerandom eq 1 or $foerandom eq 2 and $poison eq 1>><<set $healthcurrent = $healthcurrent - $foeattack>>The <<print $foename>> hits you for <<print $foeattack>> damage.<<endif>>
<<display IntroSentryAttack>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<display Heal>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[The Callow stumbles backwards a few steps before tumbling to the ground...|IntroSentryVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroSentryFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<display Heal>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[The Callow stumbles backwards a few steps before tumbling to the ground...|IntroSentryVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display IntroSentryAttack>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroSentryFight]]<<endif>>
<<set $foename = "Callow Warriors">>The Luison's lair leads into a smaller chamber, this one lit by torchlight and filled with crates and barrels. This is clearly where the creatures have been storing their raiding spoils. From behing a stack of boxes two <<print $foename>> emerge. "You made a mistake coming here, bitch," one spits whilst nursing a bruise to his face. The two split up and advance upon you from different sides. The larger space gives them more of an advantage than the previous ones you fought in the corridor.\n<<silently>>\n<<set $foelevel = 2>>\n<<set $foehealthmax = 500>>\n<<set $foehealthcurrent = $foehealthmax>>\n<<set $foeattackbase = 215>>\n<<set $foedefense = 140>>\n<<set $foedexterity = 10>>\n<<set $foeelement = "none">>\n<<set $lust = $lustbase>>\n<<if $foelevel gte $level + 6>><<set $experiencefoe = 56>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level + 4 or $foelevel eq $level + 5>><<set $experiencefoe = 48>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level + 2 or $foelevel eq $level + 3>><<set $experiencefoe = 40>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level + 1 or $foelevel eq $level or $foelevel eq $level - 1>><<set $experiencefoe = 32>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level - 2 or $foelevel eq $level - 3>><<set $experiencefoe = 16>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level - 4 or $foelevel eq $level - 5>><<set $experiencefoe = 8>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel lte $level - 6>><<set $experiencefoe = 4>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n[[Trying to keep an eye on both of them, you prepare to fight...|IntroGropersFight]]
<<set $foename = "Callow Warriors">>You continue walking into the cave. The red stone walls are dotted sporadically with torches. Other evidence of the Callows residense are discarded animal bones and some messy blankets. You hear voices approaching from around a corner and with no place to hide you ready yourself for combat. Seconds later, two <<print $foename>> emerge. Catching sight of you, they draw their blades and charge.\n<<silently>>\n<<set $foelevel = 2>>\n<<set $foehealthmax = 500>>\n<<set $foehealthcurrent = $foehealthmax>>\n<<set $foeattackbase = 215>>\n<<set $foedefense = 140>>\n<<set $foedexterity = 10>>\n<<set $foeelement = "none">>\n<<set $lust = $lustbase>>\n<<if $foelevel gte $level + 6>><<set $experiencefoe = 80>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level + 4 or $foelevel eq $level + 5>><<set $experiencefoe = 64>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level + 2 or $foelevel eq $level + 3>><<set $experiencefoe = 48>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level + 1 or $foelevel eq $level or $foelevel eq $level - 1>><<set $experiencefoe = 32>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level - 2 or $foelevel eq $level - 3>><<set $experiencefoe = 16>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level - 4 or $foelevel eq $level - 5>><<set $experiencefoe = 8>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel lte $level - 6>><<set $experiencefoe = 4>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n[[Fight|IntroCallowsFight]]
<<set $foehealthcurrent = $foehealthcurrent - $firedamage>><<set $manacurrent = $manacurrent - $firemana>>Balling the magical energy between your hands, you unleash it for <<print $firedamage>> damage!
<<set $healthcurrent = $healthcurrent + $healrandom + $heal + ($knowledge*9) + ($level*6)>><<set $manacurrent = $manacurrent - $healmana>><<if $healthmax lte $healthcurrent>><<set $healthcurrent = $healthmax>><<endif>>Drawing the symbols carefully in the air, you cast a healing spell upon yourself.
You remove the Tanko.\n[[Defense - 88|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $tanko = 1>><<set $armour = 0>><<set $block = $block - 88>>\n<<endsilently>>\n
Mana <<print $manacurrent>> / <<print $manamax>>\n\n<<if $heal gte 1 and $manacurrent lte ($healmana - 1)>><<print $healmana>>: Heal<<else>><<if $heal gte 1 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<print $healmana>>: [[Heal|FoeHeal1]]<<else>><<if $heal gte 1>><<print $healmana>>: [[Heal|FoeHeal2]]<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $fire gte 1 and $manacurrent lte ($firemana - 1)>><<print $firemana>>: Fire<<else>><<if $fire gte 1 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<print $firemana>>: [[Fire|FoeFire1]]<<else>><<if $fire gte 1>><<print $firemana>>: [[Fire|FoeFire2]]<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $ice gte 1 and $manacurrent lte ($icemana - 1)>><<print $icemana>>: Ice<<else>><<if $ice gte 1 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<print $icemana>>: [[Ice|FoeIce1]]<<else>><<if $ice gte 1>><<print $icemana>>: [[Ice|FoeIce2]]<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $melee gte 1 and $channel gte 1 and $manacurrent lte ($channelmana - 1)>><<print $channelmana>>: Channel<<endif>><<if $melee gte 1 and $channel gte 1 and $manacurrent gte 15 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<print $channelmana>>: [[Channel|FoeChannel1]]<<endif>><<if $melee gte 1 and $channel gte 1 and $manacurrent gte 15 and $dexterity lte $foedexterity - 1>><<print $channelmana>>: [[Channel|FoeChannel2]]<<endif>>\n<<if $barrieractive eq 0 and $barrier gte 1 and $manacurrent lte ($barriermana - 1)>><<print $barriermana>>: Barrier<<endif>><<if $barrieractive eq 0 and $barrier gte 1 and $manacurrent gte 15 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<print $barriermana>>: [[Barrier|FoeBarrier1]]<<endif>><<if $barrieractive eq 0 and $barrier gte 1 and $manacurrent gte 15 and $dexterity lte $foedexterity - 1>><<print $barriermana>>: [[Barrier|FoeBarrier2]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Back|FoeFight]]
<<display IntroCallowsAttack>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<if $grapple eq 0>><<display Shoot>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[The two Callows slump against each other, beaten...|IntroCallowsVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroCallowsFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<display Shoot>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[The two Callows slump against each other, beaten...|IntroCallowsVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display IntroCallowsAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroCallowsFight]]<<endif>>
Medicine\n-Kamrusepa: <<if $kamrusepa eq 0>>0<<else>><<if $kamrusepa gte 1>><<print $kamrusepa>> [[Use|IntroDraperKamrusepa]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n-Angitia: <<if $angitia eq 0>>0<<else>><<if $angitia gte 1>><<print $angitia>> [[Use|IntroDraperAngitia]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n\n[[Back|IntroDraperFight]]
You unequip the Lucerne.\n[[Melee - 147|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $lucerne = 1>><<set $mainhand = 0>><<set $melee = $melee - 147>>\n<<set $twohanded = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>
It takes you some time to insert the Copper IUD. The process is awkward and uncomfortable, but once done you feel relieved knowing that you won't get pregnant.\n\n[[Items]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $copperiud = 2>>\n<<set $pregnancy = "iud">>\n<<set $time = $time + 1>><<set $fatigue = $fatigue + 1>>\n<<if $time gte "25">><<set $day = $day + 1>><<set $time = $time - 24>><<endif>>\n<<if $pregnancy eq "none" or $pregnancy eq "iud">><<set $maternity = 0>><<else>><<set $maternity = $maternity + 1>><<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<set $healthcurrent = $healthcurrent + $medicinerandom + 235>><<if $healthmax lte $healthcurrent>><<set $healthcurrent = $healthmax>><<endif>><<set $kamrusepa = $kamrusepa - 1>>You pour a vial of Kamrusepa over your wounds, watching them heal before your eyes.\n\n<<display FoeAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|FoeDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|FoeFight]]<<endif>>
Mana <<print $manacurrent>> / <<print $manamax>>\n\n<<if $heal gte 1 and $manacurrent lte ($healmana - 1)>><<print $healmana>>: Heal<<else>><<if $heal gte 1 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<print $healmana>>: [[Heal|IntroMorgrinHeal1]]<<else>><<if $heal gte 1>><<print $healmana>>: [[Heal|IntroMorgrinHeal2]]<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $fire gte 1 and $manacurrent lte ($firemana - 1)>><<print $firemana>>: Fire<<else>><<if $fire gte 1 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<print $firemana>>: [[Fire|IntroMorgrinFire1]]<<else>><<if $fire gte 1>><<print $firemana>>: [[Fire|IntroMorgrinFire2]]<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $ice gte 1 and $manacurrent lte ($icemana - 1)>><<print $icemana>>: Ice<<else>><<if $ice gte 1 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<print $icemana>>: [[Ice|IntroMorgrinIce1]]<<else>><<if $ice gte 1>><<print $icemana>>: [[Ice|IntroMorgrinIce2]]<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $melee gte 1 and $channel gte 1 and $manacurrent lte ($channelmana - 1)>><<print $channelmana>>: Channel<<endif>><<if $melee gte 1 and $channel gte 1 and $manacurrent gte 15 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<print $channelmana>>: [[Channel|IntroMorgrinChannel1]]<<endif>><<if $melee gte 1 and $channel gte 1 and $manacurrent gte 15 and $dexterity lte $foedexterity - 1>><<print $channelmana>>: [[Channel|IntroMorgrinChannel2]]<<endif>>\n<<if $barrieractive eq 0 and $barrier gte 1 and $manacurrent lte ($barriermana - 1)>><<print $barriermana>>: Barrier<<endif>><<if $barrieractive eq 0 and $barrier gte 1 and $manacurrent gte 15 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<print $barriermana>>: [[Barrier|IntroMorgrinBarrier1]]<<endif>><<if $barrieractive eq 0 and $barrier gte 1 and $manacurrent gte 15 and $dexterity lte $foedexterity - 1>><<print $barriermana>>: [[Barrier|IntroMorgrinBarrier2]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Back|IntroMorgrinFight]]
You unequip the Flintlock.\n[[Ranged - 207|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $flintlock = 1>><<set $mainhand = 0>><<set $ranged = $ranged - 207>>\n<<if $bayonet eq 2>><<set $bayonet = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $melee = $melee - 127>><<endif>>\n<<set $twohanded = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<display FoeAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>You drink a vial of bitter Angitia nectar, cancelling the affects of any poison you may have in your body.\n\n[[Fight|IntroMorgrinFight]]<<set $poison = 0>><<set $angitia = $angitia - 1>><<endif>><<endif>>
<<if $introthake eq 0>>You retreat into the cave, the cries of the monstrous bird of prey echoing inside the cave. The rider may well be aware of your presense and return. Something about him makes you cautious, you want to defeat the Morgrin and leave this cave far behind as quickly as possible.\n\nThe Thake's loud caws serve as warning system. You can switch your Sharmshir for your Pistol and try to take it out, if its not already to late to stop the other Callows being alerted to your presense. This is also a good oppotunity to heal yourself. Or you could simply press on into the caves.<<endif>><<if $introthake eq 1>>You can hear some shuffling and murmouring ahead of you in the cave. Seems like the Thake managed to alert the other Callows before it's death.<<endif>>\n\n[[Continue deeper into the cave|IntroCallows]]\n[[Inventory]]\n<<if $introthake eq 0>>[[Go back outside|IntroThake]]<<endif>>\n<<silently>><<set $location = "IntroEntrance">><<set $poison = 0>><<if $barrieractive eq 1>><<set $defense = $defense - $barrier>><<set $barrieractive = 0>><<endif>><<if $barrierative eq 1 and $buckler eq 2 or $barrierative eq 1 and $targe eq 2 or $barrierative eq 1 and $heater eq 2 or $barrierative eq 1 and $parma eq 2>><<set $barrier = $barrier - 10>><<endif>><<set $lust = 0>><<endsilently>>
You equip the Pistol.\n[[Ranged + 95|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $pistol = 2>><<set $mainhand = 2>><<set $ranged = $ranged + 95>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<if $foeescape lte 29>><<set $healthcurrent = $healthcurrent - $foeattack>>You attempt to run but are unable to escape.\n\n<<display IntroSentryAttack>><<endif>><<if $foeescape gte 30>>You run as fast as you can, stopping only when you can no longer hear the foe behind you.<<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $grapple eq 0 and $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foeescape lte 29>>[[Fight|IntroSentryFight]]<<endif>><<if $foeescape gte 30>>[[The Callow stumbles backwards a few steps before tumbling to the ground...|IntroSentryVictory]]<<endif>>\n<<silently>>\n<<if $grapple eq 0 and $foeescape gte 30>><<set $foename = "none">><<set $poison = 0>><<set $lust = 0>><<endif>>\n<<if $grapple eq 0 and $foeescape gte 30 and $barrieractive eq 1>><<set $defense = $defense - $barrier>><<set $barrieractive = 0>><<endif>>\n<<if $grapple eq 0 and $foeescape gte 30 and $barrierative eq 1 and $buckler eq 2 or $foeescape gte 30 and $barrierative eq 1 and $targe eq 2 or $foeescape gte 30 and $barrierative eq 1 and $heater eq 2 or $foeescape gte 30 and $barrierative eq 1 and $parma eq 2>><<set $barrier = $barrier - 10>><<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n
Medicine\n-Kamrusepa: <<if $kamrusepa eq 0>>0<<else>><<if $kamrusepa gte 1>><<print $kamrusepa>> [[Use|IntroCallowsKamrusepa]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n-Angitia: <<if $angitia eq 0>>0<<else>><<if $angitia gte 1>><<print $angitia>> [[Use|IntroCallowsAngitia]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n\n[[Back|IntroCallowsFight]]
<<display IntroThakeAttack>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>You drink a vial of bitter Angitia nectar, cancelling the affects of any poison you may have in your body.\n\n[[Fight|IntroThakeFight]]<<set $poison = 0>><<set $angitia = $angitia - 1>><<endif>><<endif>>
Health: <<print $healthcurrent>> / <<print $healthmax>>\n\nMedicine\n-Kamrusepa: <<if $kamrusepa eq 0>>0<<else>><<if $kamrusepa gte 1>><<print $kamrusepa>> [[Use|Kamrusepa]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n-Angitia: <<if $angitia eq 0>>0<<else>><<if $angitia gte 1>><<print $angitia>><<endif>><<endif>>\n-Beiwe: <<if $beiwe eq 0>>0<<else>><<if $beiwe gte 1>><<print $beiwe>> [[Use|Beiwe]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n\nSexual\n<<if $copperiud eq 0>><<else>><<if $copperiud eq 1 and $pregnancy eq "none">>-Copper IUD [[Insert|IUDInsert]]<<else>><<if $copperiud eq 2>>-Copper IUD [[Remove|IUDRemove]]<<else>><<if $copperiud eq 1>>-Copper IUD [[Insert|IUDPregnant]]<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n[[Inventory]]
<<set $healthcurrent = $healthcurrent + $healrandom + $heal + ($knowledge*9) + ($level*6)>><<set $manacurrent = $manacurrent - $healmana>><<if $healthmax lte $healthcurrent>><<set $healthcurrent = $healthmax>><<endif>>Drawing the symbols carefully in the air, you cast a healing spell upon yourself.\n\n[[Inventory]]
You unequip the Shamhir.\n[[Melee - 85|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $shamshir = 1>><<set $mainhand = 0>><<set $melee = $melee - 85>>\n<<endsilently>>
You awake feeling dizzy. A human face stares back at you, the ghostly pallor of the long dead noblewoman contrasting the painting's dark background. The portrait is inverted. You attempt to shift your aching body only to find yourself unable. You're hanging upside down, your legs tied spread eagle by corse rope to hooks hammered into the ceiling. You wrists are tied together, again fixed to a hook imbedded in the floor, stretching your arms uncomfortably. You have been stripped of all your clothing and although you can twist your upper body slightly you are very much helpless.\n\n"Welcome back, Paladin." You twist your head to try and look at the <<print $foename>> but can't catch sight of him. You feel something sharp poke the back of your thigh, shivering as it traces a line across your leg to your exposed pussy. <<if $experiencetotal eq 0>>"The Callows were telling me of what a poor showing you made, you really could not even defeat a single one of them?"<<endif>><<if $experiencetotal gte 1 and lte 30>>"They must be handing out the Eye to anyone who asks these days, I have never met a Paladin as weak as you."<<endif>><<if $experiencetotal gte 31 and lte 99>>"The remaining Callows wanted to run a train on you and then throw you off the side of the mountain. It is lucky for you that I am here."<<endif>><<if $experiencetotal gte 100 and lte 115>>"You should know that I am very cross with you. I was just starting to build up my own merry little band of Callows."<<endif>><<if $experiencetotal gte 152>>"I am very cross with you, you know. I was just starting to build up my own merry little band of Callows."<<endif>><<if $experiencetotal gte 100 and lte 115>>"If it brings you any comfort you were very close, I certainly can not fault you for trying."<<endif>> You gasp as a long finger slides into your pussy. "I thought a Paladin would show up eventually, but only after I had raided Foolscrest. It is a pity, it looks like I will have to leave here immediately".\n\nThe <<print $foename>> idly fucks one as he continues talking. "I considered killing you after I had had my fun, but I thought I would make an investment instead. You should be happy really, I am going to give you a gift." Withdrawing his hand he slaps you hard on the ass, the sound echoing throughout the cave. He steps in front of you, gazing down at you with his obscenely wide grin. "I noticed you are sterile, probably seemed like a perk when you choose this profession. Human's genetic incompatibility with Callows has been a point of frustration in my grand schemes, so I have decided to use you as a test subject." He crouches down, leering at you. "Tattoo enchantment is something of a specialty of mine, I find the subject fascinating. Since the Callows have a long tradition of tattoos, I think they could make excellent canvasses. The ones you fought had only their traditional tribal ones, I was still considering which enchanted tattoo designs would be best suited too make them stronger. I rather missed the boat there, did I not?"\n\nThe <<print $foename>> stands up and suddenly slaps your pussy, causing you to yelp. "But for you, my dear, fertility is my choice, you shall breed. Not with humans of course, there is far too many of you running around out there as there is, no. Everything else though, will be fair game." He begins to trace a shape on your right hand side, you can scarcely flinch from his touch. "Of course you deserve a punishment as well, you really have been nuisance. I am going to take away your ability to restore your mana by sleeping, instead you will need to restore through orgasm. I have this delicious picture in my head of you splitting yourself on the colossal dick of some fiend, fucking yourself to pregnancy in order to be able to cast spells." You grit your teeth as the nail resting on the naked skin of your flank starts to burn. "Well then, shall we begin?"\n\nYou remember your last day at the chapter house when the Commander tattooed the order's symbol onto the back of your neck. The unblinking eye, the ever watchful Paladins, you remember how you swelled with pride, how you hardly felt the pain. This is nothing like that. How cruel your fate is to see your first mission suffering this creature's ink. Fighting back tears you look at your skin, watching the <<print $foename>> tattoo your flesh. The creatures fingernail has grown completely black, its magic a dark paint staining your skin. "This will take some time, we may as well enjoy ourselves." You feel the monster's long wet tongue begin to lick your vagina, carefully teasing and caressing your pussy. You bite your lip as you feel your juices begin to flow and mix with the fiend's saliva, dribbling down your chest. You find that the mix of pain and pleasure exciting you, and when the tongue begins to slip inside of your entrance you can't stop yourself from moaning. The <<print $foename>>'s tongue ploughs down deep into you and you scream as it pierces your cervix.\n\nYou strain against your bonds, begging the beast to stop as you feel your will power drain away. The thick tongue writhes in and out, its powerful rhythm driving away your senses. You see the giant dick hanging in front of your face begin to stiffen, pressing into your breasts. As it hardens and grows against your chest you wonder what it would be like to be fucked with this member. As if on queue, the <<print $foename>> bends his knees and thrusts his dick into your open mouth. Though not much wider than the human cocks with which you are accustomed it is far longer, it must have grown to almost twenty inches. It touches the back of your throat, your tongue tasting the creature's sweat, its unwashed filth. You begin to lick it slowly, hoping to clean off it's unpleasant taste. In return the <<print $foename>> intensifies its movements, pounding your trembling cunt hard in this twisted 69. The pain from the finger tattooing your skin is all but forgotten as you begin to suck on his long member. This seems insufficient for the creature however, as pulling its dick out halfway it begins to face fuck you. Your head is forced back as far it will go as the long purple dick rams your mouth again and again.\n\nThe lack of air reaching your lungs combines with the blood rushing to your head to leave you increasingly light headed. Despite this you feel your orgasm approaching fast and are caught by some strange passion to make the <<print $foename>> climax at the same time. You start sucking again intently, using your tongue to help the creature finish quicker. The tendril in your cunt moves seemingly impossibly fast for any creature and its all you can do to keep working the <<print $foename>> dick. The sordid image of how you must look in this twisted 69 sends you over the edge. Your whole body tenses as you cum hard, your body consumed by an intense heat as you lose any semblance of rational thought. Seconds later the cock slams into the back of your throat one last time before exploding. Despite hanging upside down cum pours into your throat and fillsyour mouth. You snort at it begins to leak out of your nose. The softening cock withdraws, pulling out slowly as cum runs down your face. You spend the next few minutes gasping for breath as your own sweat pours down your body, only dimly aware that the tattoo on your side was finished some time ago. The bitter taste of the creatures cum rests on your tongue and you swallow unconsciously.\n\nThe <<print $foename>> sits down crossed legged in front of you, grasping your hair in one hand and pulling your limp head up to face him. "I have great expectations of you, Paladin. See that you do not disappoint me."\n\n[[You pass out...|IntroWake]]
Mana <<print $manacurrent>> / <<print $manamax>>\n\n<<if $heal gte 1 and $manacurrent lte ($healmana - 1)>><<print $healmana>>: Heal<<else>><<if $heal gte 1 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<print $healmana>>: [[Heal|IntroGropersHeal1]]<<else>><<if $heal gte 1>><<print $healmana>>: [[Heal|IntroGropersHeal2]]<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $fire gte 1 and $manacurrent lte ($firemana - 1)>><<print $firemana>>: Fire<<else>><<if $fire gte 1 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<print $firemana>>: [[Fire|IntroGropersFire1]]<<else>><<if $fire gte 1>><<print $firemana>>: [[Fire|IntroGropersFire2]]<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $ice gte 1 and $manacurrent lte ($icemana - 1)>><<print $icemana>>: Ice<<else>><<if $ice gte 1 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<print $icemana>>: [[Ice|IntroGropersIce1]]<<else>><<if $ice gte 1>><<print $icemana>>: [[Ice|IntroGropersIce2]]<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $melee gte 1 and $channel gte 1 and $manacurrent lte ($channelmana - 1)>><<print $channelmana>>: Channel<<endif>><<if $melee gte 1 and $channel gte 1 and $manacurrent gte 15 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<print $channelmana>>: [[Channel|IntroGropersChannel1]]<<endif>><<if $melee gte 1 and $channel gte 1 and $manacurrent gte 15 and $dexterity lte $foedexterity - 1>><<print $channelmana>>: [[Channel|IntroGropersChannel2]]<<endif>>\n<<if $barrieractive eq 0 and $barrier gte 1 and $manacurrent lte ($barriermana - 1)>><<print $barriermana>>: Barrier<<endif>><<if $barrieractive eq 0 and $barrier gte 1 and $manacurrent gte 15 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<print $barriermana>>: [[Barrier|IntroGropersBarrier1]]<<endif>><<if $barrieractive eq 0 and $barrier gte 1 and $manacurrent gte 15 and $dexterity lte $foedexterity - 1>><<print $barriermana>>: [[Barrier|IntroGropersBarrier2]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Back|IntroGropersFight]]
<<print $foename>>: <<if $foehealthcurrent gte 750>>unhurt<<else>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 500>>injured<<else>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 250>>wounded<<else>>critical<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\nChallenge: <<if $foelevel gte $level + 6>>impossible<<endif>><<if $foelevel eq $level + 4 or $foelevel eq $level + 5>>difficult<<endif>><<if $foelevel eq $level + 2 or $foelevel eq $level + 3>>tough<<endif>><<if $foelevel eq $level - 1 or $foelevel eq $level or $foelevel eq $level + 1 >>equal<<endif>><<if $foelevel eq $level - 2 or $foelevel eq $level - 3>>simple<<endif>><<if $foelevel eq $level - 4 or $foelevel eq $level - 5>>weak<<endif>><<if $foelevel lte $level - 6>>pathetic<<endif>>\n<<if $healthmax lte $healthcurrent>><<set $healthcurrent = $healthmax>><<endif>>\nThe <<print $foename>> squares of against you, its vicious grin splitting its head from ear to ear. The look in its gleaming yellow eyes is that of a hunter, not prey.\n\nHealth: <<print $healthcurrent>> / <<print $healthmax>> <<if $poison eq 1>>(poisoned)<<else>><<endif>><<endif>> <<if $lust eq 3 or $lust eq 4 or $lust eq 5>>(aroused)<<endif>><<if $lust eq 6 or $lust eq 7 or $lust eq 8>>(horny)<<endif>><<if $lust eq 9>>(close to orgasm)<<endif>>\nMana <<if $manacurrent eq 0>>0<<else>><<print $manacurrent>><<endif>><<endif>> / <<print $manamax>>\nAmmunition <<if $ammunitioncurrent eq 0>>0<<else>><<print $ammunitioncurrent>><<endif>><<endif>> / <<print $ammunitionmax>>\n<<if $melee gte 1 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<set $combatattack = 1>>[[Attack|IntroMorgrinAttack1]]<<else>><<if $melee gte 1>><<set $combatattack = 1>>[[Attack|IntroMorgrinAttack2]]<<endif>><<endif>> <<if $ammunitioncurrent eq 0 and $ranged gte 1>>Shoot<<endif>><<if $ammunitioncurrent gte 1 and $ranged gte 1 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>>[[Shoot|IntroMorgrinShoot1]]<<else>><<if $ammunitioncurrent gte 1 and $ranged gte 1>>[[Shoot|IntroMorgrinShoot2]]<<endif>><<endif>> [[Magic|IntroMorgrinMagic]]\n[[Items|IntroMorgrinItems]] Escape [[Submit|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]\n<<if $companion eq "none">><<else>><<print $companion>>: Scatter Shot/Poisen Bolt<<endif>>\n<<silently>>\n\n<<if $barrier gte 10 and $buckler eq 2 or $barrier gte 10 and $targe eq 2 or $barrier gte 10 and $heater eq 2 or $barrier gte 10 and $parma eq 2>><<set $barrier = $barrier + 10>><<endif>>\n\n<<set $attack = ($weaponskill*10) + $melee - $foedefense>>\n<<if $attack lte 0>><<set $attack = 1>><<endif>>\n<<set $attackrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $attack = $attack + $attackrandom>>\n\n<<set $shoot = ($marksmanship*10) + $ranged - $foedefense>>\n<<if $shoot lte 0>><<set $shoot = 1>><<endif>>\n<<set $shootrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $shoot = $shoot + $shootrandom>>\n\n<<set $firedamage = ($knowledge*10) + $fire - $foedefense>>\n<<if $foeelement eq "ice">><<set $firedamage = $firedamage*2>><<endif>>\n<<if $foeelement eq "fire">><<set $firedamage = $firedamage/4>><<endif>>\n<<if $firedamage lte 0>><<set $firedamage = 1>><<endif>>\n<<set $firerandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $firedamage = $firedamage + $firerandom>>\n\n<<set $icedamage = ($knowledge*10) + $ice - $foedefense>>\n<<if $foeelement eq "fire">><<set $icedamage = $icedamage*2>><<endif>>\n<<if $foeelement eq "ice">><<set $icedamage = $icedamage/4>><<endif>>\n<<if $icedamage lte 0>><<set $icedamage = 1>><<endif>>\n<<set $icerandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $icedamage = $icedamage + $icerandom>>\n\n<<set $foeattack = $foeattackbase - $defense>>\n<<if $foeattack lte 0>><<set $foeattack = 1>><<endif>>\n<<set $foeattackrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $foeattack = $foeattack + $foeattackrandom>>\n\n<<set $healrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*20))+1>>\n<<set $channelrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $medicinerandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*30))+1>>\n\n<<set $foerandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*1))+1>>\n<<set $foeescaperandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*30))+1>>\n<<set $foeescape = $foeescaperandom + $dexterity>>\n\n<<set $poisonchance = (Math.floor(Math.random()*2))+1>>\n<<set $poisonrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $poisondamage = 30>>\n\n<<set $grapple = 0>>\n<<set $grapplerandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*3))+1>>\n\n<<endsilently>>
<<display IntroSentryAttack>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<if $grapple eq 0>><<display Attack>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[The Callow stumbles backwards a few steps before tumbling to the ground...|IntroSentryVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroSentryFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
Mana <<print $manacurrent>> / <<print $manamax>>\n\n<<if $heal gte 1 and $manacurrent lte ($healmana - 1)>><<print $healmana>>: Heal<<else>><<if $heal gte 1 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<print $healmana>>: [[Heal|IntroCallowsHeal1]]<<else>><<if $heal gte 1>><<print $healmana>>: [[Heal|IntroCallowsHeal2]]<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $fire gte 1 and $manacurrent lte ($firemana - 1)>><<print $firemana>>: Fire<<else>><<if $fire gte 1 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<print $firemana>>: [[Fire|IntroCallowsFire1]]<<else>><<if $fire gte 1>><<print $firemana>>: [[Fire|IntroCallowsFire2]]<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $ice gte 1 and $manacurrent lte ($icemana - 1)>><<print $icemana>>: Ice<<else>><<if $ice gte 1 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<print $icemana>>: [[Ice|IntroCallowsIce1]]<<else>><<if $ice gte 1>><<print $icemana>>: [[Ice|IntroCallowsIce2]]<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $melee gte 1 and $channel gte 1 and $manacurrent lte ($channelmana - 1)>><<print $channelmana>>: Channel<<endif>><<if $melee gte 1 and $channel gte 1 and $manacurrent gte 15 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<print $channelmana>>: [[Channel|IntroCallowsChannel1]]<<endif>><<if $melee gte 1 and $channel gte 1 and $manacurrent gte 15 and $dexterity lte $foedexterity - 1>><<print $channelmana>>: [[Channel|IntroCallowsChannel2]]<<endif>>\n<<if $barrieractive eq 0 and $barrier gte 1 and $manacurrent lte ($barriermana - 1)>><<print $barriermana>>: Barrier<<endif>><<if $barrieractive eq 0 and $barrier gte 1 and $manacurrent gte 15 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<print $barriermana>>: [[Barrier|IntroCallowsBarrier1]]<<endif>><<if $barrieractive eq 0 and $barrier gte 1 and $manacurrent gte 15 and $dexterity lte $foedexterity - 1>><<print $barriermana>>: [[Barrier|IntroCallowsBarrier2]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Back|IntroCallowsFight]]
<<if $foerandom eq 3 and $grapplerandom gte 2>><<set $grapple = 1>>You are grappled by the <<print $foename>>!\n\n[[Struggle|FoeStruggle]]<<endif>><<if $foerandom eq 3 and $grapplerandom eq 1>>You avoid being grappled by the <<print $foename>>!<<endif>>
You equip the Full Plate.\n[[Defense + 96|XantriEquip]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $xantri = 2>><<set $armour = 1>><<set $block = $block + 96>><<set $fullplatex = 2>>\n<<endsilently>>
Mana <<print $manacurrent>> / <<print $manamax>>\n\n<<if $heal gte 1 and $manacurrent lte ($healmana - 1)>><<print $healmana>>: Heal<<else>><<if $heal gte 1 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<print $healmana>>: [[Heal|IntroDraperHeal1]]<<else>><<if $heal gte 1>><<print $healmana>>: [[Heal|IntroDraperHeal2]]<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $fire gte 1 and $manacurrent lte ($firemana - 1)>><<print $firemana>>: Fire<<else>><<if $fire gte 1 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<print $firemana>>: [[Fire|IntroDraperFire1]]<<else>><<if $fire gte 1>><<print $firemana>>: [[Fire|IntroDraperFire2]]<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $ice gte 1 and $manacurrent lte ($icemana - 1)>><<print $icemana>>: Ice<<else>><<if $ice gte 1 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<print $icemana>>: [[Ice|IntroDraperIce1]]<<else>><<if $ice gte 1>><<print $icemana>>: [[Ice|IntroDraperIce2]]<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $melee gte 1 and $channel gte 1 and $manacurrent lte ($channelmana - 1)>><<print $channelmana>>: Channel<<endif>><<if $melee gte 1 and $channel gte 1 and $manacurrent gte 15 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<print $channelmana>>: [[Channel|IntroDraperChannel1]]<<endif>><<if $melee gte 1 and $channel gte 1 and $manacurrent gte 15 and $dexterity lte $foedexterity - 1>><<print $channelmana>>: [[Channel|IntroDraperChannel2]]<<endif>>\n<<if $barrieractive eq 0 and $barrier gte 1 and $manacurrent lte ($barriermana - 1)>><<print $barriermana>>: Barrier<<endif>><<if $barrieractive eq 0 and $barrier gte 1 and $manacurrent gte 15 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<print $barriermana>>: [[Barrier|IntroDraperBarrier1]]<<endif>><<if $barrieractive eq 0 and $barrier gte 1 and $manacurrent gte 15 and $dexterity lte $foedexterity - 1>><<print $barriermana>>: [[Barrier|IntroDraperBarrier2]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Back|IntroDraperFight]]
<<display IntroLuisonAttack>> <<display IntroLuisonDamage>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<if $grapple eq 0>><<display Attack>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[The Luison howls mournfully as it falls to its side dead...|IntroLuisonVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroLuisonFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<display IntroDraperAttack>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>You drink a vial of bitter Angitia nectar, cancelling the affects of any poison you may have in your body.\n\n[[Fight|IntroDraperFight]]<<set $poison = 0>><<set $angitia = $angitia - 1>><<endif>><<endif>>
<<if $channel eq 0>><<set $learnchannel = 1>><<set $channel = 1>>You learn Channel!<<endif>> <<if $channel gte 1>><<set $levelchannel = 1>><<set $channel = $channel + 1>>Your Chanel magic gets stronger!<<endif>>\n\n[[Back|LevelUp]]
You equip the Breastplate.\n[[Defense + 77|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $breastplate = 2>><<set $armour = 1>><<set $block = $block + 77>>\n<<endsilently>>
You unequip the Targe.\n[[Defense - 27|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $targe = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 27>>\n<<endsilently>>
You equip the Ono.\n[[Melee + 119|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $ono = 2>><<set $mainhand = 1>><<set $melee = $melee + 119>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<display IntroGropersAttack>> <<display IntroGropersGrapple>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<display Heal>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[The two Callows slump against each other, beaten...|IntroGropersVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroGropersFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<set $location eq "IntroLuisonVictory">>You catch your breath after the battle, dreading what fight with a pack of Luison would be like. Thankfully the effects of its poison appear to have worn off. You gain <<print $experiencefoe>> experience!\n<<set $experiencetotal = $experiencetotal + $experiencefoe>><<set $experiencelevel = $experiencelevel + $experiencefoe>><<set $foename = "none">><<set $poison = 0>><<if $barrieractive eq 1>><<set $defense = $defense - $barrier>><<set $barrieractive = 0>><<endif>><<if $barrierative eq 1 and $buckler eq 2 or $barrierative eq 1 and $targe eq 2 or $barrierative eq 1 and $heater eq 2 or $barrierative eq 1 and $parma eq 2>><<set $barrier = $barrier - 10>><<endif>><<set $lust = 0>><<set $location = "IntroGropers">>\n[[You hope the Callows don't have any more tame creatures. You're not sure how many more you can beat...|IntroGropers]]\n[[Inventory]]
You equip the Lucerne.\n[[Melee + 147|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $lucerne = 2>><<set $mainhand = 1>><<set $melee = $melee + 147>>\n<<if $buckler eq 2>><<set $buckler = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 18>><<endif>>\n<<if $targe eq 2>><<set $targe = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 27>><<endif>>\n<<if $heater eq 2>><<set $heater = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 36>><<endif>>\n<<if $parma eq 2>><<set $parma = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 45>><<endif>>\n<<set $twohanded = 1>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<display IntroDraperAttack>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<display Ice>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[The Ice Drapercoils back on itself, flailing madly...|IntroDraperVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroDraperFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<display Barrier>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[IntroMorgrinVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display FoeAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroMorgrinFight]]<<endif>>
<<display FoeAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<display Barrier>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[IntroMorgrinVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroMorgrinFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<display IntroDraperAttack>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<display Barrier>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[The Ice Drapercoils back on itself, flailing madly...|IntroDraperVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroDraperFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
by Illustrious\nversion 0.01.09\nThe Mogrin's Cave
body\n{ background: #ff8600;\n color: #fdf1a8;\n font-family: Verdana Ref, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;\n font-size: 11pt;\n text-shadow: fdf1a8 0 0 0.1em, fdf1a8 0 0 1em;\nbackground-image: -webkit-gradient(\n linear,\n left top,\n left bottom,\n color-stop(0, #a22d00),\n color-stop(0.50, #ff8600)\n);\n background-repeat: no-repeat;\nbackground-image: -o-linear-gradient(bottom, #a22d00 0%, #ff8600 50%);\nbackground-image: -moz-linear-gradient(bottom, #a22d00 0%, #ff8600 50%);\nbackground-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(bottom, #a22d00 0%, #ff8600 50%);\nbackground-image: -ms-linear-gradient(bottom, #a22d00 0%, #ff8600 50%);\nbackground-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #a22d00 0%, #ff8600 50%);\n height: 6em;\n }\n\na.internalLink\n{ color: #fecf02;}\n\na.internalLink:hover, a.externalLink:hover\n{ color: #b13800 !important;\ntext-shadow: #b13800 0 0 0.1em, #b13800 0 0 1em;\ntext-decoration:none;}\n\n#sidebar li#title\n{ color: #501f00; \n text-shadow: #501f00 0 0 0.1em, #501f00 0 0 1em;}\n\nli#snapback\n{ color: #501f00; \n text-shadow: #501f00 0 0 0.1em, #501f00 0 0 1em;}\n\nli#restart\n{ color: #501f00; \n text-shadow: #501f00 0 0 0.1em, #501f00 0 0 1em;}\n\n#sidebar\n{ top:0;\n left:0;\n padding-top: 4.2em;\n padding-left: 4.2em;\n width: 16em;\n height: 100%;}\n\n#sidebar, #sidebar #title, #sidebar a\n{ color: #501f00\n text-shadow: #fffd98 0 0 0.1em, #fffd98 0 0 1em !important;}\n\n#sidebar #title:hover, #sidebar a.hover, #sidebar li:hover\n{ color:#501f00 !important;\n text-shadow: #fffd98 0 0 0.1em, #fffd98 0 0 1em !important;}\n\n#sidebar li { text-align: right;}\n\nli#share { visibility: hidden; }\n\nli#credits { visibility: hidden; }\n\nli#divide { visibility: hidden; }
You equip the Arquebus.\n[[Ranged + 161|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $arquebus = 2>><<set $mainhand = 2>><<set $ranged = $ranged + 161>>\n<<if $buckler eq 2>><<set $buckler = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 18>><<endif>>\n<<if $targe eq 2>><<set $targe = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 27>><<endif>>\n<<if $heater eq 2>><<set $heater = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 36>><<endif>>\n<<if $parma eq 2>><<set $parma = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 45>><<endif>>\n<<set $twohanded = 1>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<if $foeescape lte 29>><<set $healthcurrent = $healthcurrent - $foeattack>>You attempt to run but are unable to escape.\n\n<<display FoeAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>><<if $foeescape gte 30>>You run as fast as you can, stopping only when you can no longer hear the foe behind you.<<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $grapple eq 0 and $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foeescape lte 29>>[[Fight|IntroMorgrinFight]]<<endif>><<if $foeescape gte 30>>[[IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>>\n<<silently>>\n<<if $grapple eq 0 and $foeescape gte 30>><<set $foename = "none">><<set $poison = 0>><<set $lust = 0>><<endif>>\n<<if $grapple eq 0 and $foeescape gte 30 and $barrieractive eq 1>><<set $defense = $defense - $barrier>><<set $barrieractive = 0>><<endif>>\n<<if $grapple eq 0 and $foeescape gte 30 and $barrierative eq 1 and $buckler eq 2 or $foeescape gte 30 and $barrierative eq 1 and $targe eq 2 or $foeescape gte 30 and $barrierative eq 1 and $heater eq 2 or $foeescape gte 30 and $barrierative eq 1 and $parma eq 2>><<set $barrier = $barrier - 10>><<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n
You equip the Harmonica.\n[[Ranged + 209|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $harmonica = 2>><<set $mainhand = 2>><<set $ranged = $ranged + 209>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<set $healthcurrent = $healthcurrent + $medicinerandom + 235>><<if $healthmax lte $healthcurrent>><<set $healthcurrent = $healthmax>><<endif>><<set $kamrusepa = $kamrusepa - 1>>You pour a vial of Kamrusepa over your wounds, watching them heal before your eyes.\n\n<<display IntroCallowsAttack>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroCallowsFight]]<<endif>>
<<display IntroThakeAttack>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<display Channel>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[With a final cry of distress the Thake falls from the sky...|IntroThakeVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroThakeFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<if $foerandom eq 1 or $foerandom eq 2 and $poison eq 1>><<set $healthcurrent = $healthcurrent - $foeattack>>The <<print $foename>> stabs at you wildly for <<print $foeattack>> damage!<<endif>>
You equip the Partisan.\n[[Melee + 105|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $partisan = 2>><<set $mainhand = 1>><<set $melee = $melee +105>>\n<<if $buckler eq 2>><<set $buckler = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 18>><<endif>>\n<<if $targe eq 2>><<set $targe = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 27>><<endif>>\n<<if $heater eq 2>><<set $heater = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 36>><<endif>>\n<<if $parma eq 2>><<set $parma = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 45>><<endif>>\n<<set $twohanded = 1>>\n<<endsilently>>
Mana <<print $manacurrent>> / <<print $manamax>>\n\n<<if $heal gte 1 and $manacurrent lte ($healmana - 1)>><<print $healmana>>: Heal<<else>><<if $heal gte 1 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<print $healmana>>: [[Heal|IntroSentryHeal1]]<<else>><<if $heal gte 1>><<print $healmana>>: [[Heal|IntroSentryHeal2]]<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $fire gte 1 and $manacurrent lte ($firemana - 1)>><<print $firemana>>: Fire<<else>><<if $fire gte 1 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<print $firemana>>: [[Fire|IntroSentryFire1]]<<else>><<if $fire gte 1>><<print $firemana>>: [[Fire|IntroSentryFire2]]<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $ice gte 1 and $manacurrent lte ($icemana - 1)>><<print $icemana>>: Ice<<else>><<if $ice gte 1 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<print $icemana>>: [[Ice|IntroSentryIce1]]<<else>><<if $ice gte 1>><<print $icemana>>: [[Ice|IntroSentryIce2]]<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $melee gte 1 and $channel gte 1 and $manacurrent lte ($channelmana - 1)>><<print $channelmana>>: Channel<<endif>><<if $melee gte 1 and $channel gte 1 and $manacurrent gte 15 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<print $channelmana>>: [[Channel|IntroSentryChannel1]]<<endif>><<if $melee gte 1 and $channel gte 1 and $manacurrent gte 15 and $dexterity lte $foedexterity - 1>><<print $channelmana>>: [[Channel|IntroSentryChannel2]]<<endif>>\n<<if $barrieractive eq 0 and $barrier gte 1 and $manacurrent lte ($barriermana - 1)>><<print $barriermana>>: Barrier<<endif>><<if $barrieractive eq 0 and $barrier gte 1 and $manacurrent gte 15 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<print $barriermana>>: [[Barrier|IntroSentryBarrier1]]<<endif>><<if $barrieractive eq 0 and $barrier gte 1 and $manacurrent gte 15 and $dexterity lte $foedexterity - 1>><<print $barriermana>>: [[Barrier|IntroSentryBarrier2]]<<endif>>\n\n[[Back|IntroSentryFight]]
You remove the Leather.\n[[Defense - 35|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $leather = 1>><<set $armour = 0>><<set $block = $block - 35>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<display Channel>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[The two Callows slump against each other, beaten...|IntroCallowsVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display IntroCallowsAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroCallowsFight]]<<endif>>
You equip the Guisarme.\n[[Melee + 231|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $guisarme = 2>><<set $mainhand = 1>><<set $melee = $melee + 231>>\n<<if $buckler eq 2>><<set $buckler = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 18>><<endif>>\n<<if $targe eq 2>><<set $targe = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 27>><<endif>>\n<<if $heater eq 2>><<set $heater = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 36>><<endif>>\n<<if $parma eq 2>><<set $parma = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 45>><<endif>>\n<<set $twohanded = 1>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<if $foerandom eq 1>><<set $healthcurrent = $healthcurrent - $foeattack>>The <<print $foename>> both attack you at once in flurry of blows, dealing <<print $foeattack>> damage!<<endif>>
<<display VariableList>>Its certainly colder in the mountains. You wrap your cloak around you slowly, careful not to make any sudden movements. The Callows' poor eyesight make it unlikely they'll see you from your hiding position, but the Thake is another matter. The vicious hunting bird circles unendingly overhead, negating any possibility of a stealthy approach. Individually weak, the Callows skill at training animals is one of three reasons they can be so dangerous.\n\nThe second is numbers. Six of them currently stand in a half circle around the rider. Taller than the rest, he's a messenger of some kind as evidenced by the scroll he read from on his arrival. The rider has spent the last half hour in conference with others, though you're too far back to make out what they're saying. You had considered attacking before he approached on his Aethon steed, when there were only three outside; but fortunately decided to scope the cave entrance first. Seven is a lot, too many for you to take at once. Especially with the Morgrin around somewhere.\n\nYou shiver, pulling the cloak in tightly. In the sweltering heat at the Chapter house you longed for a cooler climate, but you can't help wishing you were still there. You were reluctant to take a Morgrin as your first assignment, you'd heard the stories. The Commander seemed confident in your abilities though, assuring you of your success. You remember his hand on your shoulder, "you're a Paladin now, you've taken the mark". A "beacon of hope" and all that. No backing out now.\n\nThe rider makes a move, swinging up onto the Aethon. You hear him whistle and the tame Thaken swoops down to land on his shoulder. With a final word to the others he begins to trot down the path, you duck down as he passes by your position. You wait in hiding till he has vanished from view before checking up on the gang. Two of the group are locked in an argument of some kind, which is quickly resolved when one of them kicks the other's feet from under him. Laughing, the five head inside the cave leaving the victim cursing as he struggles to his feet. Evidently having been volunteered to stand guard, he crosses his arms moodily and stares out over the mountainside.\n\n[[Steeling yourself, you being to descend towards him.|IntroSentry]]
<<display IntroLuisonAttack>> <<display IntroLuisonDamage>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<display Channel>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[The Luison howls mournfully as it falls to its side dead...|IntroLuisonVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroLuisonFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
You equip the Mortuary.\n[[Melee + 153|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $mortuary = 2>><<set $mainhand = 1>><<set $melee = $melee + 153>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<display IntroGropersAttack>> <<display IntroGropersGrapple>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<display Ice>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[The two Callows slump against each other, beaten...|IntroGropersVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroGropersFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
You equip the Haubergeon.\n[[Defense + 56|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $haubergeon = 2>><<set $armour = 1>><<set $block = $block + 56>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<display IntroThakeAttack>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<display Ice>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[With a final cry of distress the Thake falls from the sky...|IntroThakeVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroThakeFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<display $ice>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[The two Callows slump against each other, beaten...|IntroGropersVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display IntroGropersAttack>> <<display IntroGropersGrapple>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroGropersFight]]<<endif>>
<<display $ice>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[With a final cry of distress the Thake falls from the sky...|IntroThakeVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display IntroThakeAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroThakeFight]]<<endif>>
try { macros['randomp'] = { \n\n handler: function(place,macroName,params,parser) {\n var state = 0;\n var passageflag = false;\n var chance = 100;\n var r = Math.random() * 100;\n \n for(var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {\n switch(state) {\n case 0:\n if(params[i] == 'passage') {\n passageflag = true;\n state = 1;\n break;\n }\n //No break !!! fall through if keyword 'passage' is not used\n \n case 1:\n chance -= params[i];\n state = 2;\n break;\n \n case 2:\n if(r >= chance) {\n if(passageflag) macros.display.handler(place,macroName,[ params[i] ]); \n else new Wikifier(place, params[i]);\n return;\n }\n state = 0;\n break;\n }\n }\n },\n\n init: function() { }\n \n};} catch(e) { \n throwError(place,"Macro Randomp Error: "+e.message); \n}
<<if $foerandom eq 1>><<set $healthcurrent = $healthcurrent - $foeattack>>The <<print $foename>> snakes down from the ceiling and strikes you for <<print $foeattack>> damage!<<endif>>
You equip the Dragon.\n[[Ranged + 133|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $dragon = 2>><<set $mainhand = 2>><<set $ranged = $ranged + 133>>\n<<endsilently>>
You increase your Weaponskill by 1.\n\n[[Back|LevelUp]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $levelweaponskill = 1>>\n<<set $weaponskill = $weaponskill + 1>>\n<<set $levelabilities = $levelabilities + 1>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<display Attack>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[The Callow stumbles backwards a few steps before tumbling to the ground...|IntroSentryVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display IntroSentryAttack>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroSentryFight]]<<endif>>
You equip the Chainmail.\n[[Defense + 67|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $chainmail = 2>><<set $armour = 1>><<set $block = $block + 67>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<display IntroCallowsAttack>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<display Channel>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[The two Callows slump against each other, beaten...|IntroCallowsVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroCallowsFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
You unequip the Musket.\n[[Ranged - 115|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $musket = 1>><<set $mainhand = 0>><<set $ranged = $ranged - 115>>\n<<if $bayonet eq 2>><<set $bayonet = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $melee = $melee - 127>><<endif>>\n<<set $twohanded = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>
You unequip the Carbine.\n[[Ranged - 299|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $carbine = 1>><<set $mainhand = 0>><<set $ranged = $ranged - 299>>\n<<if $bayonet eq 2>><<set $bayonet = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $melee = $melee - 127>><<endif>>\n<<set $twohanded = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>
[[Inventory]]\n\nCurrent weapon: <<if $mainhand eq 0>>You are unarmed.<<else>><<if $shamshir eq 2>>Shamshir [[Remove|ShamshirRemove]] Melee + 85<<else>><<if $ono eq 2>>Ono [[Remove|OnoRemove]] Melee + 119<<else>><<if $mortuary eq 2>>Mortuary [[Remove|MortuaryRemove]] Melee + 153<<else>><<if $keteriya eq 2>>Keteriya [[Remove|KeteriyaRemove]] Melee + 187<<else>><<if $claymore eq 2>>Claymore [[Remove|ClaymoreRemove]] Melee + 221<<else>><<if $partisan eq 2>>Partisan [[Remove|PartisanRemove]] Melee + 105<<else>><<if $lucerne eq 2>>Lucerne [[Remove|LucerneRemove]] Melee + 147<<else>><<if $naginata eq 2>>Naginata [[Remove|NaginataRemove]] Melee + 189<<else>><<if $guisarme eq 2>>Guisarme [[Remove|GuisarmeRemove]] Melee + 231<<else>><<if $schlachtschwert eq 2>>Schlachtschwert [[Remove|SchlachtschwertRemove]] Melee + 273<<else>><<if $pistol eq 2>>Pistol [[Remove|PistolRemove]] Ranged + 95<<else>><<if $dragon eq 2>>Dragon [[Remove|DragonRemove]] Ranged + 133<<else>><<if $pepperbox eq 2>>Pepperbox [[Remove|PepperboxRemove]] Ranged + 171<<else>><<if $harmonica eq 2>>Harmonica [[Remove|HarmonicaRemove]] Ranged + 209<<else>><<if $revolver eq 2>>Revolver [[Remove|RevolverRemove]] Ranged + 247<<else>><<if $musket eq 2>>Musket [[Remove|MusketRemove]] Ranged + 115<<else>><<if $arquebus eq 2>>Arquebus [[Remove|ArquebusRemove]] Ranged + 161<<else>><<if $flintlock eq 2>>Flintlock [[Remove|FlintlockRemove]] Ranged + 207<<else>><<if $blunderbuss eq 2>>Blunderbuss [[Remove|BlunderbussRemove]] Ranged + 253<<else>><<if $carbine eq 2>>Carbine [[Remove|CarbineRemove]] Ranged + 299<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>> <<if $bayonet eq 2>>/ Bayonet, Attack + 3<<else>><<if $musket eq 2 or $arquebus eq 2 or $flintlock eq 2 or $blunderbuss eq 2 or $carbine eq 2>>[[Affix Bayonet|BayonetAffix]]<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\nOne handed melee weapons:\n<<if $shamshir eq 1>>-Shamshir [[Equip|ShamshirEquip]] Melee + 85<<else>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $ono eq 1>>-Ono [[Equip|OnoEquip]] Melee + 119<<else>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $mortuary eq 1>>-Mortuary [[Equip|MortuaryEquip]] Melee + 153<<else>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $keteriya eq 1>>-Keteriya [[Equip|KeteriyaEquip]] Melee + 187<<else>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $claymore eq 1>>-Claymore [[Equip|ClaymoreEquip]] Melee + 221<<else>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\nTwo handed melee weapons:\n<<if $partisan eq 1>>-Partisan [[Equip|PartisanEquip]] Melee + 105<<else>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $lucerne eq 1>>-Lucerne [[Equip|LucerneEquip]] Melee + 147<<else>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $naginata eq 1>>-Naginata [[Equip|NaginataEquip]] Melee + 189<<else>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $guisarme eq 1>>-Guisarme [[Equip|GuisarmeEquip]] Melee + 231<<else>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $schlachtschwert eq 1>>-Schlachtschwert [[Equip|SchlachtschwertEquip]] Melee + 273<<else>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\nOne handed ranged weapons:\n<<if $pistol eq 1>>-Pistol [[Equip|PistolEquip]] Ranged + 95<<else>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $dragon eq 1>>-Dragon [[Equip|DragonEquip]] Ranged + 133<<else>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $pepperbox eq 1>>-Pepperbox [[Equip|PepperboxEquip]] Ranged + 171<<else>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $harmonica eq 1>>-Harmonica [[Equip|HarmonicaEquip]] Ranged + 209<<else>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $revolver eq 1>>-Revolver [[Equip|RevolverEquip]] Ranged + 247<<else>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\nTwo handed ranged weapons:\n<<if $musket eq 1>>-Musket [[Equip|MusketEquip]] Ranged + 115<<else>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $arquebus eq 1>>-Arquebus [[Equip|ArquebusEquip]] Ranged + 161<<else>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $flintlock eq 1>>-Flintlock [[Equip|FlintlockEquip]] Ranged + 207<<else>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $blunderbuss eq 1>>-Blunderbuss [[Equip|BlunderbussEquip]] Ranged + 253<<else>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $carbine eq 1>>-Carbine [[Equip|CarbineEquip]] Ranged + 299<<else>><<endif>><<endif>>
<<display FoeAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|FoeDefeat]]<<else>><<display Ice>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[FoeVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|FoeFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<if $barrier eq 0>><<set $learnbarrier = 10>><<set $barrier = 10>>You learn Barrier!<<endif>> <<if $barrier gte 10>><<set $levelbarrier = 1>><<set $barrier = $barrier + 10>>Your Barrier magic gets stronger!<<endif>>\n\n[[Back|LevelUp]]
You unequip the Pistol.\n[[Ranged - 95|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $pistol = 1>><<set $mainhand = 0>><<set $ranged = $ranged - 95>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<display $ice>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[The Callow stumbles backwards a few steps before tumbling to the ground...|IntroSentryVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display IntroSentryAttack>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroSentryFight]]<<endif>>
You increase your Marksmanship by 1.\n\n[[Back|LevelUp]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $levelmarksmanship = 1>>\n<<set $marksmanship = $marksmanship + 1>>\n<<set $levelabilities = $levelabilities + 1>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<display IntroCallowsAttack>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<display Heal>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[The two Callows slump against each other, beaten...|IntroCallowsVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroCallowsFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<set $healthcurrent = $healthcurrent + $medicinerandom + 235>><<if $healthmax lte $healthcurrent>><<set $healthcurrent = $healthmax>><<endif>><<set $kamrusepa = $kamrusepa - 1>>You pour a vial of Kamrusepa over your wounds, watching them heal before your eyes.\n\n<<display IntroSentryAttack>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroSentryFight]]<<endif>>
<<display Heal>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[The two Callows slump against each other, beaten...|IntroCallowsVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display IntroCallowsAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroCallowsFight]]<<endif>>
You increase your Dexterity by 1.\n\n[[Back|LevelUp]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $leveldexterity = 1>>\n<<set $dexterity = $dexterity + 1>>\n<<set $levelabilities = $levelabilities + 1>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<display IntroSentryAttack>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>You drink a vial of bitter Angitia nectar, cancelling the affects of any poison you may have in your body.\n\n[[Fight|IntroSentryFight]]<<set $poison = 0>><<set $angitia = $angitia - 1>><<endif>><<endif>>
<<display IntroSentryAttack>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<display Ice>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[The Callow stumbles backwards a few steps before tumbling to the ground...|IntroSentryVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroSentryFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
You unequip the Pepperbox.\n[[Ranged - 171|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $pepperbox = 1>><<set $mainhand = 0>><<set $ranged = $ranged - 171>>\n<<endsilently>>
You equip the Targe.\n[[Defense + 27|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $targe = 2>><<set $offhand = 1>><<set $block = $block + 27>>\n<<endsilently>>
You lose!\n<<set $foename = "none">><<set $poison = 0>><<if $barrieractive eq 1>><<set $defense = $defense - $barrier>><<set $barrieractive = 0>><<endif>><<if $barrierative eq 1 and $buckler eq 2 or $barrierative eq 1 and $targe eq 2 or $barrierative eq 1 and $heater eq 2 or $barrierative eq 1 and $parma eq 2>><<set $barrier = $barrier - 10>><<endif>><<set $lust = 0>>
<<if $ice eq 0>><<set $learnice = 1>><<set $ice = 80>>You learn Ice!<<endif>> <<if $ice gte 117>><<set $levelice = 1>><<set $ice = $ice + 37>>Your Ice magic gets stronger!<<endif>>\n\n[[Back|LevelUp]]
You increase your Toughness by 1.\n\n[[Back|LevelUp]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $leveltoughness = 1>>\n<<set $toughness = $toughness + 1>>\n<<set $levelabilities = $levelabilities + 1>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<print $foename>>: <<if $foehealthcurrent gte 188>>unhurt<<else>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 125>>injured<<else>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 63>>wounded<<else>>critical<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\nChallenge: <<if $foelevel gte $level + 6>>impossible<<endif>><<if $foelevel eq $level + 4 or $foelevel eq $level + 5>>difficult<<endif>><<if $foelevel eq $level + 2 or $foelevel eq $level + 3>>tough<<endif>><<if $foelevel eq $level - 1 or $foelevel eq $level or $foelevel eq $level + 1 >>equal<<endif>><<if $foelevel eq $level - 2 or $foelevel eq $level - 3>>simple<<endif>><<if $foelevel eq $level - 4 or $foelevel eq $level - 5>>weak<<endif>><<if $foelevel lte $level - 6>>pathetic<<endif>>\n\nCaught off guard by your sudden appearance, the <<print $foename>> circles you nervously.\n<<if $healthmax lte $healthcurrent>><<set $healthcurrent = $healthmax>><<endif>>\nHealth: <<print $healthcurrent>> / <<print $healthmax>> <<if $poison eq 1>>(poisoned)<<endif>> <<if $lust eq 3 or $lust eq 4 or $lust eq 5>>(aroused)<<endif>><<if $lust eq 6 or $lust eq 7 or $lust eq 8>>(horny)<<endif>><<if $lust eq 9>>(close to orgasm)<<endif>>\nMana <<if $manacurrent eq 0>>0<<else>><<print $manacurrent>><<endif>><<endif>> / <<print $manamax>>\nAmmunition <<if $ammunitioncurrent eq 0>>0<<else>><<print $ammunitioncurrent>><<endif>><<endif>> / <<print $ammunitionmax>>\n<<if $melee gte 1 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<set $combatattack = 1>>[[Attack|IntroSentryAttack1]]<<else>><<if $melee gte 1>><<set $combatattack = 1>>[[Attack|IntroSentryAttack2]]<<endif>><<endif>> <<if $ranged gte 1 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity and $ammunitioncurrent gte 1>>[[Shoot|IntroSentryShoot1]]<<else>><<if $ranged gte 1 and $ammunitioncurrent gte 1>>[[Shoot|IntroSentryShoot2]]<<else>><<if $ranged gte 1 and $ammunitioncurrent eq 0>>Shoot<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>> [[Magic|IntroSentryMagic]]\n[[Items|IntroSentryItems]] Escape [[Submit|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]\n<<if $companion eq "none">><<else>><<print $companion>>: Scatter Shot/Poisen Bolt<<endif>>\n<<silently>>\n\n<<if $barrier gte 10 and $buckler eq 2 or $barrier gte 10 and $targe eq 2 or $barrier gte 10 and $heater eq 2 or $barrier gte 10 and $parma eq 2>><<set $barrier = $barrier + 10>><<endif>>\n\n<<set $attack = ($weaponskill*10) + $melee - $foedefense>>\n<<if $attack lte 0>><<set $attack = 1>><<endif>>\n<<set $attackrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $attack = $attack + $attackrandom>>\n\n<<set $shoot = ($marksmanship*10) + $ranged - $foedefense>>\n<<if $shoot lte 0>><<set $shoot = 1>><<endif>>\n<<set $shootrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $shoot = $shoot + $shootrandom>>\n\n<<set $firedamage = ($knowledge*10) + $fire - $foedefense>>\n<<if $foeelement eq "ice">><<set $firedamage = $firedamage*2>><<endif>>\n<<if $foeelement eq "fire">><<set $firedamage = $firedamage/4>><<endif>>\n<<if $firedamage lte 0>><<set $firedamage = 1>><<endif>>\n<<set $firerandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $firedamage = $firedamage + $firerandom>>\n\n<<set $icedamage = ($knowledge*10) + $ice - $foedefense>>\n<<if $foeelement eq "fire">><<set $icedamage = $icedamage*2>><<endif>>\n<<if $foeelement eq "ice">><<set $icedamage = $icedamage/4>><<endif>>\n<<if $icedamage lte 0>><<set $icedamage = 1>><<endif>>\n<<set $icerandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $icedamage = $icedamage + $icerandom>>\n\n<<set $foeattack = $foeattackbase - $defense>>\n<<if $foeattack lte 0>><<set $foeattack = 1>><<endif>>\n<<set $foeattackrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $foeattack = $foeattack + $foeattackrandom>>\n\n<<set $healrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*20))+1>>\n<<set $channelrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $medicinerandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*30))+1>>\n\n<<set $foerandom = 1>>\n<<set $foeescaperandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*30))+1>>\n<<set $foeescape = $foeescaperandom + $dexterity>>\n\n<<set $poisonchance = (Math.floor(Math.random()*2))+1>>\n<<set $poisonrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $poisondamage = 15>>\n\n<<set $grapple = 0>>\n<<set $grapplerandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*3))+1>>\n\n<<endsilently>>
<<display IntroGropersAttack>> <<display IntroGropersGrapple>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>You drink a vial of bitter Angitia nectar, cancelling the affects of any poison you may have in your body.\n\n[[Fight|IntroGropersFight]]<<set $poison = 0>><<set $angitia = $angitia - 1>><<endif>><<endif>>
Medicine\n-Kamrusepa: <<if $kamrusepa eq 0>>0<<else>><<if $kamrusepa gte 1>><<print $kamrusepa>> [[Use|IntroSentryKamrusepa]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n-Angitia: <<if $angitia eq 0>>0<<else>><<if $angitia gte 1>><<print $angitia>> [[Use|IntroSentryAngitia]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n\n[[Back|IntroSentryFight]]
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<<display Shoot>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[The Ice Drapercoils back on itself, flailing madly...|IntroDraperVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display IntroDraperAttack>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroDraperFight]]<<endif>>
<<display IntroDraperAttack>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<if $grapple eq 0>><<display Shoot>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[The Ice Drapercoils back on itself, flailing madly...|IntroDraperVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroDraperFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
After about an hour you manage to successfully remove the Copper IUD. You decide to hang onto the device in case you change your mind later.\n\n[[Items]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $copperiud = 1>>\n<<set $pregnancy = "none">>\n<<set $time = $time + 1>><<set $fatigue = $fatigue + 1>>\n<<if $time gte "25">><<set $day = $day + 1>><<set $time = $time - 24>><<endif>>\n<<if $pregnancy eq "none" or $pregnancy eq "iud">><<set $maternity = 0>><<else>><<set $maternity = $maternity + 1>><<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<display FoeAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|FoeDefeat]]<<else>><<display Barrier>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[FoeVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|FoeFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<set $foehealthcurrent = $foehealthcurrent - $icedamage>><<set $manacurrent = $manacurrent - $icemana>>You manifest a shard of ice above your head, casting it for <<print $icedamage>> damage!
<<display Barrier>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[FoeVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display FoeAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|FoeDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|FoeFight]]<<endif>>
<<display Shoot>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[The Callow stumbles backwards a few steps before tumbling to the ground...|IntroSentryVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display IntroSentryAttack>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroSentryFight]]<<endif>>
<<display IntroSentryAttack>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<if $grapple eq 0>><<display Shoot>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[The Callow stumbles backwards a few steps before tumbling to the ground...|IntroSentryVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroSentryFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
Writhing wildly, the <<print $foename>> falls to the ground and spasms for a few seconds before becoming motionless. You gain <<print $experiencefoe>> experience!\n<<set $experiencetotal = $experiencetotal + $experiencefoe>><<set $experiencelevel = $experiencelevel + $experiencefoe>><<set $foename = "none">><<set $poison = 0>><<if $barrieractive eq 1>><<set $defense = $defense - $barrier>><<set $barrieractive = 0>><<endif>><<if $barrierative eq 1 and $buckler eq 2 or $barrierative eq 1 and $targe eq 2 or $barrierative eq 1 and $heater eq 2 or $barrierative eq 1 and $parma eq 2>><<set $barrier = $barrier - 10>><<endif>><<set $lust = 0>><<set $introdraper = 1>>\n[[Time to give the Morgrin an icy reception...|IntroGropersVictory]]
<<display Barrier>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[The Ice Drapercoils back on itself, flailing madly...|IntroDraperVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display IntroDraperAttack>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroDraperFight]]<<endif>>
<<display FoeAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|FoeDefeat]]<<else>><<display Fire>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[IntroMorgrinVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroMorgrinFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
Illustrious: That's all for now folks. Now that the game mechanics are mostly complete, I want to try and get a whole bunch of writing done. There probably won't be another update till after New Year. Please do let me know what you think, whether or not think its any good, what needs to be improved, any bugs or typos you find, ect. Merry Christmas!\n\ncontact: illustriousgame@gmail.com
<<set $knowledge = $knowledge + 1>>You increase your Knowledge by 1.\n\n-Heal: <<if $heal eq 0>>[[learn|LevelHeal]]<<endif>><<if $heal eq 50>>level 1<<endif>><<if $heal eq 100>>level 2<<endif>><<if $heal eq 150>>level 3<<endif>><<if $heal eq 200>>level 4<<endif>><<if $heal eq 250>>level 5<<endif>><<if $heal eq 300>>level 6<<endif>><<if $heal eq 350>>mastered<<endif>> <<if $heal eq 50 and $knowledge gte 13>>[[+1|LevelHeal]]<<endif>><<if $heal eq 100 and $knowledge gte 16>>[[+1|LevelHeal]]<<endif>><<if $heal eq 150 and $knowledge gte 19>>[[+1|LevelHeal]]<<endif>><<if $heal eq 200 and $knowledge gte 22>>[[+1|LevelHeal]]<<endif>><<if $heal eq 250 and $knowledge gte 25>>[[+1|LevelHeal]]<<endif>><<if $heal eq 300 and $knowledge gte 28>>[[+1|LevelHeal]]<<endif>>\n(costs <<print $healmana>> mana, heals user)\n-Fire: <<if $fire eq 0>>[[learn|LevelFire]]<<endif>><<if $fire eq 80>>level 1<<endif>><<if $fire eq 117>>level 2<<endif>><<if $fire eq 154>>level 3<<endif>><<if $fire eq 191>>level 4<<endif>> <<if $fire eq 228>>level 5<<endif>><<if $fire eq 265>>level 6<<endif>><<if $fire eq 302>>mastered<<endif>> <<if $fire eq 80 and $knowledge gte 13>>[[+1|LevelFire]]<<endif>><<if $fire eq 117 and $knowledge gte 16>>[[+1|LevelFire]]<<endif>><<if $fire eq 154 and $knowledge gte 19>>[[+1|LevelFire]]<<endif>><<if $fire eq 191 and $knowledge gte 22>>[[+1|LevelFire]]<<endif>><<if $fire eq 228 and $knowledge gte 25>>[[+1|LevelFire]]<<endif>><<if $fire eq 265 and $knowledge gte 28>>[[+1|LevelFire]]<<endif>>\n(costs <<print $firemana>> mana, deal fire damage to opponent)\n-Ice: <<if $ice eq 0>>[[learn|LevelIce]]<<endif>><<if $ice eq 80>>level 1<<endif>><<if $ice eq 117>>level 2<<endif>><<if $ice eq 154>>level 3<<endif>><<if $ice eq 191>>level 4<<endif>><<if $ice eq 228>>level 5<<endif>><<if $ice eq 265>>level 6<<endif>><<if $ice eq 302>>mastered<<endif>> <<if $ice eq 80 and $knowledge gte 13>>[[+1|LevelIce]]<<endif>><<if $ice eq 117 and $knowledge gte 16>>[[+1|LevelIce]]<<endif>><<if $ice eq 154 and $knowledge gte 19>>[[+1|LevelIce]]<<endif>><<if $ice eq 191 and $knowledge gte 22>>[[+1|LevelIce]]<<endif>><<if $ice eq 228 and $knowledge gte 25>>[[+1|LevelIce]]<<endif>><<if $ice eq 265 and $knowledge gte 28>>[[+1|LevelIce]]<<endif>>\n(costs <<print $icemana>> mana, deal ice damage to opponent)\n-Channel: <<if $channel eq 0>>[[learn|LevelChannel]]<<endif>><<if $channel eq 1>>level 1<<endif>><<if $channel eq 2>>level 2<<endif>><<if $channel eq 3>>level 3<<endif>><<if $channel eq 4>>level 4<<endif>><<if $channel eq 5>>level 5<<endif>><<if $channel eq 6>>level 6<<endif>><<if $channel eq 7>>mastered<<endif>> <<if $channel eq 1 and $knowledge gte 13>>[[+1|LevelChannel]]<<endif>><<if $channel eq 2 and $knowledge gte 16>>[[+1|LevelChannel]]<<endif>><<if $channel eq 3 and $knowledge gte 19>>[[+1|LevelChannel]]<<endif>><<if $channel eq 4 and $knowledge gte 22>>[[+1|LevelChannel]]<<endif>><<if $channel eq 5 and $knowledge gte 25>>[[+1|LevelChannel]]<<endif>><<if $channel eq 6 and $knowledge gte 28>>[[+1|LevelChannel]]<<endif>>\n(costs <<print $channelmana>> mana, deals a powerful melee attack, bonus if using a two handed weapon)\n-Barrier: <<if $barrier eq 0>>[[learn|LevelBarrier]]<<endif>><<if $barrier eq 10>>Level 1<<endif>><<if $barrier eq 20>>Level 2<<endif>><<if $barrier eq 30>>Level 3<<endif>><<if $barrier eq 40>>Level 4<<endif>><<if $barrier eq 50>>Level 5<<endif>><<if $barrier eq 60>>Level 6<<endif>><<if $barrier eq 70>>mastered<<endif>> <<if $barrier eq 10 and $knowledge eq 13>>[[+1|LevelBarrier]]<<endif>><<if $barrier eq 20 and $knowledge eq 16>>[[+1|LevelBarrier]]<<endif>><<if $barrier eq 30 and $knowledge eq 19>>[[+1|LevelBarrier]]<<endif>><<if $barrier eq 40 and $knowledge eq 22>>[[+1|LevelBarrier]]<<endif>><<if $barrier eq 50 and $knowledge eq 25>>[[+1|LevelBarrier]]<<endif>><<if $barrier eq 60 and $knowledge eq 28>>[[+1|LevelBarrier]]<<endif>>\n(costs <<print $barriermana>> mana, increase defense, bonus if using a shield)\n<<silently>>\n<<set $levelknowledge = 1>>\n<<set $levelabilities = $levelabilities + 1>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<display $ice>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[The Luison howls mournfully as it falls to its side dead...|IntroLuisonVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display IntroLuisonAttack>> <<display IntroLuisonDamage>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroLuisonFight]]<<endif>>
<<display IntroLuisonAttack>> <<display IntroLuisonDamage>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<display Ice>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[The Luison howls mournfully as it falls to its side dead...|IntroLuisonVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroLuisonFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<print $foename>>: <<if $foehealthcurrent gte 375>>unhurt<<else>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 250>>injured<<else>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 125>>wounded<<else>>critical<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\nChallenge: <<if $foelevel gte $level + 6>>impossible<<endif>><<if $foelevel eq $level + 4 or $foelevel eq $level + 5>>difficult<<endif>><<if $foelevel eq $level + 2 or $foelevel eq $level + 3>>tough<<endif>><<if $foelevel eq $level - 1 or $foelevel eq $level or $foelevel eq $level + 1 >>equal<<endif>><<if $foelevel eq $level - 2 or $foelevel eq $level - 3>>simple<<endif>><<if $foelevel eq $level - 4 or $foelevel eq $level - 5>>weak<<endif>><<if $foelevel lte $level - 6>>pathetic<<endif>>\n<<if $healthmax lte $healthcurrent>><<set $healthcurrent = $healthmax>><<endif>>\nThe two <<print $foename>> surround you, forcing you to constantly turn to meet their attacks.\n<<set $intrograpple = 0>>\nHealth: <<print $healthcurrent>> / <<print $healthmax>> <<if $poison eq 1>>(poisoned)<<else>><<endif>><<endif>> <<if $lust eq 3 or $lust eq 4 or $lust eq 5>>(aroused)<<endif>><<if $lust eq 6 or $lust eq 7 or $lust eq 8>>(horny)<<endif>><<if $lust eq 9>>(close to orgasm)<<endif>>\nMana <<if $manacurrent eq 0>>0<<else>><<print $manacurrent>><<endif>><<endif>> / <<print $manamax>>\nAmmunition: <<if $ammunitioncurrent eq 0>>0<<else>><<print $ammunitioncurrent>><<endif>> / <<print $ammunitionmax>>\n<<if $melee gte 1 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<set $combatattack = 1>>[[Attack|IntroGropersAttack1]]<<else>><<if $melee gte 1>><<set $combatattack = 1>>[[Attack|IntroGropersAttack2]]<<endif>><<endif>> <<if $ranged gte 1 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>>[[Shoot|IntroGropersShoot1]]<<else>><<if $ranged gte 1>>[[Shoot|IntroGropersShoot2]]<<endif>><<endif>> [[Magic|IntroGropersMagic]]\n[[Items|IntroGropersItems]] Escape [[Submit|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]\n<<if $companion eq "none">><<else>><<print $companion>>: Scatter Shot/Poisen Bolt<<endif>>\n<<silently>>\n\n<<if $barrier gte 10 and $buckler eq 2 or $barrier gte 10 and $targe eq 2 or $barrier gte 10 and $heater eq 2 or $barrier gte 10 and $parma eq 2>><<set $barrier = $barrier + 10>><<endif>>\n\n<<set $attack = ($weaponskill*10) + $melee - $foedefense>>\n<<if $attack lte 0>><<set $attack = 1>><<endif>>\n<<set $attackrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $attack = $attack + $attackrandom>>\n\n<<set $shoot = ($marksmanship*10) + $ranged - $foedefense>>\n<<if $shoot lte 0>><<set $shoot = 1>><<endif>>\n<<set $shootrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $shoot = $shoot + $shootrandom>>\n\n<<set $firedamage = ($knowledge*10) + $fire - $foedefense>>\n<<if $foeelement eq "ice">><<set $firedamage = $firedamage*2>><<endif>>\n<<if $foeelement eq "fire">><<set $firedamage = $firedamage/4>><<endif>>\n<<if $firedamage lte 0>><<set $firedamage = 1>><<endif>>\n<<set $firerandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $firedamage = $firedamage + $firerandom>>\n\n<<set $icedamage = ($knowledge*10) + $ice - $foedefense>>\n<<if $foeelement eq "fire">><<set $icedamage = $icedamage*2>><<endif>>\n<<if $foeelement eq "ice">><<set $icedamage = $icedamage/4>><<endif>>\n<<if $icedamage lte 0>><<set $icedamage = 1>><<endif>>\n<<set $icerandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $icedamage = $icedamage + $icerandom>>\n\n<<set $foeattack = $foeattackbase - $defense>>\n<<if $foeattack lte 0>><<set $foeattack = 1>><<endif>>\n<<set $foeattackrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $foeattack = $foeattack + $foeattackrandom>>\n\n<<set $healrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*20))+1>>\n<<set $channelrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $medicinerandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*30))+1>>\n\n<<set $foerandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*2))+1>>\n<<set $foeescaperandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*30))+1>>\n<<set $foeescape = $foeescaperandom + $dexterity>>\n\n<<set $poisonchance = (Math.floor(Math.random()*1))+1>>\n<<set $poisonrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $poisondamage = 15>>\n\n<<set $grapple = 0>>\n<<set $grapplerandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*2))+1>>\n\n<<endsilently>>
<<set $location = "IntroCave">>Steping over the bodies of the two <<print $foename>> you continue deeper in the caves. You gain <<print $experiencefoe>> experience!\n<<set $experiencetotal = $experiencetotal + $experiencefoe>><<set $experiencelevel = $experiencelevel + $experiencefoe>><<set $foename = "none">><<set $poison = 0>><<if $barrieractive eq 1>><<set $defense = $defense - $barrier>><<set $barrieractive = 0>><<endif>><<if $barrierative eq 1 and $buckler eq 2 or $barrierative eq 1 and $targe eq 2 or $barrierative eq 1 and $heater eq 2 or $barrierative eq 1 and $parma eq 2>><<set $barrier = $barrier - 10>><<endif>><<set $lust = 0>>\n[[There are still three Callows in here...|IntroLuison]]\n[[Inventory]]\n\n
<<display Shoot>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[IntroMorgrinVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display FoeAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroMorgrinFight]]<<endif>>
You unequip the Ono.\n[[Melee - 119|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $ono = 1>><<set $mainhand = 0>><<set $melee = $melee - 119>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<set $grapplechance = (Math.floor(Math.random()*3))+1>><<if $grapplechance gte 2 and $healthcurrent gte 1>><<set $lust = $lust + 1>><<display FoeDamage>> You are aroused by the scenario!<<endif>><<if $grapplechance eq 1 and $healthcurrent gte 1>><<display FoeDamage>> You escape the grapple!<<endif>>\n\n<<if $grapplechance gte 2 and $healthcurrent gte 1 and $lust lte 9>>[[Struggle|FoeStruggle]]<<endif>><<if $grapplechance eq 1 and $healthcurrent gte 1>>[[Fight|FoeFight]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[FoeDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $lust gte 10>>[[FoeLust]]<<endif>>
<<display Attack>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[With a final cry of distress the Thake falls from the sky...|IntroThakeVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display IntroEntanceAttack>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroThakeFight]]<<endif>>
<<display IntroThakeAttack>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<if $grapple eq 0>><<display Attack>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[With a final cry of distress the Thake falls from the sky...|IntroThakeVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroThakeFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
You unequip the Revolver.\n[[Ranged - 247|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $revolver = 1>><<set $mainhand = 0>><<set $ranged = $ranged - 247>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<display IntroThakeAttack>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<if $grapple eq 0>><<display Shoot>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[With a final cry of distress the Thake falls from the sky...|IntroThakeVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroThakeFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<display IntroGropersAttack>> <<display IntroGropersGrapple>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<if $grapple eq 0>><<display Shoot>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[The two Callows slump against each other, beaten...|IntroGropersVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroGropersFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
You equip the Segmentata.\n[[Defense + 46|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $segmentata = 2>><<set $armour = 1>><<set $block = $block + 46>>\n<<endsilently>>
You equip the Parma.\n[[Defense + 45|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $parma = 2>><<set $offhand = 1>><<set $block = $block + 45>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<display Attack>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[FoeVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display FoeAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|FoeDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|FoeFight]]<<endif>>
<<display FoeAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|FoeDefeat]]<<else>><<if $grapple eq 0>><<display Attack>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[FoeVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|FoeFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<if $foerandom eq 1 or $foerandom eq 2 and $poison eq 1>><<set $healthcurrent = $healthcurrent - $foeattack>>The <<print $foename>> darts in and rakes you with its talons for <<print $foeattack>> damage, before darting off before you can hit it.<<endif>>
You equip the Naginata.\n[[Melee + 189|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $naginata = 2>><<set $mainhand = 1>><<set $melee = $melee + 189>>\n<<if $buckler eq 2>><<set $buckler = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 18>><<endif>>\n<<if $targe eq 2>><<set $targe = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 27>><<endif>>\n<<if $heater eq 2>><<set $heater = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 36>><<endif>>\n<<if $parma eq 2>><<set $parma = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 45>><<endif>>\n<<set $twohanded = 1>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<display Heal>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[The two Callows slump against each other, beaten...|IntroGropersVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display IntroGropersAttack>> <<display IntroGropersGrapple>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroGropersFight]]<<endif>>
<<if $heal eq 0>><<set $learnheal = 1>><<set $heal = 50>>You learn Heal!<<endif>> <<if $heal gte 50>><<set $levelheal = 1>><<set $heal = $heal + 50>>Your Heal magic gets stronger!<<endif>>\n\n[[Back|LevelUp]]
<<display FoeAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<if $grapple eq 0>><<display Attack>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[IntroMorgrinVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroMorgrinFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<display IntroLuisonAttack>> <<display IntroLuisonDamage>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<if $grapple eq 0>><<display Shoot>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[The Luison howls mournfully as it falls to its side dead...|IntroLuisonVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroLuisonFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
You unequip the Harmonica.\n[[Ranged - 209|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $harmonica = 1>><<set $mainhand = 0>><<set $ranged = $ranged - 209>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<display Shoot>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[The Luison howls mournfully as it falls to its side dead...|IntroLuisonVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display IntroLuisonAttack>> <<display IntroLuisonDamage>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroLuisonFight]]<<endif>>
<<if $poison eq 1>><<set $healthcurrent = $healthcurrent - $poisondamage - $poisonrandom>>You take ongoing poison damage!<<endif>>
<<print $foename>>: <<if $foehealthcurrent gte 270>>unhurt<<else>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 180>>injured<<else>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 90>>wounded<<else>>critical<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\nChallenge: <<if $foelevel gte $level + 6>>impossible<<endif>><<if $foelevel eq $level + 4 or $foelevel eq $level + 5>>difficult<<endif>><<if $foelevel eq $level + 2 or $foelevel eq $level + 3>>tough<<endif>><<if $foelevel eq $level - 1 or $foelevel eq $level or $foelevel eq $level + 1 >>equal<<endif>><<if $foelevel eq $level - 2 or $foelevel eq $level - 3>>simple<<endif>><<if $foelevel eq $level - 4 or $foelevel eq $level - 5>>weak<<endif>><<if $foelevel lte $level - 6>>pathetic<<endif>>\n<<if $healthmax lte $healthcurrent>><<set $healthcurrent = $healthmax>><<endif>>\nThe <<print $foename>> circles you, looking for any opening.\n\nHealth: <<print $healthcurrent>> / <<print $healthmax>> <<if $poison eq 1>>(poisoned)<<else>><<endif>><<endif>> <<if $lust eq 3 or $lust eq 4 or $lust eq 5>>(aroused)<<endif>><<if $lust eq 6 or $lust eq 7 or $lust eq 8>>(horny)<<endif>><<if $lust eq 9>>(close to orgasm)<<endif>>\nMana <<if $manacurrent eq 0>>0<<else>><<print $manacurrent>><<endif>><<endif>> / <<print $manamax>>\nAmmunition: <<if $ammunitioncurrent eq 0>>0<<else>><<print $ammunitioncurrent>><<endif>> / <<print $ammunitionmax>>\n<<if $melee gte 1 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<set $combatattack = 1>>[[Attack|IntroLuisonAttack1]]<<else>><<if $melee gte 1>><<set $combatattack = 1>>[[Attack|IntroLuisonAttack2]]<<endif>><<endif>> <<if $ranged gte 1 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>>[[Shoot|IntroLuisonShoot1]]<<else>><<if $ranged gte 1>>[[Shoot|IntroLuisonShoot2]]<<endif>><<endif>> [[Magic|IntroLuisonMagic]]\n[[Items|IntroLuisonItems]] Escape [[Submit|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]\n<<if $companion eq "none">><<else>><<print $companion>>: Scatter Shot/Poisen Bolt<<endif>>\n<<silently>>\n\n<<if $barrier gte 10 and $buckler eq 2 or $barrier gte 10 and $targe eq 2 or $barrier gte 10 and $heater eq 2 or $barrier gte 10 and $parma eq 2>><<set $barrier = $barrier + 10>><<endif>>\n\n<<set $attack = ($weaponskill*10) + $melee - $foedefense>>\n<<if $attack lte 0>><<set $attack = 1>><<endif>>\n<<set $attackrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $attack = $attack + $attackrandom>>\n\n<<set $shoot = ($marksmanship*10) + $ranged - $foedefense>>\n<<if $shoot lte 0>><<set $shoot = 1>><<endif>>\n<<set $shootrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $shoot = $shoot + $shootrandom>>\n\n<<set $firedamage = ($knowledge*10) + $fire - $foedefense>>\n<<if $foeelement eq "ice">><<set $firedamage = $firedamage*2>><<endif>>\n<<if $foeelement eq "fire">><<set $firedamage = $firedamage/4>><<endif>>\n<<if $firedamage lte 0>><<set $firedamage = 1>><<endif>>\n<<set $firerandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $firedamage = $firedamage + $firerandom>>\n\n<<set $icedamage = ($knowledge*10) + $ice - $foedefense>>\n<<if $foeelement eq "fire">><<set $icedamage = $icedamage*2>><<endif>>\n<<if $foeelement eq "ice">><<set $icedamage = $icedamage/4>><<endif>>\n<<if $icedamage lte 0>><<set $icedamage = 1>><<endif>>\n<<set $icerandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $icedamage = $icedamage + $icerandom>>\n\n<<set $foeattack = $foeattackbase - $defense>>\n<<if $foeattack lte 0>><<set $foeattack = 1>><<endif>>\n<<set $foeattackrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $foeattack = $foeattack + $foeattackrandom>>\n\n<<set $healrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*20))+1>>\n<<set $channelrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $medicinerandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*30))+1>>\n\n<<set $foerandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*1))+1>>\n<<set $foeescaperandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*30))+1>>\n<<set $foeescape = $foeescaperandom + $dexterity>>\n\n<<set $poisonchance = (Math.floor(Math.random()*2))+1>>\n<<set $poisonrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $poisondamage = 15>>\n\n<<set $grapple = 0>>\n<<set $grapplerandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*3))+1>>\n\n<<endsilently>>
<<display $ice>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[FoeVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display FoeAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|FoeDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|FoeFight]]<<endif>>
-Weaponskill: <<print $weaponskill>> <<if $levelweaponskill eq 1 or $levelabilities gte 3>><<else>><<if $levelweaponskill eq 0>>[[+1|LevelWeaponskill]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n(increases damage with melee weapons)\n-Marksmanship: <<print $marksmanship>> <<if $levelmarksmanship eq 1 or $levelabilities gte 3>><<else>><<endif>><<if $levelmarksmanship eq 0>>[[+1|LevelMarksmanship]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n(increases damage with ranged weapons)\n-Knowledge: <<print $knowledge>> <<if $levelknowledge eq 1 or $levelabilities gte 3>><<else>><<endif>><<if $levelknowledge eq 0>>[[+1|LevelKnowledge]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n(increases magic effectivity and energy total)\n-Toughness: <<print $toughness>> <<if $leveltoughness eq 1 or $levelabilities gte 3>><<else>><<endif>><<if $leveltoughness eq 0>>[[+1|LevelToughness]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n(increases defense and health total)\n-Dexterity: <<print $dexterity>> <<if $leveldexterity eq 1 or $levelabilities gte 3>><<else>><<endif>><<if $leveldexterity eq 0>>[[+1|LevelDexterity]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n(increases defense, escape chance and turn order)\n\n<<if $levelabilities gte 3>>[[Finish|LevelFinish]]<<endif>>\n[[Restart|LevelCancel]]
You equip the Pepperbox.\n[[Ranged + 171|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $pepperbox = 2>><<set $mainhand = 2>><<set $ranged = $ranged + 171>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<display IntroGropersAttack>> <<display IntroGropersGrapple>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<if $grapple eq 0>><<display Attack>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[The two Callows slump against each other, beaten...|IntroGropersVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroGropersFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<set $foehealthcurrent = $foehealthcurrent - $attack>>You attack, dealing <<print $attack>> damage!
You equip the Blunderbuss.\n[[Ranged + 253|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $blunderbuss = 2>><<set $mainhand = 2>><<set $ranged = $ranged + 253>>\n<<if $buckler eq 2>><<set $buckler = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 18>><<endif>>\n<<if $targe eq 2>><<set $targe = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 27>><<endif>>\n<<if $heater eq 2>><<set $heater = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 36>><<endif>>\n<<if $parma eq 2>><<set $parma = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 45>><<endif>>\n<<set $twohanded = 1>>\n<<endsilently>>
You equip the Schlachtschwert.\n[[Melee + 273|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $schlachtschwert = 2>><<set $mainhand = 1>><<set $melee = $melee + 273>>\n<<if $buckler eq 2>><<set $buckler = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 18>><<endif>>\n<<if $targe eq 2>><<set $targe = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 27>><<endif>>\n<<if $heater eq 2>><<set $heater = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 36>><<endif>>\n<<if $parma eq 2>><<set $parma = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 45>><<endif>>\n<<set $twohanded = 1>>\n<<endsilently>>
You unequip the Keteriya.\n[[Melee - 187|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $keteriya = 1>><<set $mainhand = 0>><<set $melee = $melee - 187>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<if $foeescape lte 29>><<set $healthcurrent = $healthcurrent - $foeattack>>You attempt to run but are unable to escape.\n\n<<display FoeAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>><<if $foeescape gte 30>>You run as fast as you can, stopping only when you can no longer hear the foe behind you.<<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|FoeDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $grapple eq 0 and $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foeescape lte 29>>[[Fight|FoeFight]]<<endif>><<if $foeescape gte 30>>[[Location]]<<endif>>\n<<silently>>\n<<if $grapple eq 0 and $foeescape gte 30>><<set $foename = "none">><<set $poison = 0>><<set $lust = 0>><<endif>>\n<<if $grapple eq 0 and $foeescape gte 30 and $barrieractive eq 1>><<set $defense = $defense - $barrier>><<set $barrieractive = 0>><<endif>>\n<<if $grapple eq 0 and $foeescape gte 30 and $barrierative eq 1 and $buckler eq 2 or $foeescape gte 30 and $barrierative eq 1 and $targe eq 2 or $foeescape gte 30 and $barrierative eq 1 and $heater eq 2 or $foeescape gte 30 and $barrierative eq 1 and $parma eq 2>><<set $barrier = $barrier - 10>><<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n
You climb down from the mountainside slowly, careful not to disturb any loose stones. It might simply be easier to shoot him from this distance as he doesn't appear to have a ranged weapon, but the noise of the pistol will likely attract the attention of the other Callows. Instead you draw your trusty Shamshir as you close the distance, pausing once reach the top of the cave entrance.\n\nYou able to get a good look at the back of sentry from this range. Seemingly impervious to the cold mountain air, he wears only a filthy cloth vest on his upper body. You note a white tattoo winding around the dark purple flesh of his right arm, the Callow's mark of a proven fighter. Stabbed in the back is hardly a warrior's death, but all's fair in love and war. Gripping the Sharmshir firmly in your grasp you prepare to spring upon him from above, only to be startled by a harsh cry from on high. Looking up you spy the Thake once more circling above, clearly having seen you this time. You look back at your prey and make eye contact with the Callow, now very much alert with his dirk drawn.\n\n[[Nothing for it now, you leap down and begin your attack.|IntroSentryFight]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $foename = "Callow Sentry">>\n<<set $foelevel = 1>>\n<<set $foehealthmax = 250>>\n<<set $foehealthcurrent = $foehealthmax>>\n<<set $foeattackbase = 185>>\n<<set $foedefense = 140>>\n<<set $foedexterity = 10>>\n<<set $foeelement = "none">>\n<<set $lust = $lustbase>>\n<<if $foelevel gte $level + 6>><<set $experiencefoe = 400>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level + 4 or $foelevel eq $level + 5>><<set $experiencefoe = 32>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level + 2 or $foelevel eq $level + 3>><<set $experiencefoe = 24>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level + 1 or $foelevel eq $level or $foelevel eq $level - 1>><<set $experiencefoe = 16>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level - 2 or $foelevel eq $level - 3>><<set $experiencefoe = 8>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level - 4 or $foelevel eq $level - 5>><<set $experiencefoe = 4>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel lte $level - 2>><<set $experiencefoe = 10>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<display Shoot>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[FoeVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display FoeAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|FoeDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|FoeFight]]<<endif>>
<<display FoeAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|FoeDefeat]]<<else>><<if $grapple eq 0>><<display Shoot>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[FoeVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|FoeFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
You unequip the Buckler.\n[[Defense - 18|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $buckler = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 18>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<display $ice>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[IntroMorgrinVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display FoeAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroMorgrinFight]]<<endif>>
<<display IntroCallowsAttack>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<display Ice>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[The two Callows slump against each other, beaten...|IntroCallowsVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroCallowsFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<display Heal>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[The Ice Drapercoils back on itself, flailing madly...|IntroDraperVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display IntroDraperAttack>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroDraperFight]]<<endif>>
<<set $defense = $defense + $barrier>><<set $barrieractive = 1>><<set $manacurrent = $manacurrent - $barriermana>>You erect a magical barrier around you, helping to protect you from damage.
<<display IntroCallowsAttack>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>You drink a vial of bitter Angitia nectar, cancelling the affects of any poison you may have in your body.\n\n[[Fight|IntroCallowsFight]]<<set $poison = 0>><<set $angitia = $angitia - 1>><<endif>><<endif>>
<<display Shoot>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[The two Callows slump against each other, beaten...|IntroGropersVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display IntroGropersAttack>> <<display IntroGropersGrapple>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroGropersFight]]<<endif>>
You remove the Chainmail.\n[[Defense - 67|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $chainmail = 1>><<set $armour = 0>><<set $block = $block - 67>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<display IntroLuisonAttack>> <<display IntroLuisonDamage>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<display Fire>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[The Luison howls mournfully as it falls to its side dead...|IntroLuisonVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroLuisonFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<if $foerandom eq 1 or $foerandom eq 2 and $poison eq 1>><<set $healthcurrent = $healthcurrent - $foeattack>>The <<print $foename>> both attack you at once in flurry of blows, dealing <<print $foeattack>> damage!<<endif>>
You unequip the Dragon.\n[[Ranged - 133|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $dragon = 1>><<set $mainhand = 0>><<set $ranged = $ranged - 133>>\n<<endsilently>>
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<<display FoeAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<display Ice>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[IntroMorgrinVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroMorgrinFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<silently>>\nTime\n<<set $day = 1>>\n<<set $time = 6>>\n<<set $fatigue = 0>>\nLeveling\n<<set $level = 1>>\n<<set $experiencelevel = 0>>\n<<set $experiencetotal = 0>>\n<<set $levelabilities = 0>>\n<<set $levelweaponskill = 0>>\n<<set $levelmarksmanship = 0>>\n<<set $levelknowledge = 0>>\n<<set $leveltoughness = 0>>\n<<set $leveldexterity = 0>>\n<<set $levelmagic = 0>>\n<<set $learnheal = 0>>\n<<set $levelheal = 0>>\n<<set $learnfire = 0>>\n<<set $levelfire = 0>>\n<<set $learnice = 0>>\n<<set $levelice = 0>>\n<<set $learnchannel = 0>>\n<<set $levelchannel = 0>>\n<<set $learnbarrier = 0>>\n<<set $levelbarrier = 0>>\nAbilities\n<<set $weaponskill = 10>>\n<<set $marksmanship = 10>>\n<<set $knowledge = 10>>\n<<set $toughness = 10>>\n<<set $dexterity = 10>>\n<<set $healthmax = $toughness*29 + $level*7>>\n<<set $healthcurrent = $healthmax>>\n<<set $manamax = $knowledge*5 + $level*3>>\n<<set $manacurrent = $manamax>>\n<<set $ammunitioncurrent = 30>>\n<<set $ammunitionmax = 30>>\nOther\n<<set $location = "start">>\n<<set $companion = "none">>\n<<set $sovereigns = 0>>\n<<set $ammunition = 0>>\n<<set $mainhand = 1>>\n<<set $offhand = 1>>\n<<set $twohanded = 0>>\n<<set $armour = 1>>\n<<set $whore = 0>>\nClothing\n<<set $clothed = "1">>\n<<set $outfit = "Paladin">>\n<<set $underwear = "1">>\n<<set $bra = "Bra">>\n<<set $panties = "Panties">>\nMagic\n<<set $heal = 50>>\n<<set $healmana = 5>>\n<<set $healrandom = 0>>\n<<set $fire = 0>>\n<<set $firemana = 5>>\n<<set $firerandom = 0>>\n<<set $firedamage = 0>>\n<<set $ice = 0>>\n<<set $icemana = 5>>\n<<set $icerandom = 0>>\n<<set $icedamage = 0>>\n<<set $channel = 0>>\n<<set $channelmana = 15>>\n<<set $channelrandom = 0>>\n<<set $barrier = 0>>\n<<set $barriermana = 15>>\n<<set $barrieractive = 0>>\nMedicine\n<<set $poison = 0>>\n<<set $poisonchance = 0>>\n<<set $poisonrandom = 0>>\n<<set $poisondamage = 0>>\n<<set $medicinerandom = 0>>\n<<set $kamrusepa = 3>>\n<<set $angitia = 5>>\n<<set $beiwe = 0>>\nSexual\n<<set $copperiud = 0>>\nFight\n<<set $melee = 85>>\n<<set $ranged = 0>>\n<<set $block = 53>>\n<<set $foename = "none">>\n<<set $foelevel = 0>>\n<<set $foehealthmax = 0>>\n<<set $foehealthcurrent = 0>>\n<<set $attack = 0>>\n<<set $attackrandom = 0>>\n<<set $shoot = 0>>\n<<set $shootrandom = 0>>\n<<set $defense = ($toughness + $dexterity)*5 + $block>>\n<<set $defenserandom = 0>>\n<<set $grapple = 0>>\n<<set $grapplerandom = 0>>\n<<set $grapplechance = 0>>\n<<set $lust = 0>>\n<<set $lustbase = 0>>\nFoe\n<<set $foeattackbase = 0>>\n<<set $foeattack = 0>>\n<<set $forattackrandom = 0>>\n<<set $foedefense = 0>>\n<<set $foedefenserandom = 0>>\n<<set $foedexterity = 0>>\n<<set $foeescape = 0>>\n<<set $foeescaperandom = 0>>\n<<set $experiencefoe = 0>>\n<<set $foeelement = "none">>\n<<set $foerandom = 0>>\nMelee\n<<set $shamshir = 2>>\n<<set $ono = 0>>\n<<set $mortuary = 0>>\n<<set $keteriya = 0>>\n<<set $claymore = 0>>\n<<set $partisan = 0>>\n<<set $lucerne = 0>>\n<<set $naginata = 0>>\n<<set $guisarme = 0>>\n<<set $schlachtschwert = 0>>\nRanged\n<<set $pistol = 1>>\n<<set $dragon = 0>>\n<<set $pepperbox = 0>>\n<<set $harmonica = 0>>\n<<set $revolver = 0>>\n<<set $musket = 0>>\n<<set $arquebus = 0>>\n<<set $flintlock = 0>>\n<<set $blunderbuss = 0>>\n<<set $carbine = 0>>\nOff Hand\n<<set $buckler = 2>>\n<<set $targe = 0>>\n<<set $heater = 0>>\n<<set $parma = 0>>\n<<set $bayonet = 0>>\nArmour\n<<set $leather = 2>>\n<<set $segmentata = 0>>\n<<set $haubergeon = 0>>\n<<set $chainmail = 0>>\n<<set $breastplate = 0>>\n<<set $tanko = 0>>\n<<set $fullplatex = 0>>\n<<set $xantri = 0>>\n<<set $fullplate = 0>>\nClothing\n<<set $clothing = "paladin">>\n<<set $appearance = 7>>\nPregnancy\n<<set $pregnancy = "none">>\n<<set $maternity = 0>>\n<<set $fertility = 3>>\n<<set $virility = 11>>\n<<set $yoljasgift = 0>>\nTattoos\n<<set $tattootriplespiral = 0>>\n<<set $tattootriskelion = 0>>\nRelationships\n<<set $ralynnslave = 0>>\nIntro\n<<set $introthake = 0>>\n<<set $intrograpple = 0>>\n<<set $introlevel = 0>>\n<<set $introdraper = 0>>\nTranmire Outpost\n<<set $tranmirewhore = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>
You equip the Flintlock.\n[[Ranged + 207|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $flintlock = 2>><<set $mainhand = 2>><<set $ranged = $ranged + 207>>\n<<if $buckler eq 2>><<set $buckler = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 18>><<endif>>\n<<if $targe eq 2>><<set $targe = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 27>><<endif>>\n<<if $heater eq 2>><<set $heater = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 36>><<endif>>\n<<if $parma eq 2>><<set $parma = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 45>><<endif>>\n<<set $twohanded = 1>>\n<<endsilently>>
You equip the Heater.\n[[Defense + 36|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $heater = 2>><<set $offhand = 1>><<set $block = $block + 36>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<if $foerandom eq 2 and $poison eq 0 and $poisonchance eq 1>><<set $poison = 1>>You are poisoned!<<endif>><<if $foerandom eq 2 and $poison eq 0 and $poisonchance eq 2>>You avoided the attack!<<endif>>
You equip the Revolver.\n[[Ranged + 247|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $revolver = 2>><<set $mainhand = 2>><<set $ranged = $ranged + 247>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<display Attack>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[The Luison howls mournfully as it falls to its side dead...|IntroLuisonVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display IntroLuisonAttack>> <<display IntroLuisonDamage>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroLuisonFight]]<<endif>>
You unequip the Guisarme.\n[[Melee - 231|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $guisarme = 1>><<set $mainhand = 0>><<set $melee = $melee - 231>>\n<<set $twohanded = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>
[[Inventory]]\n\nTop: Bra\nBottom: Panties\n\nIllustrious: the clothing system is not yet fully implemented.
The <<print $foename>> whispers into one hand, his fingernail turning a violet pink. You move back defensiively, <<if $foerandom eq 2 and $poison eq 0 and $poisonchance eq 1>><<set $poison = 1>>but he still manage to rake you across the cheek with one nail. You are poisoned!<<endif>> <<if $foerandom eq 2 and $poison eq 0 and $poisonchance eq 2>>and avoid his raking attack!<<endif>>
<<display Heal>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[With a final cry of distress the Thake falls from the sky...|IntroThakeVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display IntroThakeAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroThakeFight]]<<endif>>
<<display IntroThakeAttack>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<display Heal>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[IntroThakeVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroThakeFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
You unequip the Partisan.\n[[Melee - 105|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $partisan = 1>><<set $mainhand = 0>><<set $melee = $melee - 105>>\n<<set $twohanded = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>
A foe approaches you.\n<<silently>>\n<<set $foename = "Foe">>\n<<set $foelevel = 1>>\n<<set $foehealthmax = 200>>\n<<set $foehealthcurrent = $foehealthmax>>\n<<set $foeattackbase = 180>>\n<<set $foedefense = 140>>\n<<set $foedexterity = 11>>\n<<set $foeelement = "fire">>\n<<set $lust = $lustbase>>\n<<if $foelevel gte $level + 6>><<set $experiencefoe = 100>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level + 4 or $foelevel eq $level + 5>><<set $experiencefoe = 80>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level + 2 or $foelevel eq $level + 3>><<set $experiencefoe = 60>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level + 1 or $foelevel eq $level or $foelevel eq $level - 1>><<set $experiencefoe = 40>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level - 2 or $foelevel eq $level - 3>><<set $experiencefoe = 30>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel eq $level - 4 or $foelevel eq $level - 5>><<set $experiencefoe = 20>><<else>>\n<<if $foelevel lte $level - 6>><<set $experiencefoe = 10>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n[[Fight|FoeFight]]
[[Inventory]]\n\nClothing\n-Paladin Attire\n(A white dress that sits above the knee, bound against your waist by a stury leather belt. A thick white jacket is worn on top, with a large black eye embroidered on the back. The Paladin's every watchful symbol is further represented on it's black buttons, embossed with silver eyes. Tall, brown leather hiking boots cover your feet. Though the white outfit is hard to keep clean, it is instantly recognisable.)\n\nIllustrious: the clothing system is not yet fully implemented.
Background (light): 8ab6e6 \nBackground Gradient (dark): 4876d5\nColor Text: e1ebfe\nPassage Link (light): c4f77d\nPassage Hover (dark): 91e04b\nSidebar Text (dark): 587bb8\nSidebar Hover (light): 7492d4\nSidebar Shadow: 4876d5\n\nbody\n{ background: #8ab6e6;\n color: #e1ebfe;\n font-family: Verdana Ref, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;\n font-size: 11pt;\n text-shadow: e1ebfe 0 0 0.1em, e1ebfe 0 0 1em;\nbackground-image: -webkit-gradient(\n linear,\n left top,\n left bottom,\n color-stop(0, #8ab6e6),\n color-stop(0.50, #8ab6e6)\n);\n background-repeat: no-repeat;\nbackground-image: -o-linear-gradient(bottom, #4876d5 0%, #8ab6e6 50%);\nbackground-image: -moz-linear-gradient(bottom, #4876d5 0%, #8ab6e6 50%);\nbackground-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(bottom, #4876d5 0%, #8ab6e6 50%);\nbackground-image: -ms-linear-gradient(bottom, #4876d5 0%, #8ab6e6 50%);\nbackground-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #4876d5 0%, #8ab6e6 50%);\n height: 6em;\n }\n\na.internalLink\n{ color: #c4f77d;}\n\na.internalLink:hover, a.externalLink:hover\n{ color: #91e04b !important;\ntext-shadow: #91e04b 0 0 0.1em, #91e04b 0 0 1em;\ntext-decoration:none;}\n\n#sidebar li#title\n{ color: #587bb8; \n text-shadow: #587bb8 0 0 0.1em, #4876d5 0 0 1em;}\n\nli#snapback\n{ color: #587bb8; \n text-shadow: #587bb8 0 0 0.1em, #4876d5 0 0 1em;}\n\nli#restart\n{ color: #587bb8; \n text-shadow: #587bb8 0 0 0.1em, #4876d5 0 0 1em;}\n\n#sidebar\n{ top:0;\n left:0;\n padding-top: 4.2em;\n padding-left: 4.2em;\n width: 16em;\n height: 100%;}\n\n#sidebar, #sidebar #title, #sidebar a\n{ color: #7492d4\n text-shadow: #e1ebfe 0 0 0.1em, #e1ebfe 0 0 1em !important;}\n\n#sidebar #title:hover, #sidebar a.hover, #sidebar li:hover\n{ color:#587bb8 !important;\n text-shadow: #e1ebfe 0 0 0.1em, #e1ebfe 0 0 1em !important;}\n\n#sidebar li { text-align: right;}\n\nli#share { visibility: hidden; }\n\nli#credits { visibility: hidden; }\n\nli#divide { visibility: hidden; }
<<display Attack>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[The two Callows slump against each other, beaten...|IntroGropersVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display IntroGropersAttack>> <<display IntroGropersGrapple>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroGropersFight]]<<endif>>
<<if $poison eq 1>><<set $healthcurrent = $healthcurrent - $poisondamage - $poisonrandom>>You take ongoing poison damage!<<endif>>
<<if $foerandom eq 1 or $foerandom eq 2 and $poison eq 1>><<set $healthcurrent = $healthcurrent - $foeattack>>The <<print $foename>> slashes at you with its long claws, dealing <<print $foeattack>> damage!<<endif>>
<<display Shoot>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[With a final cry of distress the Thake falls from the sky...|IntroThakeVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display IntroThakeAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroThakeFight]]<<endif>>
You unequip the Mortuary.\n[[Melee - 153|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $mortuary = 1>><<set $mainhand = 0>><<set $melee = $melee - 153>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<display FoeAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<display Channel>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[IntroMorgrinVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroMorgrinFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<display IntroSentryAttack>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<display Barrier>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[The Callow stumbles backwards a few steps before tumbling to the ground...|IntroSentryVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroSentryFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<display Barrier>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[The Callow stumbles backwards a few steps before tumbling to the ground...|IntroSentryVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display IntroSentryAttack>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroSentryFight]]<<endif>>
body\n{ background: #8ab6e6;\n color: #e1ebfe;\n font-family: Verdana Ref, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;\n font-size: 11pt;\n text-shadow: e1ebfe 0 0 0.1em, e1ebfe 0 0 1em;\nbackground-image: -webkit-gradient(\n linear,\n left top,\n left bottom,\n color-stop(0, #8ab6e6),\n color-stop(0.50, #8ab6e6)\n);\n background-repeat: no-repeat;\nbackground-image: -o-linear-gradient(bottom, #4876d5 0%, #8ab6e6 50%);\nbackground-image: -moz-linear-gradient(bottom, #4876d5 0%, #8ab6e6 50%);\nbackground-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(bottom, #4876d5 0%, #8ab6e6 50%);\nbackground-image: -ms-linear-gradient(bottom, #4876d5 0%, #8ab6e6 50%);\nbackground-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #4876d5 0%, #8ab6e6 50%);\n height: 6em;\n }\n\na.internalLink\n{ color: #c4f77d;}\n\na.internalLink:hover, a.externalLink:hover\n{ color: #91e04b !important;\ntext-shadow: #91e04b 0 0 0.1em, #91e04b 0 0 1em;\ntext-decoration:none;}\n\n#sidebar li#title\n{ color: #587bb8; \n text-shadow: #587bb8 0 0 0.1em, #4876d5 0 0 1em;}\n\nli#snapback\n{ color: #587bb8; \n text-shadow: #587bb8 0 0 0.1em, #4876d5 0 0 1em;}\n\nli#restart\n{ color: #587bb8; \n text-shadow: #587bb8 0 0 0.1em, #4876d5 0 0 1em;}\n\n#sidebar\n{ top:0;\n left:0;\n padding-top: 4.2em;\n padding-left: 4.2em;\n width: 16em;\n height: 100%;}\n\n#sidebar, #sidebar #title, #sidebar a\n{ color: #7492d4\n text-shadow: #e1ebfe 0 0 0.1em, #e1ebfe 0 0 1em !important;}\n\n#sidebar #title:hover, #sidebar a.hover, #sidebar li:hover\n{ color:#587bb8 !important;\n text-shadow: #e1ebfe 0 0 0.1em, #e1ebfe 0 0 1em !important;}\n\n#sidebar li { text-align: right;}\n\nli#share { visibility: hidden; }\n\nli#credits { visibility: hidden; }\n\nli#divide { visibility: hidden; }
Medicine\n-Kamrusepa: <<if $kamrusepa eq 0>>0<<else>><<if $kamrusepa gte 1>><<print $kamrusepa>> [[Use|IntroThakeKamrusepa]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n-Angitia: <<if $angitia eq 0>>0<<else>><<if $angitia gte 1>><<print $angitia>> [[Use|IntroThakeAngitia]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n\n[[Back|IntroThakeFight]]
<<display $ice>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[The two Callows slump against each other, beaten...|IntroCallowsVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display IntroCallowsAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroCallowsFight]]<<endif>>
<<print $foename>>: <<if $foehealthcurrent gte 375>>unhurt<<else>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 250>>injured<<else>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 125>>wounded<<else>>critical<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\nChallenge: <<if $foelevel gte $level + 6>>impossible<<endif>><<if $foelevel eq $level + 4 or $foelevel eq $level + 5>>difficult<<endif>><<if $foelevel eq $level + 2 or $foelevel eq $level + 3>>tough<<endif>><<if $foelevel eq $level - 1 or $foelevel eq $level or $foelevel eq $level + 1 >>equal<<endif>><<if $foelevel eq $level - 2 or $foelevel eq $level - 3>>simple<<endif>><<if $foelevel eq $level - 4 or $foelevel eq $level - 5>>weak<<endif>><<if $foelevel lte $level - 6>>pathetic<<endif>>\n<<if $healthmax lte $healthcurrent>><<set $healthcurrent = $healthmax>><<endif>>\nThe cramped conditions prevent the <<print $foename>> from surrounding you, but not from attacking you remorselessly.\n\nHealth: <<print $healthcurrent>> / <<print $healthmax>> <<if $poison eq 1>>(poisoned)<<else>><<endif>><<endif>> <<if $lust eq 3 or $lust eq 4 or $lust eq 5>>(aroused)<<endif>><<if $lust eq 6 or $lust eq 7 or $lust eq 8>>(horny)<<endif>><<if $lust eq 9>>(close to orgasm)<<endif>>\nMana <<if $manacurrent eq 0>>0<<else>><<print $manacurrent>><<endif>><<endif>> / <<print $manamax>>\nAmmunition: <<if $ammunitioncurrent eq 0>>0<<else>><<print $ammunitioncurrent>><<endif>> / <<print $ammunitionmax>>\n<<if $melee gte 1 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>><<set $combatattack = 1>>[[Attack|IntroCallowsAttack1]]<<else>><<if $melee gte 1>><<set $combatattack = 1>>[[Attack|IntroCallowsAttack2]]<<endif>><<endif>> <<if $ranged gte 1 and $dexterity gte $foedexterity>>[[Shoot|IntroCallowsShoot1]]<<else>><<if $ranged gte 1>>[[Shoot|IntroCallowsShoot2]]<<endif>><<endif>> [[Magic|IntroCallowsMagic]]\n[[Items|IntroCallowsItems]] Escape [[Submit|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]\n<<if $companion eq "none">><<else>><<print $companion>>: Scatter Shot/Poisen Bolt<<endif>>\n<<silently>>\n\n<<if $barrier gte 10 and $buckler eq 2 or $barrier gte 10 and $targe eq 2 or $barrier gte 10 and $heater eq 2 or $barrier gte 10 and $parma eq 2>><<set $barrier = $barrier + 10>><<endif>>\n\n<<set $attack = ($weaponskill*10) + $melee - $foedefense>>\n<<if $attack lte 0>><<set $attack = 1>><<endif>>\n<<set $attackrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $attack = $attack + $attackrandom>>\n\n<<set $shoot = ($marksmanship*10) + $ranged - $foedefense>>\n<<if $shoot lte 0>><<set $shoot = 1>><<endif>>\n<<set $shootrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $shoot = $shoot + $shootrandom>>\n\n<<set $firedamage = ($knowledge*10) + $fire - $foedefense>>\n<<if $foeelement eq "ice">><<set $firedamage = $firedamage*2>><<endif>>\n<<if $foeelement eq "fire">><<set $firedamage = $firedamage/4>><<endif>>\n<<if $firedamage lte 0>><<set $firedamage = 1>><<endif>>\n<<set $firerandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $firedamage = $firedamage + $firerandom>>\n\n<<set $icedamage = ($knowledge*10) + $ice - $foedefense>>\n<<if $foeelement eq "fire">><<set $icedamage = $icedamage*2>><<endif>>\n<<if $foeelement eq "ice">><<set $icedamage = $icedamage/4>><<endif>>\n<<if $icedamage lte 0>><<set $icedamage = 1>><<endif>>\n<<set $icerandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $icedamage = $icedamage + $icerandom>>\n\n<<set $foeattack = $foeattackbase - $defense>>\n<<if $foeattack lte 0>><<set $foeattack = 1>><<endif>>\n<<set $foeattackrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $foeattack = $foeattack + $foeattackrandom>>\n\n<<set $healrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*20))+1>>\n<<set $channelrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $medicinerandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*30))+1>>\n\n<<set $foerandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*1))+1>>\n<<set $foeescaperandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*30))+1>>\n<<set $foeescape = $foeescaperandom + $dexterity>>\n\n<<set $poisonchance = (Math.floor(Math.random()*1))+1>>\n<<set $poisonrandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*10))+1>>\n<<set $poisondamage = 15>>\n\n<<set $grapple = 0>>\n<<set $grapplerandom = (Math.floor(Math.random()*3))+1>>\n\n<<endsilently>>
You unequip the Schlachtschwert.\n[[Melee - 273|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $schlachtschwert = 1>><<set $mainhand = 0>><<set $melee = $melee - 273>>\n<<set $twohanded = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<display Attack>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[IntroMorgrinVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display FoeAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroMorgrinFight]]<<endif>>
<<display IntroDraperAttack>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<display Heal>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[The Ice Drapercoils back on itself, flailing madly...|IntroDraperVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroDraperFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<display IntroGropersAttack>> <<display IntroGropersGrapple>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<display Channel>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[The two Callows slump against each other, beaten...|IntroGropersVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroGropersFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<display FoeAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|FoeDefeat]]<<else>><<display Channel>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[FoeVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|FoeFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
You equip the Full Plate.\n[[Defense + 96|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $fullplate = 2>><<set $armour = 1>><<set $block = $block + 96>>\n<<endsilently>>
You unequip the Claymore.\n[[Melee - 221|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $claymore = 1>><<set $mainhand = 0>><<set $melee = $melee - 221>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<display Channel>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[FoeVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display FoeAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|FoeDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|FoeFight]]<<endif>>
<<display Channel>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[IntroMorgrinVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display FoeAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroMorgrinFight]]<<endif>>
<<display Attack>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[The Ice Drapercoils back on itself, flailing madly...|IntroDraperVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display IntroDraperAttack>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroDraperFight]]<<endif>>
<<display FoeAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|FoeDefeat]]<<else>><<display Fire>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[FoeVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|FoeFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<display Heal>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[FoeVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display FoeAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|FoeDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|FoeFight]]<<endif>>
You equip the Musket.\n[[Ranged + 115|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $musket = 2>><<set $mainhand = 2>><<set $ranged = $ranged + 115>>\n<<if $buckler eq 2>><<set $buckler = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 18>><<endif>>\n<<if $targe eq 2>><<set $targe = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 27>><<endif>>\n<<if $heater eq 2>><<set $heater = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 36>><<endif>>\n<<if $parma eq 2>><<set $parma = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $block = $block - 45>><<endif>>\n<<set $twohanded = 1>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<display Fire>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0>>[[FoeVictory]]<<endif>><<if $foehealthcurrent gte 1>><<display FoeAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|FoeDefeat]]<<endif>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $foehealthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|FoeFight]]<<endif>>
<<display IntroDraperAttack>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<if $grapple eq 0>><<display Attack>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[The Ice Drapercoils back on itself, flailing madly...|IntroDraperVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroDraperFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
<<display FoeAttack>><<display FoePoison>> <<display FoeDamage>> <<display FoeGrapple>>\n\n<<if $healthcurrent lte 0>>[[You collapse, unable to keep fighting...|IntroMorgrinDefeat]]<<else>><<if $grapple eq 0>><<display Shoot>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $foehealthcurrent lte 0 and $grapple eq 0>>[[IntroMorgrinVictory]]<<else>><<if $healthcurrent gte 1 and $grapple eq 0>>[[Fight|IntroMorgrinFight]]<<endif>><<endif>>
You unequip the Arquebus.\n[[Ranged - 161|Inventory]]\n<<silently>>\n<<set $arquebus = 1>><<set $mainhand = 0>><<set $ranged = $ranged - 161>>\n<<if $bayonet eq 2>><<set $bayonet = 1>><<set $offhand = 0>><<set $melee = $melee - 127>><<endif>>\n<<set $twohanded = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<if $foerandom eq 1 or $foerandom eq 2 and $poison eq 1>><<set $healthcurrent = $healthcurrent - $foeattack>>The <<print $foename>> mauls you for <<print $foeattack>> damage!<<endif>> <<if $poisonchance eq 1 and $poison eq 0>><<set $poison = 1>>The bite makes you feel sick, you must be poisoned!<<endif>>
Medicine\n-Kamrusepa: <<if $kamrusepa eq 0>>0<<else>><<if $kamrusepa gte 1>><<print $kamrusepa>> [[Use|FoeKamrusepa]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n-Angitia: <<if $angitia eq 0>>0<<else>><<if $angitia gte 1>><<print $angitia>> [[Use|FoeAngitia]]<<endif>><<endif>>\n\n[[Back|FoeFight]]
Too aroused!\n\n[[FoeDefeat]]